
Chapter One: Feng Yi

Day 27 Month 10 Year 1302 of the Exalted Era

Time seemed to have stopped for Feng as he was faced with a most intriguing choice that could decide his life.


The beautiful woman in front of him wore a very revealing dress, but even that couldn't distract one from the crown on her head, rather it shouldn't distract one of one wanted to keep his own head.

"I am not sure, could you describe in further detail the nature of this deal, or at least give me some details." Feng sounded sure of himself as he spoke, but only he knew that sure was the last thing he was.

"What kind of details are you interested in? Ask away and we will answer any questions honestly." One of the old, old, very old, men that were besides the queen spoke. Slurring and spitting with every word, as expected of someone with one and a half feet in the grave.

"I have several questions, the first being why in Hel's name do you need someone from

another world to be king?!" Feng was feeling quite exasperated to be honest, as the whole situation didn't make sense and left him wondering if he was drugged, in a dream or mental.

The queen quickly answered, not before giving the old man a subtle look that was almost unnoticed by Feng, almost.

"We have records of sending one of your ancestors as an ambassador to your world before losing contact with them because of an accident. That ambassador was my great uncle, General Fidah. Because of recent assassinations we find ourselves really short on people with our bloodline, we need our bloodline to be strong if we want to keep our bloodline magic."

"So then I'd be the king?" Feeling intrigued by this offer Feng naturally got a little exited.

"Only in name!" Another old man felt the need to clarify, with some obvious anger in his tone.

" I need a king too, I'm not legally allowed to remain queen without a king, but of course all the political power will be mine. Not that it would matter since you'll be in the consort hall in the main palace when not with me"

Every sentence that was answered to him dampened his enthusiasm further. "So you expect me to be what you don't want to be yourself?" Feng had a clear tone of annoyance in his voice.

The queen looked down guiltily but answers as fast as always. "Yes, but you'll be taken care off."

"You can forget it." Feng almost shouted at her while jumping back into the portal still open right behind him.

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