
Death Game: Full Intelligence Answering System

When Bristol woke up, he never expected to be selected for a Death game! At the beginning of the game, players were shot one by one, blood splattering everywhere, death descending silently. Just as Bristol fell into despair, he unexpectedly awakened the fully Intelligence Answering System! From that moment on, he embarked on a journey full of challenges and adventures. In the game, he not only faced various obstacles and enemies but also had to solve various puzzles and tests. With the help of the fully Intelligence Answering System, he could easily handle various situations and gain a large number of treasures and benefits. For Bristol, this system was simply his lifesaver, allowing him to navigate effortlessly between life and death. However, as he gradually became accustomed to the system's assistance and began to crave higher-level rewards, he found himself in an even more dangerous situation. Bristol began to ponder, realizing that he was involved in a larger conspiracy. Unbeknownst to him, his adventures had become material for viewers in the live stream room to learn magic. They were not just watching the live stream; they were secretly coveting the power and treasures on Bristol's body. Now, Bristol not only had to face the challenges of the game but also the viewers in the live stream room and deeper conspiracies. Could he survive in this world full of danger and temptation and fulfill his mission?

DaoistdBpB8T · Jogos
Classificações insuficientes
44 Chs

The sound of the clearance reward echoed throughout the room again!


Under the rushing water, people often lose their usual rationality and observational skills due to anxiety.


Therefore, although this level had no mechanisms, its difficulty was quite high.


It tested whether people could maintain a calm heart in dire situations.


Bristol glanced at the answer on the panel, then reached out to ruffle Ann's hair, smiling as he said:


"I've got it."


"Really? That's great!"


Ann jumped up excitedly, splashing water around.


Her suspended heart finally settled!


"It looks like I'll have to get closer to Bristol after this. That way, the chances of getting out of this death building will be higher!"


Ann thought to herself, her gaze towards Bristol filled with even more admiration!


In the live broadcast room, the audience split into two factions after hearing Bristol's words!


"Did you see that? Bristol is really reliable!"


"No wonder it's Bristol, the boss who broke two levels in a row!"


"I think you should wait until he actually opens the door before boasting. Right now, you're only making yourselves look more ridiculous!"


"That's right! It's so windy! Aren't you afraid of spraining your tongue!"


In the room, although Arlene and Bertha didn't jump up like Ann, they both let out a sigh of relief.


Ervin and Dale also stopped their actions, their eyes fixed on Bristol.


Only Edgar, looking at Bristol, was filled with doubt.


How could he have come up with another solution!


He must be showing off!


Edgar thought disdainfully.


"Arlene, open all the doors of the restroom stalls next to you."


Bristol looked back and found Arlene standing right beside the restroom partitions, so he instructed.




Arlene hesitated for a moment, then quickly agreed.


Due to the deep water on the ground, mixed with many sticky, unknown substances, Arlene struggled to open the doors.


Seeing this, Dale quickly nudged her boyfriend next to her, urging him to step forward and help Arlene.


After opening all the restroom stall doors, Bristol looked towards the mirror.


Sure enough, the system didn't disappoint!


Bristol could clearly see that some patterns on the stall doors overlapped with the spattered blood on the mirror. "2... 5... 8... 0"


Bristol pronounced the numbers he had identified.


In the corner, Billy Doll, upon hearing the numbers Bristol spoke, barely perceptible, contracted his pupils.


"He really is a clever one, finding the answer so quickly."


"Are you sure? You're not just making up numbers on the spot and then getting a companion to try the password for you!" The Elite Man sneered loudly.


The Elite Man didn't believe that Bristol standing there could come up with a solution!


"I believe in Bristol."


Arlene walked up to Bristol's side, her eyes flashing with determination.


From the two previous rooms, Arlene had noticed that Bristol was calmer and more observant than anyone else!


Moreover, from Bristol's various behaviors, he didn't seem to be like Edgar, a deceitful person!


Therefore, Arlene believed that Bristol had truly found a solution, rather than trying to deceive everyone into being sacrificial lambs!


Ann, seeing Arlene's stance, thought to herself:


"I should also take this opportunity to express my trust in Brother Bristol and bring us closer together!"


Then she stood beside Bristol and loudly addressed Edgar:


"I also believe in Brother Bristol."


"If you don't believe, then go find your own password!" Bertha didn't speak, but she shifted towards where Bristol stood, looking at the Elite Man with hostility.


Ervin hesitated for a moment, then stood still with his girlfriend, intending to wait and see!


On the pool, the water still flowed from the faucet, mixed with some bright red liquid, resembling gushing blood.


Bristol gave the Elite Man a meaningful look, then strode towards the door, everyone closely following behind.


When Bristol pressed the last number "0" on the code lock, the flow of water from the faucet instantly stopped.


"Beep... beep..."


The massive iron door opened once again!


In the live broadcast room, everyone's eyes widened at the sight of the open door!


"I just came in, and only 'awesome' can describe how I feel right now."


"Upstairs, stay calm. My first time seeing the feeling of the boss breaking through is just like yours!"


"I don't know what's going on, but the more I look at Brother Bristol, the more I feel he has a kind of elegance!"


The barrage of comments exploded across the screen.


"Indeed, I didn't misjudge Bristol!"


In the room, Arlene looked excitedly at the open door, thinking to herself!


"Brother Bristol, you're amazing! How did you come up with the password?" Ann's eyes sparkled with excitement as she shook Bristol's arm.


Bristol smiled and explained the answer given by the system in a different way:


"When I came in earlier, I stood in front of the mirror the whole time. The first thing I saw in the mirror was the restroom stall doors across from me.


So, I observed the graffiti on the restroom stall doors through the mirror.


I noticed that although these graffiti were chaotic, they seemed to hide some special patterns.


Moreover, each door had green graffiti that looked like some blurry numbers.


Just then, I noticed one open door, and the green graffiti on it unexpectedly combined with the bloodstains on the mirror, forming a number.


So, I asked Arlene to open all the doors, wanting to see if all the door patterns connected together could form a coherent number."


After listening to Bristol's explanation, everyone showed expressions of sudden realization, except for the Elite Man, whose eyes were filled with malice.


"Aren't you afraid that these numbers are not the password and that everyone will be punished?" The Elite Man's face was full of anger as he questioned.


Bristol's lips curled up slightly, revealing a cold smile:


"Well, it seems everyone saw it."




The Elite Man was left speechless, his face turning as red as a beetroot.


In the live broadcast room, the audience had only one word in their hearts: satisfying!


"Boycott the Elite Man!"


"This is the first time in the third level that we still get to see seven people!"


[Bristol, I want to write a poem for you!]


[I bet, Bristol will break through five levels this time!]


[Upstairs, be bold, I bet he will walk out of the death building alive!]


[Who said earlier that if Bristol passed this level, they would do it with a pig? Come out and fulfill your promise!]


Due to Bristol's unprecedented record, the live broadcast of this death game became the hottest headline on various platforms!


Major TV stations sent out their most elite reporters, who joined the live streaming platforms to follow the content of this death game at any time.


Once again, the sound of clearing the level reward echoed throughout the entire room!