
Death Date

The knowledge of the day when death will come is a peculiar feeling. It made me feel both anxious and expectant until this moment. Now, I simply desire for it to be finished.

Nuno_Menezes · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
8 Chs


I find myself unable to continue lying on the cold, sterile bed any longer. The emptiness and isolation of the room have become unbearable, and I long for something more tangible, more real, and more alive. I need to feel connected to the world one last time before I leave it forever. So, I make my way towards the window, hoping to find solace in the twinkling lights above.

As I sit by the window, I am immediately captivated by the celestial bodies in the sky. They seem so close yet so far, like they are within arm's reach, yet infinitely unreachable. If only I could touch them, feel their warmth on my skin, and bask in their comforting light. But alas, I am stuck here, confined to this earthly plane, unable to soar and fly like the stars above.

The night air rushes in through the open window, brushing against my face and filling my lungs with fresh scents from the trees below. It's a reminder that life is still happening outside, that nature is still thriving, even as I lay here, counting my final breaths. I stand up, leaning out of the window, and feel a rush of adrenaline coursing through my veins. It's as if I am truly alive for the first time in a while.

As my eyes scan the building's architecture, I notice a metal trellis running along its side, and below it, a beautiful jasmine plant weaving its way up towards the sky. Above it, however, there is nothing but emptiness, a void waiting to be filled. Suddenly, I am struck with a bold idea. I will climb up there, to the top, to where the stars reside. It's a risky move, I know, but what do I have to lose now?

I grab a small blanket from the closet, roll it, and tie it across my chest to protect myself from the chilly night air. Slowly and cautiously, I climb out of the window and begin my ascent. My fingers and toes grip tightly onto the cold metal railings, pulling myself up inch by inch, step by step. There's a sense of freedom in this climb, a sense of liberation, as if I am shedding the chains of mortality and reaching for the heavens.

I am almost there, just one more floor to go, and then I am pulling myself over a small ledge onto the roof. I am breathless, exhilarated, and overwhelmed. The cityscape is spread out before me, and the mountain stands tall in the distance, a reminder of the vastness of the world. The buildings glisten like bejeweled steps to the heavens, and I feel like I am on top of the world.

Wrapped up in my blanket, I lay down on the roof, gazing up at the stars. They are singing a song that I cannot hear, but their presence is enough to comfort me. They've been watching over me my whole life, silent, steady, always there. And now, as I lay here, basking in their glow, I feel like I am a part of them. They'll find me up here tomorrow, but for now, I am content to spend my last moments under their watchful eyes.

With my eyes closed, I drift off to sleep, cuddled up in my blanket, and surrounded by the comforting light of the stars. It's a peaceful and serene end to a tumultuous and uncertain life. But for this one moment, all is right with the world, and I am at peace.