
The Letter

Dear Miss Second Female Lead,

If you ever hear people gossiping about a hot bad boy, playboy, cold but, handsome kid, mysterious new student, or emotionless CEO, please, run away.


If you have already met that boy, resist all your hormones.

It. Is. Not. Worth. It. Period.

And if you live in a medieval European society, well, there is a 99% possibility that you are in an otome.

What is that? Well, you don't need to worry about what an otome is.

Just know that the top 3 husband material guys aren't up for sale. Actually, let's be safe and say 5.

They will only simp for this girl who either popped out of nowhere or who obviously acts differently from other ladies.

Extra points if they give golds to ragged kids on the streets.

Oh, by the way, if you ever see these kids, I mean, you probably won't since only one of the husband-boi will, take them in your house.

Because the sparkly benevolent saint doesn't know that the kids will probably get killed in the streets once she is gone. Since everyone will start attacking the kids for the gold. After all, greed is a core of mankind.

Oh, and if your best friend who nearly died acts weird all of a sudden, there is only one explanation.


Ditch that friend because she will drag you through enough trouble that you'll think she betrayed a whole nation in her past life.

She will be protected by the male lead, but I can't guarantee that you will.

As for that beautiful genius that is being bullied, sure, help her but run away once a certain handsome ice cube comes.

There is no point trying to talk to him, you will just fall in love with him while he doesn't even know you exist.

As for the ice block called CEO, there is honestly nothing good about him other than his looks and money. Plus, he probably already slept with a poor, poor lady in extreme debt. One of her parents is probably a vegetable in the hospital while the other acts like a complete a-hole.

If you see the CEO, tell him for me that he shouldn't drink too much alcohol, or else he'll force himself on so many girls that he probably will get STD.

Oh wait, I forgot that he has, whatchamacallit, gynophobia, a fear of women. But the rules of the world don't apply to our dear female lead.

Screw her.

Anyways, just, please, stay away from the male lead.

I promise it will be nothing but heartbreak.

You will be enchanted by his looks and perhaps his moment of kindness.

But it doesn't matter, your feelings don't matter. It never did.

You will feel betrayed by the female lead, your beautiful best friend with the man you love.

You will hate her, you might hurt her.

In the end, you will just be a pawn of the author, used as a sacrifice to help the female lead and make her look better.

But, you know, when the storm settles, you will meet another man as a pathetic "I'm sorry" gift from the author.

The man probably faced the same heartbreak as you, as the second male lead, and you will comfort each other and mend the wound.

The scar will never fade away, but the pain might.

So, if you didn't pay heed to my warnings, there is still hope.

There is still someone in the world who cherishes you.

So, Miss Second Female Lead, no matter what choices you will make, I hope that you are happy.

Hii, this is a reupload of a short story I wrote on another platform (since I basically got no views on that story, life of a procrastinating writer-but-not-really-writer)!

I hope that this short story was amusing!

I don't write a lot because of *laziness* but I'm trying to improve myself nowadays, *look at all my C's in school, internally cry*.

Please comment your suggestions and thoughts about this short letter-format story!

Also, please vote and smash that like button! Yes, I have to say that because I can't find a better opportunity to say "smash the like button".

Until next time! I hope to see you around!

~ Scatter aka Scatteredli

Scatteredlicreators' thoughts