
Deadpool fanfic

When Deadpool gets seen by Colossus, he takes Zander aka Atomic Flame with him to bring in deadpool.

GhostWriter1996 · Filmes
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9 Chs

Chapter Nine

Zander was in the living room working on his sliding mind puzzle, listing to music. Bobby walked up and sat down. "Sorry about John," he said. Zander looks up. "He doesn't bother me," he said. He said, "Fool needs a lighter for his power," and got the square in the bottom. He smiled and started a new one. "what is youre power," Bobby asked. Zander's neck redded, and a small flame came from his mouth. Bobby nodded and made his beer cold. He smiled. "Cool," he said. He smiled and was working. Kitty walks up. "Umm, there is a black and red motorcycle on fire," she said. Zander shot up and ran out. He saw John setting his bike on fire. He was pissed off. He blew flames, but Jean stopped them. "Jean, move," Zander said. "No fighting in the yard," she said. Zander took a deep breath and punched John in the face hard. He saw his bike. It was fucked. Bobby ran out and saw John with a broken nose. Zander sighed, looking at his motorcycle. "Prick," he mumbled. "Jean, if he keeps this up, I will beat the shit out of him," he said and kicked his bike, and walked off. Jean sighs. She walks off. Wade came back with a new bike helmet and saw his bike. "What the fuck happened," he said. "John melted it. Jean stopped Zander's attack, and Zander punched him," Bobby said. Wade walks into the mansion. "Where is my deep-throat danger buddy," Wade says. Logan sighs, hearing him.

"He is in the calming cell due to what happened," he said. Wade goes. Zander was eating cotton candy, walking back and forth. Jean looks. "Your heart rate needs to lower before I let you out, Zander," she said. "I built that bike from the bottom up, Jean, and that little shit storm just melted it." Wade looks. "Zander," he said. He looks, and his heart rate slows seeing him. Jean lets him out. Wade walks up with Zander holding his hand. John is mad. He had a crush on him and didn't know how to deal with it.

Zander laughs when Wade picks him up. "Seeing you eat that cotton candy was sexy," he said. Zander smiles. "That's only because you like my split tongue," he said and licked his face. Wade smiles. "That I do," he said. "Omg, I haven't given you head with my tongue," Zander said. Wade's eyes widened, and they took him to their room. Zander laughs. Wade sat on the bed with him on his lap as they made out; John was watching. Zander smiled and was slowly moving down. Wade was so excited to feel his tongue. When Zander got to his cock they took him into his mouth. His split tongue had his cock between, and they were moving. Wade moans loudly, feeling "Fuck" he breathes. Zander's tongue slowly moved up his shaft and around the tip. Wade moans loudly "fucking Christ," he sighs. "You are holy fuck" he laments. Zander keeps going. John was watching and enjoying it. Wade pushed Zander's head down as he came hard. Zander gagged a little and swallowed, and looked up. Wade was breathing heavily.y "That was incredible," he said. Zander smiles. "Glad you liked it," he said. Wads stood up and opened the door, and John was gone. "Baby, what's wrong," Zander asks. Wade came back. "Thought someone was watching us," he said. Zander looks "Probley John" he said.