
Deadly music

The town of Millfield had always been known for its love of music. Every summer, the town would host a massive music festival, drawing in people from all over the region. This year, however, something strange was happening.

As the music played, people began to drop like flies. At first, it was just a few people here and there, but as the festival went on, the number of casualties continued to rise.

The town's mayor, a middle-aged man named Frank, was at a loss for what to do. He had never seen anything like this before. As the bodies piled up, Frank knew he had to take action.

He called in the National Guard to help contain the situation, but it was too late. The music had already claimed the lives of dozens of people, and there was no stopping it.

As the town mourned the loss of their loved ones, they began to wonder: was it the music itself that was killing them, or was there something more sinister at play? Frank vowed to get to the bottom of this mystery, even if it meant putting his own life on the line.

But as the days turned into weeks and the weeks turned into months, the town of Millfield was left with more questions than answers. The music that had once brought them joy now only brought death and destruction. And as the festival's organizers prepared for next year's event, no one knew if they would be able to survive another round of deadly music.