
Deadliest Kiss

Ariya is trying to start over, after losing her mother in a suspicious situation, she feels lost and needs some closure. Michael is a successful CEO of a company and a leader within the underworld, something Ariya knows nothing about. Will their meeting go as planned, are they destined to find each other? Or will Ariya get herself killed being reckless?

Taylor_Harkness · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
15 Chs

The Crash

"I can never apologize enough for what you must think" I speak softly, hiding my face from him as I can still see him smirking. "I promise I have sent many emails that probably shouldn't have been sent" he says suddenly his face turns red and I can see him trying to hide it. Well I guess I should get to work. I tell myself to walk out of his office. "Let me know if you need anything" "I shall Miss Rose" he smirks. He makes me so frustrated. Especially because he is so attractive...wait what did I just say. He is not attractive. I have no feelings for him. He runs a company that produces weapons. But it is a successful company. Ariya pull yourself together... I sigh. I need to work out... I text Marcus making sure that we can train tonight. I sigh in relief when he says yes. The rest of the day I sit staring at my email wondering what I was thinking and what I was dreaming about. I have no recollection but it must have been bad. I shudder thinking of the possibilities. I need more than anything to keep this job. I look at the clock and see it's time to leave. I stop in on Mr. Tobias making sure that he doesn't need anything else. "Get home safe Miss Rose" I nod, trying not to make eye contact. Getting in my car I start driving to the gym. Looking in the seat next to me at my duffle bag that holds my workout clothes. I shake off the nervousness. Something about Marcus makes me itch but he is such a good teacher I argue back at myself.

Turning into the parking lot suddenly something hits me and I can feel a hot liquid dripping onto my face. Trying to move my hand I look and can only see a small light from under the car. I start to panic but can't move an inch. I reach for my seat belt buckle, I unlatch it and fall to the roof of my overturned car. Realizing now that I may actually be injured I try to get out of my car. The back window is broken so I move slowly toward the back of the car. I hear screaming and panic outside of the vehicle but can still see no one. I slowly crawl out of the back and collapse outside on the cold cement. I can feel the broken glass on my skin but can't seem to move off of it. I look up and see the stars and flashing lights and approaching darkness....

    I hear a steady beeping coming from somewhere in the distance. It sounds like a machine. Opening my eyes I look around and I see a room in all white. I try to move my arms and the beeping becomes faster. I take a few deep breaths and continue scanning the room. I see my sister asleep in a chair. I try to speak but the words won't come out. Only a scratchy noise that hurts my throat. She shakes awake and looks at me. Getting up she runs over to me "Hi, can you hear me?" I shake my head yes. "Hi. I was so worried!" I will try to talk again. But she shakes her head "it's fine you don't have to talk, I just am so glad you are okay. If I would have lost you I don't know what I would have done" A single tear runs down my cheek. She reaches for the tear and wipes it away. "Do you remember anything? '' she pleads. I shake my head yes.

"Let me get a nurse, maybe she will let you eat or drink some juice. '' She leaves quickly and brings an older nurse back in with her.

"Hello sweetie, you took quite a spill. Do you think you are ready to eat or drink?"

I squeak "yes"

"Alright, we will start out with some juice and see how that works out...sound good?"

"Yes'' I realize the less I speak the less pain I feel. I try to move but notice I'm in more pain than I thought. "You broke a few ribs, your face was pretty cut from the glass, also there were some other cuts to your arms and legs. You were in a coma for 3 days, and for good reason. Your body was trying to heal itself" I sigh. That would explain the pain I feel in my abdomen. The nurse sits me in an up position and hands me a glass of apple juice. Also handing me pills I take both and swallow. My sister looks content that I am awake. What the heck happened...

"The last thing I remember was screaming and bright lights"

"you climbed out of your car after you wrecked. Which was in a way good because the car caught fire when the police and ambulance arrived.

"Work" I speak.

"Your boss is aware of the situation he stopped by yesterday to check up and see your progress" "he is a nice man" the nurse states. But I had a feeling she just thought he was attractive. Not that he wasn't. I feel myself blush...

"We will keep you overnight to continue to monitor you and if you feel better tomorrow we can talk about you going home" I nod. I feel a haze fall over me and realize the nurse gave me some pretty heavy pain meds. Trying to keep my eyes open I fail and let the darkness come. I feel the bed lower back down and the nurse shuffles out of the room. In my dreams I keep reliving the crash... how could I be hit so hard. I was just turning into the parking lot. It wasn't a busy street. I try to remember if I saw a car approaching.

Then it hits me in my dream when I look forward I see a truck driver who I don't recognize speeding towards me through the parking lot which caused me to ricochet backwards flipping in the process. My heart beat monitor speeds up and my eyes fly open. My sister returns to my side. "It's okay"

"I don't want to sleep, I keep seeing the crash" "it's okay, I'm here. You need to rest so you can come home" she frowns. I close my eyes and try to ignore the image trying to slip back into my brain. The next time I woke up the sun was shining on my face. I turn my head to look around the room and I see my sister and her boyfriend standing at the door. He is hugging her and she looks sad. I cough. She looks over at me and walks away from him.

"Hi" she tries to smile.

"What's wrong"

"nothing I just don't like being in hospitals..."

"I'm sorry" I looked down. I remember what it was like when we found our mother. We sat in a hospital for days before the doctors gave up. I sigh. "I'm just glad you are okay" she grabs my hand lightly rubbing my hand trying to avoid the iv and heart monitor cord.

"When can I go home?" I ask, trying to move.

"We are hoping today but we shall see. Everyone wants you out of here ''''I need to get back to work and take care of Bella ''

''Your boss just wants you to take your time and Bella is fine, when you have been asleep I go home and take her for a walk. She is worried sick about you" I frown. The nurse walks in and checks my vitals

"you are looking a lot better. Your face and ribs are going to take some time to heal but other than that you should be good to go home. You will be getting a prescription to help with the pain and prevent any infections"she takes out the iv and disconnects the heart monitor with a quiet beep... I sigh. I get to go home. I get to sleep in my bed and see Bella. I miss my floor and my mom's clothes. The nurse leaves and my sister walks up to the bed holding a duffle bag.

I look at her, "here are your clothes, go and take a light shower and change so we can get out of here"

"will do captain bossy" she laughs lightly and looks at me. I move slowly, grabbing the bag and shuffling into the bathroom. Taking off the robe the cold hits me and I shiver in pain. I see my body in the mirror covered in bumps and bruises. I wonder how many stitches I had to get. I avoid looking at my face and see the big bruises encircling my ribs. Reminder to self; need to be careful.


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