
DC The Legend of The New Lobo

waking up in space was not pleasant at all, much less pleasant was falling to a planet, but I survived...... as I did? Well now my body is a little different ..... Let's see what the fuck life brings me in this damn universe full of Madness. night that will happen in my future but I'm sure of something, I'm going to enjoy fucking a sexy woman with a tight leotard ..... and who knows? ... maybe it's not just with a woman.wake up after all, there are many women here to play with and many enemies to fight ... English is not my native language, sorry if there are spelling mistakes

INVADER_WEST · Anime e quadrinhos
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hi, i'm an author, maybe someone has already read one of my other works, I've been very out of the writing world, and I can't help it, after all this is a hobby, not a job, I don't do it for money.

I only write for pleasure, because I like it.

I thought about this idea, one morning with my friend, I hope you like it.

Any questions leave it in the comments, I like to read.



[It was cold, very cold.... That was the first thing I felt when I woke up, ]

[Also everything was too dark, and I couldn't feel anything under my feet almost as if I was floating, ]

[Slowly my eyesight began to clear, and I began to realize where I was, ]

[ I was in fucking hell, after all I was always a son of a bitch, ]

[my parents raised me well,But growing up in a good environment doesn't mean I won't become a motherfucker!..... Although I pretended to be one for a long time..... I'm very good at acting].

[The last thing I remember was the sound of a gun after it was fired....]

[That means I must be dead, although this is strange, I had read the Bible a few times, after all my family was very religious, And although I'm not the guy with the best memory in the world, I'm sure hell should have a gigantic sea of fire and lava, I should be suffering for my sins in fire, not in the middle of nowhere while I feel like I froze].

[Well, I'm not exactly in the middle of nowhere, my eyesight is clear and I can see some things, see a bunch of lights that look like stars, although that is impossible, if what I see are stars that means I'm in space and I'm not the smartest guy in the world but I know that if a person is making a space suit in space, they will definitely pop their fucking eyes out of their face!!!].

[ I continued in this place for a long time, I don't know how long it was, minutes, hours, weeks maybe?... I started to get very philosophical, maybe this is life after death,?. Maybe everything I had been taught about right and wrong meant nothing and this is where everyone stopped after death..... After I don't know how long, I resigned myself to being here for eternity,]

"at least I'm not burning in eternal fire... That would really suck,..... plus I don't think I've done such bad things in my life to deserve to be punished.... right?.... Well, yes, I may have manipulated some people, caused a lot of pain to others, ruined some marriages when I fucked the wives,.... but they enjoyed it!!!"

" That should exonerate me from punishment right?...."

[ I guess when I was thinking about that kind of thing, the universe decided to answer me in a way that made things very clear to me].

[ Right after I said that I started to feel my body moving,]

"!!! Great!!! Maybe I'm not dead after all!!!"

[ I clearly got excited at the idea of still being alive, however my excitement was quickly erased, and replaced by a great fear I felt as I realized that even though I was moving it wasn't a very pleasant sensation, If you had to write it down it would be like I was falling.... Yes I was definitely falling..... and the heat was starting to build up very fast!!!!]


[ THE HEAT INCREASED VERY FAST!!!, ..... with all the heat I felt, I should have melted to death,... I had heard that hell was incredibly hot, but I never thought it would be this hot!!!, The pain of feeling my skin burning wouldn't let me pass out, every time I was about to pass out the pain would wake me up].

[ I started to scream and now the any God help me!!!, Slowly the horrible heat started to go away and was replaced by a strange sensation on my skin, ..... It was somewhat peculiar, it felt like the whipping of the sea breeze but all over my body,... it was like I was free falling]

The truth is that I didn't even know if I was falling, the pain prevented me from opening my eyes, but God has already saved me, right? .... I am safe?....]

[ At that moment, apparently God decided to give me his answer to my prayers,..... and His answer was... well he didn't say anything, but if I had to interpret it for myself I would say that he answered.... Fuck you!!!]


[ If the heat was The entree, then what came next was the fucking main course!!!!]

[ I clearly felt my body hit the ground and crawl for I don't know how long in the dirt while recording some sort of crater, how do I know?..... I need to be a genius to know what it feels like to fall].

[ With all the pain I was feeling I should have passed out, but my mind was still working and I could feel an intriguing itch on my burned skin... at least I didn't feel like I was falling anymore....]

[ Gradually the pain went away after a few minutes, hours?..... I don't know, I don't have a fucking watch!!!.. when I finally opened my eyes I saw a strange orange sky,.... That definitely wasn't very normal but after everything that just happened to me, the color of the sky I didn't give a fuck!!!]

[ If I could see the sky it means I'm alive, good news at last, although I have no idea where I am, I tried to move and get up, when I finally managed to get up I realized I was in a place covered with snow and a lot of crystals or was it ice?..... It was purple I'm pretty sure that the ice is blue... I think...]

[Exhausted I started to crawl through the snow to look for some place where I can get help, I just fell from a great height and I'm alive only by miracle, I will need urgent medical attention.... That I don't feel pain just means that I am releasing a large amount of adrenaline which prevents me from feeling pain....]

[ As I crawled through the snow I passed by a crystal, it wasn't a very special or curious crystal, there was a lot of Where was I now, it seemed that the cold had shaped us but what mattered was what that crystal reflected,..... my face...my new face.]

[ I saw it, bloodshot eyes that I had never seen in my life, a completely unnatural white colored skin and different from how my skin was..... what fills me the crystal was definitely someone else, but deep down I knew it was my reflection, was..... that the strange being reflected in the crystal was me... I am an avid reader of comics and light novels, after reading as much as I have read, and after all the weird shit that just happened to me, I already knew what had happened.....]

[ Exhausted from all this shit that was happening to me I could only say one thing.]



[ I passed out, I was tired of everything that happened, seeing my reflection with my new look was the straw that broke the camel's back, in my life I have learned what there are two ways to relax after a shitty day, sleep or have sex, the second one is not an option because there is no woman miles away, So I chose the first option, I just slept.....]

[ Looking at my reflection I realized I was not in hell well not so exactly, this place was not a nice place to live maybe it was even hell for some people taking into account that this place is full of dangerous people ]

[Thinking and I just fell asleep.]

[ That was my first day in this world well maybe saying world is a bit wrong,.... Let me rephrase, that was my first day in this universe, a universe full of strange people who wear their underwear on the outside, people who dress in flashy colors and go out fighting crime like fucking Boy Scouts, and fight alongside or against sexy women in skintight suits,...]]

[that was my first day in the fucking DC universe].



that's right folks, a new story begins !!

I hope you like the beginning, and I thank all those followers that although I did not publish new chapters of my stories, they applauded with good comments and stones of power, much appreciated,.

and for them I have a gift,

choose a story that I wrote, and tell me how you want it to continue, I will do my best to upload at least 1 cap every week of that story.

that's it, thanks for reading.

Thank you for all your support

INVADER_WESTcreators' thoughts