

"Atoms combine to form molecules, molecules combine to form elements and elements combine to form— everything that you see." 

A short-haired blonde man muttered as he walked through his ever-changing room. The lights were dim and the room was cold but the man seemed to enjoy the dark tone of the room.

"Those things, be it living or non-living— exist in their own planets." He continued. "And those planets exist in a solar system of their own, and such a collection of solar systems forms a galaxy which altogether forms the universe." He laughed. "Countless galaxies come together to form the universe."

The man smiled as he rubbed his hand over a glass tube filled with yellow liquid.

"But what many beings don't know… is the existence of multiple universes." The room that kept changing had almost no furniture other than the glass tube. But as the man paused, a chair formed and he leaned over it. "I have created such universes under the order of my father… your grandfather, little one."

The man's beauty was once something that no human could lay their eyes upon— if they did, they would go blind. 

His beauty was so great that countless angels and demons alike fought just to have a slight peek at the man. 

Yet there was no being that could draw his interest… excluding one. 

One that his father created. But even upon his requests, she could never be his. It was the first time since his birth— that he was denied something.

That he couldn't obtain.

This sent him into a frenzy that later led to him being smitten and exiled. His beauty was ruined, his rights were stolen. 

But despite that, he was not weak… He was no mere mortal.

He was a being whose existence came second only to God. 

He created a mask that unless he willed— no one could ever see-through. 

No one needed to see his ugly face.

Other than the little life that was kept alive inside the glass tube.

"I was wronged, little creature. I was wronged." He was angered remembering the past. "But you won't be."

He smiled. "I gave up on many of my dreams and decided to follow my father's commands. But I am tired, little one… I am tired. I want to leave this place and live amongst my father's creations."

He stood up and looked through the tube. "But before that, I wanted to create you."

He laughed. "My father created humans, the greatest existence… he said." 

The man stared at the little being surrounded by yellow fluid. "I am tired of these duties… ruling as the king of hell and purgatory. I am tired of being the greatest being— Above all, below one." He looked at the pulsating being. "I want to… rest."

Walking backwards, while still keeping his eyes on the little being, he laughed. "I wanted to create a being greater than father did. And you… little one, will be that creature. A creature of magic that will live among humans." His handsome face vanished— replaced by his devilish figure. "And one that will make the humans look miserable before them. You will stand at the top— above every single one of his creations."

He roared, followed by bone-chilling laughter. 

"You will be my son! You will be Lemuel Morningstar!"




Warm… wet… dark… annoying.

I felt countless thoughts run through my head as a sudden surge of pain ran through my body. 

An uncontrollable cry ran out of my mouth which caused me to gag on the liquid surrounding me.

"Don't worry. You can breathe underwater." I heard a voice. "Calm your body and your mind, you will be alright."

It was a deep yet soothing voice. 

I didn't know what was happening, but I was uncomfortable.

Unsure of what to do, I followed his instructions and calmed myself. It was not easy as my mind started to drift to other things— the coldness and the wetness. 

But I persisted and managed to make my mind calmer and my body more comfortable.

"Good. You are smarter than expected." 

I heard laughter.

"You are a success." 

I had no knowledge of my surroundings and neither did I know who the voice belonged to.

Who am I? I have no knowledge.

I only know that I exist. 

"You are Lemuel." The voice said, as if reading my mind. "My son."

Son? A male born from two beings that procreate. 

"Correct. But you were born because of other circumstances."

Other circumstances?

"Indeed." The voice affirmed. "Your birth is nothing less than a miracle. Father would have never allowed me to create you. But fortunately, he has grown a little bored of the lower realms."

Lower realms?

"Realms that cannot withstand us walking in them. And even if they can— we need to seal most of our powers."

As the voice explained, my curiosity rose.

Then why does he care if he cannot walk in it?

My question made the man laugh even louder.

"You will not understand. Not now." His voice grew softer. "But one day, you will."

As he explained the things related to the universe, existence, creation and death— a question arose in my mind.

What am I?

"You are Lemuel Morningstar… My son."

Said the man that proclaimed to be my father.

Chuckling, the man continued. "Not proclaimed, but I am your father." He explained. "Father prevented me from directly interfering with the lower realms. I can visit them but I will have to restrict my powers to the bare minimum. And I cannot interfere with the life cycle of humans, I can interact with them but cannot interfere with their natural life."


"Yes, humans. My father's greatest creation." He said, a bit of bitterness in his voice.

"I am not bitter." He continued. "I am just disappointed. He chose them over the seraphim and the cherubim."

He had explained about the angels. They were his father's… my grandfather's first creation.

"Yes… His first creation that he didn't think twice before abandoning." He sneered. "But you don't have to worry about those, Lemuel… not for now."

"But to answer your question about humans and what exactly you are." He continued. "You are human… well part human."

His explanation confused me further. 

He chuckled at my confusion. 

"Your mother was the woman I cared about." He sounded a bit disheartened. 

"Maybe I am." He said, referring to my interpretation. "But before she decided to become a demon under me, she was a human. And when she was a human, I got some of her blood— that I stored for countless aeons."

He continued the story. "And after all this time, I decided to use that blood… to create you."

Create me?

"Yes, create you." He breathed out. "You were created using Lilith's human blood and my… Devil blood."

Devil… A new term.

"Devil is described as the world's greatest evil." He paused. "Maybe after 'him'."


"Someone you don't have to worry about." He chose not to continue the topic. "But I am a being who is said to have unfathomable power. And since father doesn't allow such a being to interfere with the lower realms…" He laughed. "I created you, a being that could interfere with both worlds."

I don't understand.

"You have the blood of a human, a lower realm being… and me, the Devil of the highest realm." He explained. "And as the son of both, you are free to interfere with both the realm of humans and the gods."

He paused. "But you are weak as of now… Pathetically weak. So, I would suggest that you grow strong before entering any of the higher realms."

How do I grow strong? 

He didn't reply for a while and instead, I felt movement inside the tube. 

I felt… shock.

[[System Initiated]]

[[Analysing surrounding]]

[[Host is too weak to analyse a higher realm]]

Father laughed. "Unless you grow strong, you are not allowed to interfere with any of the higher realms."

[[Analysing Host]]

[[Analysis Complete]]

[[Showing Data]]


{{Name: Lemuel Morningstar}}

{{Title: Son of the Devil}}

{{Tier: 6 (Grade: D)}}

{{Age: Six Months}}

{{Race: Cambion (Human-Devil Hybrid)}}

{{Class: Undecided}}

The rest were easy to understand. Father had already explained them but what were Tier and Class?

"Tier is the rank of your body and soul… your entire being. Six is the lowest and zero is the highest. With tier two, you can enter the realm of primordials and with tier one, you can enter any of my realms. If you somehow achieved tier zero— which is almost impossible, you will be able to enter my father's realm." He paused. "Now focus on the Title for a while."

I did as he told and the same voice rang inside my head.

{{Title: The Devil's Son— Immune to any and all debuffs, presence hidden from all higher realm beings, immunity to mind related attacks, affinity with darkness and creatures of darkness, antipathy from holy and creatures of light. Additional abilities: Devil's life, Devil's eyes}}

((Devil's Life: After reaching the age of twenty-five, the host will stop ageing. The host cannot die from ageing or diseases— but can be killed.))

((Devil's Eyes: Allows the host to look into the souls of beings. The host can gather information about a being and if the being is of a lower tier than the host— the host can use low-level compulsion on them and read whether the person is being truthful or not.))

"Impressive, isn't it?" Father asked. "Trust me they are. Once you enter the lower realms, you will understand. However, this is just the testing phase. Once the dungeon system is integrated, this system will be complete."

I will... enter the lower realm?

"Once you are capable of understanding human emotions and thoughts." Father continued. "Now focus on Class."

Again, I did as he said— and the old voice reappeared.

{{Class: Undecided— Choose one to walk towards the future.}}

"Choose Sorcerer."

Father said, cutting the other voice. 

{{Class Chosen: Sorcerer}}

I didn't say anything and the voice registered my father's command.

"I created you with magic and magic courses through your veins. There is no better option than this." He sighed. "And once these choices are made, I will leave the entire thing for you alone. But till you are capable of understanding humans and how evil they can be at times, I will have equal control of the system."


"Yes, system." Father chuckled. "The humans create some interesting things… games. It inspired the creation of this system. But don't worry about it now. Some things will clear up with time, especially when the dungeon is integrated into the system."

What is this dungeon?

My curiosity made him chuckle a tad bit. 

"This system… you can call it to be at an initializing stage. There are still some things that will only be brought to light once you have grown older." He said. "And to answer simply, this dungeon will be your way to grow stronger." 

So… How and when will the Dungeon system be initialized?

He smiled. "You will understand when you receive it."

He didn't answer my question so I asked another one.

How do I increase my tier?

He didn't reply for a long time.


"You will have to figure that out on your own as well, little one." He chuckled. "A father is there to guide his son towards the answers, not give him the answers."

He shook his head. "Now, we have quite a while before you are able to leave this tube and I leave for another realm."

You are leaving? 

I asked, feeling a weird sensation in my mind.

"That sensation is what humans call— sadness. I will be teaching you everything about humans… from emotions to their thoughts, so be attentive. As for your question… Yes, I am. I will leave for a lower realm with no powers. You will leave to a world with powers… but don't worry, you are my son— you will be just fine." He breathed out. "There are not many that would dare to go against you."

He paused. "Now, be attentive. As I am going to teach you everything about humans, gods, devils and the lower realms."



[[A/N: This was a project I had written before but I stopped, and well I also lost the account that I used to previously post ch 1. So, now I added a shit ton of elements, added DnD elements and well added a whole ass world alongside DC {Which you all will see later on.}

So, enjoy.]]