
DC: Savant

Anime e Quadrinhos
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Ellie knows that there is no better way to make cash as quick and as fast as crime. Due to reborn in DC, Ellie decides to arm herself appropriately. Wishing for Prime Rick Sanchez's intelligence, Momo's quirk Creation and Absolute Stamina, she is set to become a proper menace in the DC universe.

Chapter 1The Edgars

Knock Knock

Lydia knocked at the posh French doors politely and took a step back, waiting for the response. She was at a residence belonging to an elite family in New York. The father of the house was a major business magnate with companies all over the country. Apparently he makes all kinds of electronics and so far, sh had confirmed that ninety six percent of every household does indeed have a household electronic that a company he owns makes. So, he was a filthy rich man.

The mother of the house was a former model. A bad runway accident made her quit the modelling business, going home with a broken ankle. She got lucky and among her many pursuers, he current husband was the richest and this, she got married to him. They have three kids, an eldest daughter followed by another daughter and lastly, a boy.

The last born was a very spoiled child as I had come to know. Honestly, she was not looking forward for this visit. With all her cheats, she didn't think she was qualified to be here as a priest. But, she had no choice; her system took this job and she was obligated to obey. As she was still deep in her thoughts, the French doors were opened by a middle aged balding man in a butler suit that looked like he had a six foot long pole up his ass.

"You must be Miss Evron. Master Edgar and Mrs Edgar are already waiting for you," he snobbishly said. She could see how he was eyeing her, with suspicion and apprehension. Like he was better than her.

'I can turn him into a pig...nobody will know,' she thought to herself, restraining himself from using his vast telepathic powers to read his mind. She didn't want to know what was swimming in there least she got mentally scarred for life.

"Thanks," she managed to say before walking in. Just as she expected, the building was more beautiful in the inside. She mentally tallied the total cost of everything and held in a gasp when she realized that she hadn't even reached the living and she had already gone past thirty million!

'Talk about spendthrifts, Jesus,' she gasped inwardly from shock. But, on the outside, she still kept her calm facade till they got to the living room where the Edgars were, well, not all of them. The parents and their two daughters were there.

Immediately, my brain was already analysing them. The father was uptight, strict and quick to anger. I can see it in his eyes he was already getting irritated just by seeing me. He believes this is a waste of his time, which I agree with him. He probably wants to throw me out but his wife is probably the one that came with this decision.

Turning to the wife, I could already see a problem. First, she appears to be a caring, soft mother. But, using telepathy, I could see deep past her acting. She is a manipulator. She had already latches her claws into the husband and the eldest daughter. No way could they get out of her fingers without her knowing. The middle daughter had been rebellious and so she pushed her in neglect till she viewed the world in a nihilistic way. Soon, Lydia could bet she will be a full on goth girl. But, deep down, she had become attached to the boy.

In a deep twisted way, she had twisted the boy into becoming fully dependent on her. From delaying his weaning to full on babying him even now when he was in middle school. Anything the little mama's boy wants she gives him. Now, the boy cannot live without his mother's presence. That's why Lydia thinks this might be a waste of time.

"Pleasure to meet you, Mr Edgar," Lydia started, shaking the man's hand in a firm grip. She saw his eyes gain a level of intrigue towards her and knew she had already started to impress him. She then turned to the wife.

"Wish we were meeting under better circumstances, Mrs Edgar," Lydia continued and shook her hand too. She was delicate, like how an inferior woman would greet a woman of her class. Lydia could see she enjoyed that. She then turned to the two kids, inwardly feeling sorry for the two of them.

"Hi," Lydia greeted them too. They were teenagers, they didn't want to be here and were hostile to everything, especially strangers. Better keep it simple and get this over with.

"I hear you Edgars have a problem," I started, looking at Mr Edgar.

"Yes," Mr Edgar said before signalling to the left. As if agreed on, a servant jogged towards them and gave her an iPad. There was a paused video already so it saved me time, just clicked play.

Immediately, the video started rolling. On the camera, a thirteen years old boy was standing motionless in the living room. He continued doing that for a minute before he moved. Only, the movements were jerky and kinda unnatural. He started moving all his limbs in a jerky manner before his head was suddenly thrown backwards. The camera started fritzing as the boy started rising till the camera stopped working. A few seconds later, the camera came back online. It showed the same boy standing at his exact spot before an unnerving smirk adorned his lips and he walked away. Looking up, Lydia saw the expectant look on all their faces and felt bad for them.

This video was real, no way Lydia couldn't spot a fake. Her brain was wired different, thanks to her cheats. This means this was a full blown possession case, something I was hoping it wasn't. Even though I am a novice, I know these kinds of cases are extremely difficult for the family to bear and often cause members to drift apart. Heck, there was already a soon to be goth girl here already!

"What do you think?" Mr Edgar asked her with a frown. He was good at reading people and Lydia was not even trying to hide her expressions.

"Unfortunately Mr Edgar, this is a worst case scenario," Lydia started, putting the iPod down. "This is a full on demon possession and it appears to be a fairly strong one at that." Mr Edgar scoffed at this.

"The boy is merely pretending, I know it, we all know it," he growled before turning to his wife. "You cuddle too mi h Mary. The boy would not go six steps without returning to suckle at your tits!'

'Whoa, language. Your unpossessed daughters are in the room!' Lydia secretly admonished him, looking at the two girls only to see them unphased by this. Poor girls must have heard worse.

"Is there a way to help him?" the mother asked, shedding crocodile tears.

'Women like these give us bad names,' Lydia thought to herself. She turned to Me Edgar and out on a disarming smile.

"Trust me, Mr Edgar, this is truly shoking. This might have been fairly tales before but now, we have to keep an open mind. There are aliens out there, how do we know this? Two of the Justice League members are among them. A man can hold the power of a god, how do we know that? Captain Marvel exists. We also have to know that there is a very huge possibility that heaven and hell exists. Now, most people's luck are good enough not to be affected by this but I'm afraid this household is not among them," Lydia explained, hoping to ease them in. She could see future goth girl is already quite interested.

"So you're saying a demon has possession of my son? For what reason?" Mr Edgar continued ranting.

"There might be millions of reasons and each is worse than the other. Only way to know is asking it. Now, I might warn you, they are skilled manipulators. We might go and confront it only for it to reverse the scales and rattle us instead. So, I want to be alone when I go question him," Lydia said as she got up. Mr Edgar looked not quite convinced while his wife looked constricted.

"If you want to go and see him then I want to be present," she stubbornly said.

"That's fine with me," Lydia agreed. 'At least the demon will have someone else to focus on. This will give me enough time to know what kind it is and what it is doing here.'

"This way, please, ma'am," the stuck up butler said as he led the way. Lydia could swear she could see the stick up his butt, even his stiff walking was suggesting the same thing.

"I'll stay here with the children," Mr Edgar said. He looked so done with this bullshit I almost felt sorry for him. So, me and Lydia went on upstairs and to the boy's room. Before we could even open the door, I could already sense it.

'So its hanging around. That can't be good news,' Lydia thought to herself as the butler opened the door. And like a jump scare, the little kid was standing in front of it, a creepy smile on his face. Mrs Edgar almost jumped out of her skin while the butler looked unamused, the kid must have done this to him more than once. Heh, who says a demon can't have a twisted sense of humor. While the other could only see a young boy, I could clearly see the ugly ass entity that was latched to his soul, its talons seeping into it, its mouth wide open ready to devour it. As if it senses me, it looked at me at the depth of the boy's soul and I smiled, making it flinch. The boy had a scared look on his face, stumbling backwards and fell on his butt.

"Quod tu es?" the boy shrilled as the entire room started stinking of sulphur.

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