
Chapter 1, Rebirth

In the vast of nothing but stars to see from one end to another of this mysterious space houses a soul of gold in color flowing in through this cosmos.


'I don't know how long I've been here, but I hope it doesn't take long for me to pass on,'

'I was casually walking sing back home from drinking with some friends when suddenly flashing lights came to my right and a truck horn followed. Damn you truck-Kun, Next thing I know, I'm here in this endless cosmos.'

Days, months, years, decades, centuries passed as the soul waited patiently to move on and wondered what'll happen next

" My apologies, child, for leaving you here for so long; unfortunately, I was preoccupied with other matters," says the ominous voice

The soul turns and sees that the source of the said voice is a gentleman wearing a bowler hat, a dark suit, umbrella, and a gray mustache

" Hello… sir?? "

" Most call me 'the presence' if you wish to refer to me a such you may," says the presence

'As in ' THE PRESENCE' from the DC holy shit, for what in well his name am I doing here talking to such an omnipotent being.'

[A/N for those that don't know 'the presence' is the equivalent of 'one above all' in marvel but for the DC]

"Well, ' the presence ' may I know why I am in a limbo-like a state such as this,"

' The presence' looks at the golden soul with delight as he asks such a question.

" we'll to break it to you straight, I am accidentally the cause of your death, and I pissed off one of the gods of your universe, and he told me to deal with you. So now I'll be giving you a chance to reincarnate in my universe," stated 'the presence.'

" Will I be getting wishes like in those novels? I mean, I love the DCU and all, but in my opinion, it's one of the most dangerous places actually to live in. It'll be like throwing a cat in a den of wolves,"

" we'll I will be giving you five wishes and body of your design. Now I must warn you to be specific when you make your wishes. Treat this as how you would make a wish with a genie." Says 'the presence.'

" Are there any restrictions? "

" It depends on the wish and how much it could affect the universe you'll be going to," says 'the presence

"Can you give me a few minutes to think about this?"

"We have all the time in the world." says the presence

After what seems to be 15 minutes, the soul decides what his wishes are

" Okay, for my first wish, I want an eternal body like in marvel that is still able to reproduce. As well as evolve further, and my source of energy should be 'the source' itself."

" This is good, but your children won't be able to tap into the source but still have a nearly infinite life span. And to not overload your body with 'the source,' you'll only have access to what you need from it. Or desire to accomplish it will be through a required amount of 'the source'" stated 'the presence.'

"that's perfect."

"For my 2nd wish, I would like all of Odin's knowledge on magic, runes, and craft with a way to apply it to the DCU. "

" That was a smart move because Odin has his magic system that works with the Odin force, and you don't have that, so the last part of that wish was more of fixing a loophole, so I'll accept it." states 'the presence

" For my 3rd, I don't want to be on anyone's radar of any cosmic entity in the universe that can deal with me or manipulate me as they please; I don't want to be hunted down and experiment on or something of the sort. only allow them to notice me once I am on their level of power or higher."

''This is acceptable." said 'the presence.'

" For my 4th wish, I want to have a comprehension of 100 folds than a normal human that is Omni-versal."

"For my final wish, I want to be in an AU where destiny isn't much of a big deal, so I can kill who I want without having higher beings trying to erase me from existence, with that same AU following the timeline of 616 as much as possible with the changes I make."

"These wishes are reasonable, now onto your appearance."

- holographic screen pops up in front of the soul to design its mature body that it'll inhabit once it transmigrates.

After about 30 minutes, the soul completes his design, the figure is 1.85m, a leaner Olympic swimmer body with compacted muscles, dark chocolate skin from head to toe, and a little brother that's a few inches bigger than the average, loose but curly hairs, and emerald eyes as if they were gems. This face looks like you combined Tracey Lewis and Donnel Blalock. Being satisfied with the results, he clicks finish on the bottom right of the holographic screen.

[A/N the MC is what the cover photo is]

" Now, what time do you want to be transferred to."

" Can you transfer me to Egypt between when Atlantis sinks and before amazons are created "

"Why this particular time, if I may ask?"

" I want to be around long enough to let people know who I am, and there is a certain someone I want to court before a certain event happens."

" Aah, now I understand; I have no problem with this; I hope you have an eventful life."

"Thank you ' the presence.'"

as the golden soul dissipates from the cosmos, only 'the presence' is left looking at were once held the soul and began saying,

"at least I granted him wishes, with all that leftover karma he accumulated from his past life what I granted him should be made as compensation for him, I'm shocked that he had so much that he almost accented to godhood if I hadn't 'accidentally' killed him... oh well I think I'll watch "Shang-chi." OAA said it was pretty good."

[A/N, this is my first FF, so I might not be as descriptive as I would like to be, or some grammar might be off as well, but if you want the concept and have ideas that could go well with the plot, then be free and comment]

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