


"Hupp!" I jump to my right as my right hand start to activate the Omnitrix.

No time to choose an alien, since Loch Ness here right now has that murderous gaze in his eyes that set to kill me.

My hand smack down the face watch as my body got an envelope in a green flash as my body covers in an emerald diamond with my body now is wearing a full sleeveless black attire on my body with the Omnitrix on my chest.

"Diamondhead. Now we are talking." I immediately make a giant shield as many giant teeth bit my shield.

"Geez. This monster sure is very hungry to eat a diamond." I commented as I grow a spike on my shield stabbing it's inside mouth as it roars and retracts back with its roof of the mouth probably hurt like hell due to get the stabby diamond blade.

Well, it is his fault for trying to eat me and my diamond alien form.

I focus on my right arm which now has become a huge spike.

"Come on you damn monster, do not tell me you will back away after being stab in your mouth?" I ask the lake monster as it roars and uses its large arm to smack me but I avoid and quickly smash my spike toward its hand making it screech in pain as it back away.

"Oh no, you don't." I jump toward is head and smack him with my spike sensing it to stumble backwards as I stand its forehead with my sole diamond blade that has buried deep inside its forehead.

Many smacking has been sending to its head as the Loch Ness is desperate to shake me off as it keeps shaking its head and now tries to roll on the ground to get me off from him.

"I need to end this fight right now." I decided to put my shield into its mouth as it proceeds to bite my diamond head which did not even hurt me.

"Become bigger." I willed my arm as many giant spikes grow from inside the Loch Ness monster.

*Squelch* *Squelch* *Squelch* *Squelch*

The Loch Ness monster fell on the ground as it's head has many spikes stab all over his head. No way this monster has a chance to survive that.

"Unknown DNA detected. Scanning." The Omnitrix announces as it glows yellow for a few seconds as it returns to the normal green colour.

"Unknown DNA acquired. What shall the name of the DNA be?" Trix ask me.

"Loch Ness," I replied.

"Loch Ness DNA has been added into the playlist of Omnitrix," Trix announces as my palm hit the Omnitrix turning me back to human.

"This is weird. No way this big monster appears out of nowhere." I mutter as I moved to my right avoiding an ice spike as I see Icicle and Grundy, both who snarls at me.

"Changeling. It seems you have defeated Nessy there. Whatever, this time we both are going to mill you." Icicle touches his hand on the ground as the ground around him become ice as I climb up on a tree.

I look at the camp only to see smoke as I see Doctor Fate which now is battling Wotan on the air with the ground shake for a second.

"Hmm. So the Injustice Society and Nazi finally decide to attack our camp huh? This means the Undead comes from them. " I thought in my head.

"Hmm. I already defeated your pals which are stronger than you. What makes you think both of you can defeat me?" I mock them.

"After all you guys are weak and are not so strong to be compared to me." I mock them as Icicle feel piss hearing my mock as Grundy did not give any angry expression, after all, he is a reanimated being.

"You, are like a walking popsicle. Can I call you popsicle? It suits you." That is the last straw as Icicle slam his hand on the ground as many ice spikes approach me as I dial the Omnitrix and smack down the dial.

Magma rocks cover my body as my face ignite in flame, the same goes for my body.

My burning hand shot a wave of flame that hit the ice spikes creating steam around us as my pan hit the Omnitrix as my body then covers in an emerald diamond.


"Grundy. Search for---" A diamond spike pierces through his Icicle stomach sending him to hang on the air.

"Help me, Grundy!" Icicle shouted but the roar of pain can be heard as birds fly to the air due to the as something roll on the ground.

"Fuck." Icicle curse seeing that something is Grundy's head as the steam disperse away revealing Diamondhead with his right hand is a very huge blade with blood can be seen on his morphed blade hand.

Grundy's body meanwhile is trapped in the diamond cage with the body has much diamonds spike from the ground stab it.

"You did not show any mercy huh?" Icicle said as Diamondhead tap his Omnitrix as he grows a little taller with his skin turn red with baubles bulging out from his body. Extra arms and eyes grow in his body as he now wears a white sleeveless shirt with the Omnitrix at the centre of the attire.

Icicle tried to free himself but a massive fist grabs his ice head as his head now is being crushed by 2 giant palms that slowly cracks his ice head.

"S-stop! I s-surrender! P-please! " Icicle pleads to Four Arm but the alien hero did not even bother to hear it.

"Fool. This is a war. Your life, especially one who has powers are dangerous to this country. You dying will just be treated as the death of a bad guy and an enemy."

*Crack* The ice head of Icicle crumbles as Four Arms then punch the rest of his body as he tap the Omnitrix once again turning him into Heatblast.

Flying up to the air, he places both of his hand to each other, creating a concentrating medium size fireball and blast it to the place where he battles Icicle and Grundy, creating a mini-explosion leaving nothing at that location, as he blasts himself toward the camp.

Deciding not to spare any enemies, he landed punching the ground creating many cracks on the ground that make magma to be sprouted out from the crack killing about 70 soldiers as he makes the same wave of flame that turn all the Nazi soldiers to crisp.

He then levitates the ground beneath him at the size of a tank as he blasts it toward the incoming tank destroying it.

"Harghh!" His body ignites in flame once again releasing a torrent of flame toward the incoming Nazi soldiers and tanks destroying them easily.

"Now is our chance. Charge! Kill the Nazis!" A soldier shouted seeing they no longer get pressured due to Heatblast killing spree toward the Nazi soldiers.

"Time to gives them something they should never forget." He once again makes a fireball but this time, he makes it bigger than before as the huge fireball now rivals the size of a real meteor.

Anything near Heatblast now has been barred, turned into crisp due to the intense heat as the Nazis slowly back away.



"That surely will kill them."

Many comments can be heard as Heatblast throw it toward the incoming colony of Nazi and tanks.

The ground shakes as a wave of heat pass through everybody that did not bring any harm, as the ground now has an enormous scorched mark with a tank has been completely melted and annihilated, some of the soldiers that survived most some of their body parts though they will die at any moment and mostly the soldiers turned into crisp.

If the number of soldiers is 70000, it now has turned into half due to the massive attack from Heatblast who uses all his power without holding back.


"I need to recharge up back. I still got a rematch with that elf bastard." Tapping the Omnitrix, je turn back to human landing on the ground doing the superhero landing as he winces in pain when his knee land on the ground.

"Deadpool sure is right. Doing a superhero landing hurt the knee." Axel mutters in a low tone as he sees all the super villains such as Wotan, Brainwave, Wizard flew away using teleportation magic.

Of course, there are dead evil metahuman but Axel simply did not care.

Returning to the camp while the soldiers are marching toward the Nazi, he meets face to face with Doctor Fate who stares at him.

"You, you are our chance to win the war. Beware as the final battle will come when the wielder of the Spear of Destiny, the banished Champion and War God confronts us in the future." Doctor Fate said as I just stare at him.

"Good to know Doctor Fate," I said to him as I tap his right shoulder with my left wrist, internally make the Omnitrix hit his body for a second, then I fasten up my face seeing my Omnitrix glows yellow.

"Oh yeah. Now, I just need to make the Omnitrix touch Flash, then maybe I will have the conduit of Speed Force in my arsenal. The same goes for Green Lantern, Diana and Ares." I thought it my head as I enter the camp and just enter one of the barracks, laying my body on the bed.

I did not sleep but rather try to relax my mind while keeping my awareness of my surrounding.

The night arrives as many soldiers return as all of them has that happy expression as they except for us to win the war since mostly the recent confrontation make them sees how I kill dozen of the Nazi soldiers and their artillery.

I get out of the barrack as my Omnitrix stop glows yellow.

Sneaking into the forest, I climb on a tree trunk.

"Sorcerer DNA has been unlocked." My Omnitrix announced as I raise my eyebrows hearing that.

"What did you mean by that?" I ask Rix.

"Do you wish to hear the voice message that left by an individual known as Professor Paradox?" Rix ask me.

"Yes," I replied.

"Playing the voice message," Rix announced as the Omnitrix shines green as I close my eyes.

Opening my eyes back, I see I am in a white space.

"Ah, greetings Axel Knight. You must be wondering what is this place. This is the personal space I implant in the Omnitrix where you can hear my voice message and practice your alien forms. But for only a day. Do not worry as the time here is different. A day here means 0.001 seconds pass in the real world.

So now, hmm, let me unlock 2 aliens in the watch. Omnitirx unlocks 2 random aliens after this is over. Now, you must be wondering why your Omnitrix calls the DNA belong to Nabu, or should I say Doctor Fate has been designated as Sorcerer. That Sorcerer DNA belongs to DNA of Doctor Strange, this is the compensation of your 4th wish. As you know, Marvel and DC have heroes that have similar power. For instance, Hyperion and Superman, both origins are the same as both alien powers are the same albeit their strength is different. But hear me out.

In your watch container, some of the Marvel DNA that have been designated by myself that I know you will get the reference as the Marvel DNA has 50% powers of the Marvel characters I know you only request Marvel Alien DNA but with how DC Universe, character keep growing stronger every day, this is a safety measure for your own too.

So your newest transformation now will be a being who has 50% of Doctor Fate powers with strength and the same goes for Doctor Strange. I need you to learn how to use it as it will become useful for your upcoming battle. I can assure you, this final battle must be taken seriously. The key to victory in this final battle is you. So that is all I say this time, may we meet in the future." The voice message ended as I sigh knowing the time-travelling professor must predict this outcome.

So, since I have a day in here, let's just practice the new transformation here. After hearing what Professor Paradox said, I need to no longer hold back and use all my alien's capability to their limit for the battle to end in our favour.

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