A story I started during my two months hiatus from writing. Description: long story short, Guy dies and goes to DC. He will forge his own path. I don't own anything other than the MC and OCs
I was in the middle of fight or more accurately I was in the middle of a jumping. Not the kind where you find yourself in the air for a few seconds but the one where it is one versus thirty people. I wish I was in the latter group but sadly, I'm the one getting jumped. If you are still not getting the picture, I was receiving every lose Krillin has ever received all at once.
I was surprised that the guy, I was supposed to fight solo, brought people since he was as jacked as the rock and Terry crews combine. Now, you might be wondering why I was in this situation. Well, I was looking at a few girls.
Yeah, looking is that a crime? I'm single! I have done nothing wrong. Sadly, one of them had a bodybuilder type boyfriend and boy was he possessive. He called me out in front of everyone and told me that we were going to fight in a week at the nearest park at noon.
Now you might be wondering why I did not just avoid the park. The reason is simple, I ain't no bitch. I was not going to back down from a fight that I could possibly win… in a blue moon. Fine, I was going to fight dirty, but I was still going to fight alone unlike him.
To add insult to injury, the first one to attack was neither of us but some random fucker that was behind me with what I'd assume to be a metal bat. They had me thirty to one and they still jumped me from behind… pause. The only good thing about that was that it knocked the pain right out of me. I did not feel any pain after the snick attack.
The last thing I remember is that prick throwing a punch at my face then darkness. I close my eyes afraid to open them and see them ready for round two. As I had my eyes closed, I heard a voice.
I was weirded out into opening my eyes and what I saw was what I could only describe as the "Truth" from Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood. At the very least, I hope it was not Hitogami from jobless reincarnation.
???: Do not fret. I'm neither.
He said in a lower voice. Hold up?! He can read my mind, can't he?
???: I can but I don't do it for those that passed the test. It is just that I get that a lot. Now onto the explanation. The buff guy was my test. It was a test to see if mortals could surpass their fear and come to fight. I have seen mortals do it out of pear pressure, pride, delusion that they would be the only one to bring back up or the belief that they could win. You were supposed to arrive here once you were hit with the metal bat, but your emotions tethered you to your world which is why you had to endure the visual beating. Sadly, that does not get you any bonus though your luck will slightly increase, no need to thank me. Now your reward is an item/character/power spin then you will be transmigrated to a new world. It is the world of DC. Now spin the wheel.
A giant wheel appeared. I was more than done. I was not going to negotiate as I just wanted to get this over with. Sure, DC was a death trap but all I needed to do was life in any other place then the US and I would be good. As long as I do not change anything, the heroes would win, and I would be able to live a second life. Though that all depended on what I would get. I spinned the wheel and after what felt like five minutes, it stopped.
[Anti-life Equation]
Me: …
???: …
Me: …
???: …
Me: …
???: …
Me: C-C-Can I get a-
???: Yes, you can get a refund. *Sigh* I will convert it into what you mortals call wishes.
I was relieved. Yes, the Anti-life equation is an overpowered item but let me ask you one quest. Are you dumb? If I only had that I would be nothing more than Darkseid and High-father's most wanted mortal. You understand the danger of catching the attention of Darkseid but to me High-Father is just as dangerous. To him I would be the cause of his lose. He would do anything to exterminate me. If you still don't get it than imagine miss universe entering the club you are in, in a see-through tight dress, and say the first one to touch me gets to sleep with me. Oh, right I forgot, in this scenario, you're her bodyguard and you are supposed to protect her against a legion of people in heat.
???: You will get four wishes.
Me: Sweet. Will people be able to mind control me, steal/copy/erase/cancel my powers if I do not wish it to be so?
???: Yes, they will. The only thing that is provided is that they will not be able to read your mind without your consent and even with it they will only be able to read what you allow them to.
Me: Fair enough.
I spent an hour into thinking over my wishes.
Me: I have decided!
???: Excellent. Now speak your wishes!
Me: I wish to have the powers of Doomsday without the cons that come with them.
???: Hm. Vague yet easy to interpret it to your advantage. I will grant that wish but you will have to learn to control his powers.
Me: I am fine with that.
???: Good now onto your second wish.
Me: I want to modify the Doomsday virus so that it has some properties of symbiotes of the Marvel universe. By that I mean that, I would be able to copy the powers of the people infected by them and I could also grant and take back said power to anyone I wish at any moment.
???: It is possible but as a side effect, the symbionts will not be able to take over the host body.
Me: Fair enough!
???: Good now onto your last wish as I presume you will use your fourth one into making sure that none can control you mind or affect your power in any negative ways.
Me: that is true. My third wish is to have the powers of one of Ben Tennyson's Alien, of my choice from the Ben 10 universe.
???: It is possible but if said Alien's powers are affected by their behavior, you will get them as well. I recommend avoiding Alien X.
I was not made that Alien X was taken out of the table since his cons outweighed his pros. I had one Alien in mind that to me was overpowered, Clockwork. Yeah, you heard me. He has control over time. One of his specie even managed to defeat Atomic X, the combination of two of the heaviest hitters in Ben 1000 arsenal. If they were not all passivist, except one, they would have conquered a few galaxies. The cherry on top of it was that with Doomsday infinite evolution, this power could evolve into something more powerful.
Me: I want to have power of Clockwork and I want it to merge with my Doomsday powers. Does that work?
???: Yes, it does. Though, I will have to make some…changes but it will work like you wanted it.
That should have been a red flag for me.
Me: Thank you!
???: No need. Now I always leave this for the end as a surprise, you can choose your appearance before you leave for the world of DC.
Me: I want to have the appearance of Agnologia from Fairy tail… with both my arms.
He always gave the impression of a badass. I was going to live my life as I want it and If I am lucky I would never meet Darkseid.
???: Tsk! Here I thought you would fall for it. Now time for you to live your new life. *Snap*
I opened my eyes and only one thought came into my mind.
Me: "Fuck! Why am I chained up in a futuristic cage?"