
Chapter 122 R: Great Bat Incident (Part 4)_2

But within the range of the bridge and turning back into human form, they would either fall onto the bridge or into the river. Either location was not a good choice.

If they fell onto the bridge, they would immediately have to face a rain of bullets. If they fell into the river, the vampires had very little maneuverability in the water and would essentially be sitting ducks.

Apart from some advanced vampires that were good at using magic, most ordinary vampires could only panic and fly under the bridge.

Just as Natasha was preparing to issue the next step of the combat plan, a loud sound of rushing air sounded. She lifted her head and saw several black figures approaching rapidly from the distant sky. Natasha said, "The fighter plane squadron has entered the battlefield!"

Although armed helicopters could be used for fighting, they were not as specialized as fighter planes. A group of 12 fighter planes emitted shrill cries, streaking across the skyline, and in almost a head-on clash, knocked down more than a dozen giant bats.

Although low-altitude combat was not the forte of the fighter planes, the air combat capabilities of the fighter pilots were far superior to these bats that only knew how to fly wildly.

They formed small squads of three, performing rapid tactical maneuvers, often confounding the bats. The bats in the air were distracted and didn't have time to dive at the ground. The situation on the ground immediately eased significantly.

The main opponents for the ground forces were the humanoid advanced vampires, who could use a variety of magic. For example, claws that suddenly appeared out of the dark mist were so quick that even Spider Man nearly missed them a few times. The chance of survival for ordinary humans who were ambushed was very low.

Therefore, the ground forces' personnel were getting reduced at a high rate, and it took time to replace and organize firepower for the new personnel.

On the bridge, Steve held up his shield. The sound of claws scraping across the metal made people feel creeped out. Steve said, "This won't work! Spider Man, are you there? We need to come up with a plan. We can't let them use magic so freely, it's causing too much damage to ordinary people!"

The voice of Spider Man came through the earpiece, "Destroy the bridge."

"What did you say?" Steve said incredulously, "Spider Man? Hello? Are you okay?"

"I said, we have to destroy the bridge, take away their footing."

Peter's voice sounded very calm, even a bit somber, a little different from his usual self. However, Steve was drawn to this tone, and he didn't refute Peter right away but instead listened as Peter continued.

"I've observed this. When they turn into bat form and hover in the air, they can't use that claw magic. They must transform into human form to use magic."

"And when they turn into human form, they must have a base."

"The surface of the bridge is now too wide and open. They can use magic without any inhibition. But if the bridge is destroyed and only the uneven wreckage remains, humans can use the debris as cover."

"Not only can they avoid surprise magical attacks, the special operations squads have also entered the field. This is their forte."

Steve opened his mouth and took a deep breath. He said, "Peter, I never thought...are you really Peter?"

It's not surprising that Steve was so shocked. In his previous interactions with Peter, he noticed that due to Peter's young age and lack of life experience, his tactical plans often seemed kind of little-league.

This was understandable. You couldn't expect a high school student who had only ever seen street fights to come up with a grand plan. But this time, Steve was utterly shocked. Right off the bat, Peter proposed a very ambitious plan.

Peter's voice sounded very calm. At this point, his mind was filled with potential variations of this tactic. He said, "This is our only chance. The bats in the air have been distracted by the fighter plane squadron and won't interfere with us. Also, the recent explosion of the ultraviolet detonator has already damaged one of the bridge piers halfway."

"We just need to destroy the other pier on the southwest side, and the whole bridge will start to collapse from the south. I estimate that approximately half of the bridge will completely collapse, providing ample room for the special operations teams."

Steve stood behind a truck. He involuntarily said, "Indeed, the recent explosion sent many bats under the bridge. Once the bridge collapses, many of them will be crushed to death."

Standing on the edge of the bridge looking down, the entire underside of the bridge was filled with eyes glowing red, looking quite terrifying. Steve said, "They like to hide under the bridge, right? Then let's lure more bats down there. When the bridge collapses, even if they are not crushed, they'll have to fly out and face bullets."

Once the operation plan was established, Steve and Peter started to coordinate their actions. They got some explosives from Chief of Police George. After a brief conversation with George, the Chief assured them that the ground police forces would cooperate at any time in the operation.

With this promise, Spider Man contacted Natasha. Natasha also agreed with their bold plan. She said, "Those fussy council members only think about the repair cost of the bridge. Why don't they consider that every bullet fired now is made of silver? The cost of firepower in just this short while would be enough to build two bridges."

"And...your plan is too conservative." The female agent from the Soviet Union declared resolutely, "The greater the scale, the greater the effect! The efficiency of transporting explosives by hand is too low!"

"Listen. I've just contacted Stark. The reason he hasn't shown up yet is that he's adjusting his Mecha. Soon, five unmanned Mecha will join the battlefield. I'll commandeer two of them."

"You guys just need to load them with enough explosives, then launch a suicide charge. This will not only blow up the bridge, but the severe explosion will also destroy a wave of bats that can't escape in time."

Both Steve and Peter swallowed hard. Steve said, "Actually, we only wanted to collapse half the bridge to…"

"Can you Americans grow some balls?!" The female agent yelled, "If the Soviet Union had commanders like you, the Germans would have stormed Moscow a long time ago!!!"

"Listen to me! Start preparing now!! Completely destroy the Brooklyn Bridge!!!"