
Like Talking To A Brick Wall


She was too busy focused on her feet to notice the car speeding down the road. The way they were driving didn't sit well with me and as they sped closed my instincts took over before I had a chance to open my mouth and tell her to move. I wasn't even sure she would move in time, so instead, I grabbed her wrist and pulled her towards me turning my back on the road. The bags she was holding unbalanced me and I had to take an extra step leaving her against the wall.

It wasn't what I had meant to happen but it wasn't a bad situation to be in, and who wouldn't take the opportunity to flirt with an attractive woman who was sandwiched between them and a wall?

"What are you doing?" she frowned up at me.

"I thought we could make out?" I smirked.


There was something wrong with him. I continued to frown at him.

"No," I stated.

"Oh relax, I just saved you from the car," he said but didn't make any effort to move.

"Thank you, but the car as gone no, you can move,"

"I thought I would give you the opportunity to reconsider kissing me," he winked.

"I don't need to reconsider," I stated, ducking under his arm and moving away from him.

"I don't get you," he mumbled shaking his head.


"I just saved your life and you're not even going to thank me?"

"I said thank you?" I frowned cautiously.

"That's not how you thank someone for saving your life," he stated matter-of-factly.

"How am I supposed to thank you?" my voice was barely audible.

"I'm glad you asked, usually naked," he nodded.

I opened my mouth to speak then snapped it shut and turned on my heels walking back towards the house. He didn't follow straight away so I was hoping he had taken my silence as a backoff. He didn't. He nudged himself between me and the road before speaking.

"Is that a yes? You seem like you're in a hurry to get home," he smirked.

"No," I stated quietly.

"No what?"

"No, I'm not going to sleep with you," I tried to sound stern but it came out a little stuttery.

"Remind me to not save you next time," he rolled his eyes, we had gotten to the house by this point.

He walked through the front door and up the stairs without saying a word to anyone. I let out a sigh and took the bags to the kitchen. The other boys had gotten the TV cabinet together and placed the lounge, Insoo was helping Gunwoo mount the TV on the wall while JunQ and Chaejin were unpacking DVD's onto the bookshelf in the corner. I didn't really understand the need to the TV cabinet if they were just mounting it on the wall.

"Do you need some help?" Chaejin asked from the living room floor.

"I'm okay," I smiled shaking my head.

"Where's Seyong?" Insoo frowned.

"Upstairs," I shrugged.

I didn't see the point in telling them what had just happened, it's not like it is a big deal, I'm pretty sure he was over exaggerating the car thing, I mean I heard it and I briefly saw it speeding down the road but I'm pretty sure that it was nowhere near the curb.

"We can help you cook," JunQ offered,

"Ji will be back soon if you want to wait for her," Gunwoo said.

"Are you saying you don't like my cooking?" I faked hurt.

"I just mean that it's been a long day, for you," he gave me a face, knew what he was implying, and it's not something that I wanted everyone to know right now.

"It's been a long day for everyone," I gave him a look, I heard the front door opened and Ji came strolling down into the kitchen area.

"Can one of you please help me? There are a few boxes that came to my apartment that was supposed to come here instead," she used her boy smile.

She was one of those girls that were so pretty that she only had to smile at a guy for him to do whatever it was she needed help with. Kind of like a siren with her song, so I called it her boy smile.

"I'll help," Insoo smiled at her.

"You'll finish helping me with this TV first," Gunwoo gave him a look.

"We'll get them," JunQ offered.

"Thank you," she smiled and they followed her out to the car.

I started slicking up vegetables, I wasn't really sure what I was making but I figured now that Jiyeon was home she would have an idea, and her cooking was far better than mine.

"Have you finished unpacking?" Gunwoo asked.


"Have you started unpacking?" he raised an eyebrow.

"Does it couldn't if her boxes have been opened?" Ji smirked making her way into the kitchen.

"Eunji," Gunwoo sighed.

"I have plenty of time to unpack, I got hungry,"

"You said you would try," Ji pointed out.

"I said I would be fine," I corrected.

"And you're not trying nor are you fine," Gunwoo added.

"Okay, I'm going," I sighed putting the knife down and heading upstairs.

Our room was huge with dark wooden floors and cream walls; two walk-in closets, it's own bathroom and a sitting area. Two single beds were already places along the long wall, one under each window. There was a pile of flattened boxes by the door, so I was guessing that Ji had already finished unpacking, but she wasn't really keeping a whole lot of her stuff here. Our furniture had been placed by the removalists, so there wasn't a lot to do but unpack.

Jiyeon had put our matching zebra printed covers on our blankets, there was a shelf that sat between the beds, the bedside tables on the outer side. There was a large shaggy pink rug a shade or two lighter than the curtains sat in front of the closets. In the sitting area was an 'L' shaped desk sitting along the left wall, a small bookshelf against the right one.

Jiyeon was putting the last of the dishes on the dining table as I was coming down the stairs. The table was quiet when we all sat down, I'm not sure when Seyong had materialised, but he'd showered and his hair was towel dried and a little unfairly attractive. Everyone sat down in silence, the whole house, in fact, was silent. WHich to me just created an awkward atmosphere.


There was nothing but the sound of metal on ceramic and faint chewing. I'm not sure how everyone else felt but the silence was making things seem a little awkward for me and I couldn't seem to stay quiet.

"This is amazing," I stated.

"Thank you," Jiyeon nodded.

"You should open up you're own restaurant,"

"Shut up," she rolled her eyes.

A small conversation broke out not long after Jiyeon ad I had started bickering. I guess someone just needed to speak first.


They all started making plans to go to a club as a group outing sort of thing. The boys had training and their monthly evaluation this week so they had decided that it would be nice to go on Friday once the week was over. I hadn't been asked if I wanted to come, I'd been told we were all going because it would be good for us to get to know each other better. How we were going to do that in a club was beyond me, but I suppose that going to a club this once wasn't going to kill me, even if it wasn't my type of good time.

I finished before everyone else so I decided to start on the dishes. One by one everyone else finished and placed their empty plates on the sink. Except for Seyong, he just stood there holding his plate staring at me.

"What's wrong?" I frowned.

"I was just wondering what was for dessert?" he raised an eyebrow.

"I don't think Jiyeon made dessert," I shrugged.

"I'm sure we could think of something else," he smirked at me with a wink.

"If you wanted dessert you should have said something at the market," I mumbled quietly.

"I'm not talking about actual food," he frowned.

"Then what are you talking about?"

"He's trying to sleep with you and clearly not taking a hint," Insoo stated coming up behind his friend.

"She's not giving any hints," Seyong rolled his eyes.

"Do you want to sleep with him?" Insoo asked.

"What? No," I shook my head.

"Whatever," Seyong snapped dropping the plate into the sink causing the warm water to splash down the front of my shirt.

"Here," Insoo sighed handing me a tea towel as Seyong stormed out of the kitchen.

"Thanks," I dabbed the front of my shirt while he picked up a second tea towel and started drying the dishes I had just washed.

We chatted while we cleaned. He wasn't as bad as I'd thought he'd be, he even apologized for Seyong which he didn't need to. We finished cleaning the kitchen and I went off to bed after a quick shower. Jiyeon came walking up the stairs as I sat down on my bed to towel dry my hair.

"Are you done in the bathroom?" she asked picking up her towel.

"Yep," I nodded.

She wandered off into the bathroom and a few seconds later the shower started, but so did my phone.

"Hey," I let out a relieved sigh.

"How are you holding up?" Zelo's voice filled the receiver.

"I'm trying, this whole thing just sucks,"

"You'll be okay and I'll be home soon so you can tell me all about it. I just thought I would give you a quick call to check in on you,"


"When are you coming back?" her door was open slightly, I could see her laying across her bed on the phone.

"You'll be back before school starts on Monday, right? It's not the same without you," she pouted which was kind of cute I guess.

Was that why she wouldn't sleep with me? Because she had a boyfriend? I walked over to her door and leant against the frame, waiting for her to get off the phone.


"I'll be back tomorrow night, so relax, I have to go right now we're about to go on stage but I'll call you tomorrow before we board,"

"Okay, bye,"

"Stop freaking yourself out,"

"I'm not,"

"Bye Eunji,"

I hung up feeling a little better until I looked up to find Seyong leaning against my door frame with a smirk on his face.

"So that's why you said no?"


"You won't sleep with me because you have a boyfriend? You don't have to feel guilty, plenty of girls in relationships have slept with me and their boyfriends don't find out until she decided to tell him. We can have some fun and keep it from him if that's easier for you,"

"My relationship status is not why I won't sleep with you," I frowned.

"Then what is because it definitely isn't my looks," he stated.

"You're not that pretty," Jiyeon stated coming out of the bathroom closing the door in his face.

"That was kind of rude," I pointed out.

"And what he was saying wasn't?" she challenged.

"I guess," I sighed.

"Where are you off too?" Insoo asked as he followed me down the stairs

"I thought you had practice this morning?" I asked trying my hair up into a ponytail.

"I do, but our schedule was pushed back which is great because I'm running late," he stated rushing to put his shoes on.

"So everyone left without you?"

"No, they're in the car out the front. So where are you off too?"

"I'm going out with some friends." I smiled retrieving my own shoes.

"Just friends?" he raised an eyebrow.

"Just friends, then I'm off to have Lunch with Jiyeon,"

"We could probably drop you off on the way,"

"It's okay, it's not far to walk," I shook my head.

"Okay, well tell her I said hi." he nodded heading out the front door as Seyong came wandering down from the lounge room.

I tucked my white tee shirt into the front of the high waisted black shorts I was wearing. He stopped and stared at me for a moment.

"Aren't they all waiting for you?" I asked.

"Probably," he shrugged.

"Okay, bye," I turned towards the front door.

"Are you a lesbian?" he asked casually.

"What?" I turned back around to face him.

"Are you attracted to girls?"

"Um, no,"

"Are you attracted to guys?"

"As far as I'm aware,"

"Then what's wrong with you?"

"Excuse me?"

"Forget it," he rolled his eyes pushing past me and walking out the front door.

let out a sigh and waited a minute or two for the car to leave before making my own way out the front door.

It didn't take long to get to our meeting place, the Min Twins were picking on Minwoo when I got there, they liked to fo that especially when they were bored. I felt bad for Minwoo, he was the first to see me and quickly make his escape from the twins towards me.

"Hey," he smiled pulling me into a side hug.

"Are you excited to see me or get away from those two?" I smirked.

"Both?" he shrugged.

"Hey," The twins greeted in unison.

"Where have you been lately?" Kwangmin asked.

"Sorting, packing, moving, unpacking," I shrugged.

"You've moved then?" Minwoo asked.

"Yep, we moved in yesterday," I sighed.

"That's why you look so tired," Youngmin commented.

"How is the new place?" Minwoo asked ignoring Youngmin's comment.

"It's nice, most of his bandmates are nice," I nodded.

"Most of?"

"It's just one that's annoying me," I shrugged.

"Annoying you how?" Kangming frowned.

"Just his personality,"

"Wo where are Ricky and Zelo?" Minwoo asked.

"Still on tour," I stated.

"Oh right, when are they supposed to be back?"

"Don't you guys talk to them?"

"They barely reply to us on tour but you speak to at least one of them daily," Youngmin stated.

"Because I'm their favourite, Zelo is back tonight and Ricky is back late Sunday,"

"So where to?"

"No idea," Youngmin shrugged.

"I need new clothes," Kwangmin stated.

"You do not need new clothes," Youngmin rolled his eyes at the same time Minwoo stated;

"You always need new clothes,"

"I need something for Monday," he defended himself.

"No, you want something for Monday," his brother playfully glared at him.

"I have nothing at home to wear,"

"You're clothes won't even fit in your wardrobe anymore,"

"Let's just go look at clothes," Minwoo intervened before their bickering turned into fighting.

We walked into the shopping centre. If I had of known they were going to want to go clothes shopping I would have suggested the market, at least then Kwangmins options would have been limited to a few stores.

"What about this?" Youngmin asked in one store. He was holding up a floral dress.

"You're not even funny," Kwangmn frowned.

"What? I think it would look good on you," Youngmin smirked trying to irritate his brother. To be fair we had been in and out of four different stores and Kangmin was still yet to decide on anything.

"If it would look so good on me, then you wear it." Kwangmin challenged as my phone beeped from my pocket.

(1) New Message(s)

Zelo: Hey, we're at the airport now. How's you're day been?

Eunji: Not too bad. The Min Twins are bickering over clothes. How was the concert?

Zelo: When aren't they bickering? It was AMAZING, they love us here.

Eunji: People love you everywhere.

Zelo: I guess they do, I'm about to go through the checking in process, I'll call you tonight.

Eunji: Okay, I have to got make sure the Twins don't kill each other. Have a safe flight.

Zelo: Just let them kill each other.

"I'm not buying that hideous shirt!" Kwangmin snapped.

"Save me," Minwoo whispered.

"Just get those black skinny jeans and that back shirt, also the white cardigan and the leather jacket," I pointed out the items in the store as I listed them off.

My suggestion seemed to end their argument and Kwangmin bought all four items. We finally left the store with Kwangmin's shopping need satisfied. Jiyeon messaged me to let me know she was on her way to the little cafe we had decided on.

"Should we eat something?" Kwangmin suggested it was probably the reason he was so moody.

"They have a really nice restaurant in here somewhere," Minwoo nodded.

"You guys go ahead, I actually have lunch plans with Ji,"

"Oh, well, we'll see you Monday then," Youngmin smiled.

"I bet you'd stay if Zelo were here," Kwnagmin pouted.

"That's because she liked Zelo more than you," Youngmin pointed out.

"That's not true," I rolled my eyes.

"You're right, you like Zeo more than anyone," he corrected himself.

"Besides, if Zelo were her, she would just take him with her," Minwoo nodded.

"I'm going," I waved walking away.

"I ordered you a coffee," Ji smile at me as I sat across from her in the booth next to the window

"Thanks," I nodded looking through the menu.

"So, what did you get up to this morning?"


"I went out with the Min Twins and Minwoo,"

"No Zelo or Ricky?"

Those three have been inseparable since we started school. Gunwoo and I were always convinced the Zelo and Eunji would end up dating at some point. Sometimes I still think it's a possibility.

"They're on tour," she shrugged.

"How was shopping?"

"Interesting," she shrugged again.

I felt bad for her. I was trying my hardest not to coddle her because I knew that's not what she wanted but I also knew that this move was a huge strain on her mental state and that she wasn't handling it that well. Of course, she wasn't going to tell me any of that because she doesn't want me to feel bad for her and Gunwoo and I have a habit of trying to shield her from anything that makes her the slightest bit uncomfortable.

"How so?"

"The twins were bickering the whole time,"

"How is Kwangmin?" I raised an eyebrow.

Kwangmin had a huge crush on her, but she didn't see it and she didn't believe me when I told her. Of course, she didn't believe anyone had a crush on her, except that she was a beautiful person and pretty much every guy she met had a slight thing for her. I'm sure at on stage Zelo did too, Ricky not so much but Ricky wasn't really attracted to women so.

"The same as always," she frowned at me knowing where I was going with my comments.

"Oh, Insoo told me to say hi," she attempted to change the subject.

"Okay," I shrugged.

"Is there something starting between you two?"

"We've met a whole of three times and one of those times we didn't really do a lot of talking," I stated.

I mean Insoo was nice and all, but I didn't know him and relationships weren't exactly my strong point. Usually, I just sleep with them and I'm done, I never have to see them again. If I had of known that Insoo was one of Gunwoo's band members I wouldn't have slept with him in the first place.


I walked in the front door by myself, Jiyeon had a meeting with her school and some stuff she had to so at her apartment before coming home. The house was silent, it was almost as silent as the first time I walked in yesterday, except my footsteps didn't echo down the hallway. I wasn't really sure what to do with myself, school hadn't started so I had nothing to study, it was too early for me to cook dinner, there was no one here to talk to, so I just walked around the house aimlessly until I decided that I could unpack the boxes that were still lying around.

I was almost done folding up the boxes when Seyong came waltzing down the hallway alone. I hadn't even heard him come in, but I did have the music channel playing on the tv. He just glanced at me rolling his eyes before collapsing onto the lounge and changing the channel.

"Hey, where is everyone else?" I asked casually.

"How am I supposed to know?" he snapped.

"I was just asking," I mumbled dragging the boxes towards the garage.

"Are we here alone?" he smirked over the back of the lounge.


"Interesting, so what do you want to do?" he smirked.

"What do you mean?" I asked even though I was pretty sure I knew what he meant.

"I mean for fun, I'm bored, I'm sure bored, I'm sure we can think of a few things to do," he winked.

"I don't think that's a good idea," I shook my head continuing down to the garage door.

"Why not?" he asked following me up the hallway, opening the door for me.

"Because," I tried to think of something that I could say that wouldn't result in him snapping at me.

"Because?" he raised an eyebrow, this time he lifted the folded boxes with ease sliding them next to the pile that was already in here.

"Because you're in a group with my brother," the words fell out of my mouth.

"Oh, that's why you won't sleep with me?" he let out a relieved sigh.

"No," I shook my head realising that my answer would only encourage him to continue his flirting.

"What?" he asked confused.

"I won't sleep with you because I don't want to," I said quietly.

He stared blankly at me for a moment, the pulled a disgusted and irritated face before storming out of the garage slamming the door behind him. My heart seemed to relocate to my throat as my body jumped at the bang. My breathing picked up with my heart rate, I sat down against the garage door and tried to control my breathing.

My breathing picked up with my heart rate, I sat down against the garage door and tried to control my breathing.

Everyone was in the living room when I came back downstairs. After the garage conversation, I had gone to shower, mostly to avoid Seyong. Apparently, they had gone grocery shopping after practice so that Ji and I wouldn't have to go down to the market. Seyong hadn't wanted to 'waste his time' which is why he had come home first.

Jiyeon had finished making dinner and we all sat down at the table. Seyong glare at me the whole time, and if he wasn't glaring he was frowning. It was extremely welcoming. I was about to start eating when my phone started paying Zelo's ringtone.

"It's Zelo," I started looking up at Gunwoo who just nodded give me permission to leave the table.

"Who's Zelo?" JunQ asked.

"Her childhood boyfriend," Jiyeon smirked.

"Hello," I walked into the living room frowning at her.

"Hey, we're home. The plane landed early so I thought I would shower and stuff while you have dinner," he said making me laugh.

"I was about to have dinner as you caller actually,"

"Do you want me to call back later?"

"No, you actually saved me, how was the flight?"

"The usual; whining passengers, crying babies. Then there was the rest of the plane," he joked.

"Aren't you glad to be home?"

"Yes, I missed my bed. So what exactly did I save you from?"

"Just an awkward and uncomfortable dinner,"

"Are you not getting along with your new housemates?"

"All but one,"

"What's going on?" he sounded concerned.

"He keeps hitting on me, at least I think that's what he's doing,"

"You think?"

"He's not early to figure out,"

"Do you want me to come and get you?"

"You just got home,"

"And I'm awake and bored, I slept pretty much the whole flight,"

"It's okay, just settle in,"

"No, I'm coming to get you, you need someone to talk to, I can hear it in your voice,"

"At least let me eat dinner,"

"I'll be there in half an hour," he said before hanging up.

I got back to the table, everyone was almost done. I risked a glance at Seyong who was no longer glaring or frowning but he was still looking at me. I just wasn't sure what his expression was exactly.

"How is Zelo?"

"He's home from tour," I nodded.

"You should invite him over soon, I haven't seen him in a long time," Gunwoo commented at he collected his dishes and left the table.

"Is he the Zelo I think he is?" Chaejin asked.

"What Zelo do you think he is?"

"B.A.P's rapper,"

"Yeah, that's him," I nodded.

"You know B.A.P?" JunQ asked.

"I've known Zelo since we were 5, I'vetaked to B.A.P but I wouldn't exactly say that I know them," I shrugged.

"She knows them, she's worked with them," Jiyeon bragged about me. I let out a sigh.

"You've worked with them? On what?" Chaejin asked.

"Nothing major, Uh, Zelo is going to come and pick me up soon," I commented.


"He just got home, and we haven't seen each other in like 3 months," I shrugged.

"And you can't wait until tomorrow?" Ji smirked.


"Not really," she shook her head pushing the food around her plate.

She told Zelo things she didn't tell me, things that she thinks I would feel bad about, and she was right. After the past few days, she needed her best friend and Zelo was a good guy, he would take care of her. I've noticed Seyong harassing her a little bit so maybe if he thought she was with Zelo he would back off a little.

"Are you going to stay at his house?"

"I don't know, probably but I'll message you to let you know,"

"Message Gunwoo, I'm not staying here tonight," I gave her a smile, I saw the decision to stay at Zelos tonight cross her face.

"Okay,' she nodded.

"We'll do the dishes tonight," Chaejin said getting up from his seat, JunQ not far behind.

"Are you sure?" I raised an eyebrow.

"You cooked, we'll clean," JunQ nodded.


Everyone had gotten up from the table, except for me and Seyong. He continued to get me his strange expression.

"I thought you didn't have a boyfriend?" he raised an eyebrow.

"I don't,"

"It sure sounds like you do," he commented.

"What is your point?" I sighed.

"My point is that you keep giving me excuses to not sleep with me, but you don't really have a good reason,"

"I have a good reason," I mumbled

"And what reason would that be?"

"Because I don't want to sleep with you,"

"What do you mean you don't want to? Everyone wants too,"

"I don't," I stated, picking up my plate and taking it through to the kitchen.

"But why?" he followed me.

"Why would I?" I raised an eyebrow, my heart started pounding in my chest.

"Because I'm, me,"

"And what makes you so great?" I raised an eyebrow.

"I'm Seyong, I'm attractive," he said as if that were a valid point.

"You might look attractive but your personality is far from it," I placed my plate on the sink and make my way past him.

I was struggling to keep my breathing even as I walked down the hallway, Jiyeon was on her way down the stair. I knew she would notice my attack starting, so when there was a knock at the door and headed straight for it.

I had forgotten that Zelo was coming until II seen him on the other side of the door, I let out a breath and hugged him. He wrapped his arms around my waist, which calmed me down.

"Hey there Zelo," Jiyeon smiled at him.

"Hey, I've come to kidnap Eunji," he stated.

"Go right ahead,"


I stood there completely stunned. What was her problem? I was just trying to give her a good time. Who did she think she was to talk to me like that? I turned around to follow her, I turned the corner and noticed her in the arms of a giant. I guess this was her boyfriend, we'll see how long that lasts.

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