
Chapter 2: The Long Goodbye

Chapter 2: The Long Goodbye

Lelouch grimaced as one of the soldiers forcefully shoved him into the backseat of a car, his head roughly colliding against the door on the far side of the vehicle. He tentatively licked his lip and was thankful that it hadn't split when the soldier had assaulted him. His cheek, however, was swelling and probably already bruised.

One of the soldiers slid into the backseat with him while the other joined the driver in the front.

"Squad Four has acquired the target." The soldier in the front said into a crackling radio as the car pulled away from the curb and joined the flow of traffic.

"So," The soldier in the backseat said, "what's your name, boy?"

This was why he hated the Britannian military so much. They were all mindless goons. Clovis said jump and they jumped. Simple as that. No questions asked. No explanations sought. These oafs didn't even know who their target was.

Feeling rebellious (and more than a little vindictive), he decided to ignore his would-be interrogator, instead turning his head to look out the window. He regret the decision a moment later when the soldier's fist collided solidly with his ribs. He grunted and glared at the soldier.

"Answer the question, boy." The soldier in the front seat insisted. "Before he really gets into it. You could end up in the hospital if you're not careful."

Good cop, bad cop? How cliché.

"If your prince didn't see fit to apprise you of the situation, I don't know why I should." He retorted scathingly, earning himself another punch – this time to the chest, which sent him into a fit of coughing.

It also caused the brute afflicting the damage to chortle as though the sight of Lelouch in pain was something of the utmost hilarity. Lelouch was comforted, however, because he knew that he'd get every blow back. With interest. Clovis had always been a stickler for preserving the sanctity of the royal family. This man was as good as dead.

"You think you're a real tough guy, don't you, kid." The soldier next to him sneered.

"Not at all." Lelouch gasped as he recovered his breath.

Humphing disdainfully, the soldier crossed his arms over his rather broad chest and leaned back in his seat. "You're just lucky the prince wanted you alive. You'd hate to see what I'd do to you if he didn't, you mouthy bastard."

"And I'd hate to see what he'd do to you if you did kill me." Lelouch mouthed off one last time before resuming looking out the window.

At some point in time during his altercation in the back seat with the soldier, an armed escort of four Knightmares had joined them. Apparently, Clovis didn't want to take any chances of an assassination attempt. Either that or they thought Lelouch had enough resources and men to stage a rescue. Neither outcome seemed likely.

They arrived at Clovis' palace a half an hour later, the presence of the Knightmares taking care of the busy traffic in the downtown area. Really, no one wanted to drive too close to a Knightmare. One wrong move and it was all over and you were crushed by a twelve ton giant fighting robot.

His captors dragged him proudly through the corridors to Clovis' office, the malicious one who'd shared the backseat with him making sure to take long strides so Lelouch had to scramble to keep up despite the pain in his chest.

They approached the door to Clovis' office and his captors announced themselves to one of the prince's assistants as Sirs Jean Carmichael (the good cop) and Evan Pearce (the walking dead man) who had "apprehended and subdued the target". The assistant stared in wide-eyed horror at the sight before her. She, it seemed, had been fully apprised of the situation. In a horrified daze, she tapped on the door to Clovis' office.

"They're here, you're highness." She said weakly into the intercom, her eyes never leaving Lelouch's brutalized face.

Instead of being commanded to enter the office, the door suddenly swung open and Clovis was there. "Lelouch!" He cried joyously. He took one step before coming to a stunned halt in the threshold of the door as he took in his appearance.

Both of the soldier's bent to kneel gracefully in front of their lord. Pearce actually punched the back of Lelouch's knees a second later when he didn't immediately follow suit, sending the teen roughly to his knees.

"Hello, brother." Lelouch said calmly, eyes defiant as he knelt with his back straight and his arms still bound behind him.

"Brother?" Carmichael whispered in stunned disbelief.

For a moment, Clovis didn't move as the blood drained completely from his face as he stared at Lelouch completely aghast. Then he flushed a brilliant shade of furious red and began shouting. "Bartley! Guards! Arrest these men! They've assaulted a member of the Imperial family!" He howled and in a rush of confusion the room was suddenly filled with armed men and Clovis was kneeling in front of Lelouch looking mortified.

"My God, Lelouch, what did these heathens do to you?" Clovis demanded before shouting for the key that would release Lelouch's arms. "Are you alright?"

"I'm sure I'll survive." Lelouch grumbled as he was fussed over by Clovis. The handcuffs were released a moment later and he experimentally flexed his arms, wincing a little as the movement shifted his bruised ribs.

"Execute them!" Clovis snarled when he saw Lelouch's expression. "And someone send for a nurse."

"We didn't know!" Pearce cried suddenly. "We weren't told he was a prince! Who is he?"

Lelouch slowly got to his feet, grimacing when he twinged a tender spot before turning to scowl at the soldiers. "My name . . . is Lelouch vi Britannia, Eleventh Prince of the Holy Britannian Empire."

The room fell silent and even the struggling two soldiers ceased their movements for a moment to stare at Lelouch incredulously. His name, despite his apparent lack of popularity, was still well known it seemed. He was the son of Empress Marianne "the Flash", a military legend. He was also supposed to be dead.

"Nicely done." Clovis chuckled softly. "Very dramatic." He said before draping his arm over Lelouch's shoulder and escorting him into his office, closing the door firmly behind them. "Sit, please, my brother." Clovis said, gesturing towards one of two opposing arm chairs around a small coffee table. "Let me take a look at you."

For a moment Clovis simply stared at him, taking in the way Lelouch had grown, how much he looked like his mother as opposed to his father, and the condition that his soon-to-be-executed soldiers had left him in. "I'm so glad you're alive." Clovis finally breathed. "I searched everywhere for you and Nunnally but I never found a trace of either of you. Tell me, what . . . what happened to Nunnally? Where is she?"

Lelouch forced a slight grimace onto his face, "Nunnally's dead." He said bitterly. "It's difficult for a crippled, blind girl to survive in a war zone."

Clovis made a small sound in the back of his throat, almost like a whimper before reaching across the small coffee table between them to reassuringly clasp Lelouch on the shoulder. "I am so sorry, Lelouch. I tried. Please believe me, I tried to find you. I was here even before they stopped the airstrikes searching for you. I tried to convince Father to postpone the invasion until we'd found and retrieved you two, but he didn't listen to me."

Lelouch bit the inside of his lip to keep himself from scoffing. He couldn't tell if Clovis was telling the truth or was simply trying to comfort him. It was difficult to imagine Clovis willingly entering a war zone for any reason. His brother had always been a narcissist and cared for his own life and his own goals above all others. But then again, he and Clovis had been close when they'd been younger and Clovis had been outraged by the Emperor's treatment of the vi Britannias.

Lelouch had no difficulty, however, believing the part of Clovis' story where the Emperor had refused to rescue them before the airstrikes had begun flattening the country. His father was a merciless bastard and Lelouch hated him.

"It wasn't your fault, Clovis." Lelouch said, deciding to give his half-brother the benefit of the doubt. For now.

"Can I get you anything?" Clovis asked hospitably, "Wine? Scotch? Brandy?"

Lelouch chuckled. "Just water is fine. I am still technically underage."

Clovis scoffed, "You're a prince, Lelouch. The normal rules don't apply to you. And I promise I won't tell anyone that I'm allowing a minor to drink in my presence. So, do you still have your heart set on water?"

"Yes. Just water." Lelouch answered.

"Fine. Fine." Clovis waved airily as he procured a bottle of water from a mini fridge and poured a glass of brandy for himself.

"So . . ." Lelouch began slowly after Clovis had reseated himself, "what are you going to do with me now that you've caught me?"

"You make it sound like you're a felon." Clovis joked, but upon seeing Lelouch's serious expression he changed tactics quickly. "I've already called home. Schneizel is in the process of tracking down our father as we speak. His Majesty has been growing more and more distant over the last couple years. Schneizel is the one who is pretty much running the show now."

"I see." Lelouch said noncommittally before taking a sip of his water.

Clovis sighed. "I'm not going to ask you why you didn't try to contact us after the war. I'm pretty sure I understand."

"You understand nothing!" Lelouch suddenly snarled, despite the part of his mind that was telling him to just shut the hell up and take whatever was to come with mute neutrality. "We were abandoned! We were sent here as nothing more than political bargaining chips and then we were discarded when a better opportunity presented itself. Like broken toys. It was unforgivable."

Silence reigned in the room for a moment as Clovis stared at Lelouch wide-eyed. Yes, he was angry. And his anger was inconsolable. Clovis was, however, saved from trying to come up with a response to his tantrum by the nurse's arrival at the door. He hurriedly bade her to enter and proceeded to make sure that Lelouch was very thoroughly checked over. There was something about Lelouch's anger that sent shivers down one's spine. It was the way his eyes darkened into a brooding violet, like pregnant storm clouds. And quite frankly, Clovis wasn't equipped to deal with it.

Halfway through Lelouch's examination, Schneizel returned Clovis' call.

"Lelouch?" Schneizel asked after demanding Clovis hand over the phone.

"Hello." Lelouch replied, forcing his voice into something halfway pleasant.

"Is it really you, brother?" Schneizel asked.

"It's me." Lelouch affirmed.

"Thank God. I can't wait to see you. Clovis should be making your travel arrangements right now. You've been summoned to Pendragon. Father wants to speak with you. And the rest of us can't wait to see you either. Euphemia is practically jumping off walls." Schneizel informed him.

So, back under the Emperor's heel. What would he be used for this time? Or would the Emperor's patience with him finally be exhausted? Would he find himself the unfortunate victim of an impossible 'terrorist attack'?

"I see. Well, no doubt I'll be seeing you all very soon. Send Euphemia my love, if you see her. That may calm her a little."

"Lelouch . . ." Schneizel hesitated. "Never mind, we'll have plenty of time to talk when you get back home. I'll see you soon."

Clovis waited until the phone was hung up before letting out his frustration.

"Sometimes I just want to slap that guy!" Clovis exclaimed. "Ordering me around like some servant." He grumbled as he sent a message to his private plane.

"He is Prime Minister now, isn't he?" Lelouch asked rhetorically.

"Yeah, yeah," Clovis said, waving his hand airily. "Now, we have three hours until your plane departs. That's not a lot of time for a party so we'll have to do that some other time. What we do have time for is public announcement."

Without consulting Lelouch in the slightest, Clovis began dialing into his phone and contacting his PR people. Within an hour, Clovis' office was filled with cameras, lights, and media people. Lelouch was pushed into a chair where he was assaulted by a makeup artist with a huge brush. By the time she was finished with him, it was impossible to tell that he'd been hit in the face with a baton only hours ago. He was then stuffed into a brand new black suit complete with ruffled collar and an Imperial purple short cape – something he hadn't worn since leaving Britannia over seven years ago.

Clovis was a natural at this kind of stuff. He was everyone's archetypal charismatic leader. He didn't even squint under the harsh stage lights. Lelouch, on the other hand, had spent the last seven years trying to avoid undue attention. So this was not exactly his forte, despite his sometimes dramatic flair.

"To all my Imperial subjects, including all the many cooperative Elevens who choose to serve the Britannian Empire," Clovis began, dramatically throwing his arms out wide.

Meanwhile, at Ashford Academy, the Student Council was in full panic mode. Shirley was on the phone with the police demanding to know what Lelouch had been charged with. The police officer on the other end of the line had no idea what she was talking about, which figured. Rivalz was pacing while constantly second guessing himself, wishing that he'd never pulled over. He'd almost driven himself to the point of hysteria. Nina may have 'allegedly' hacked into the local police database to determine if they were just giving Shirley the run around.

In the center of all this chaos, Milly leaned against the table with her arms crossed over her chest and a letter crumpled into one hand. She was unnaturally calm, her mouth tugged down into a small frown as she considered what the letter said. She was brooding.

They all paused in their activities when a national address from Prince Clovis interrupted the girlish soap opera that had been playing in the background.

"Rejoice with me today at the rediscovery of one of Britannia's lost treasures!" The prince said, grinning widely. "My brother who was once thought to be dead has returned to us. May I present to you Prince Lelouch vi Britannia! Eleventh prince of the Holy Britannian Empire."

At which point the camera scrolled sideways to reveal . . .

"That's Lulu!" Shirley shrieked as she stared in open amazement at her one true love, phone hanging limply in her hand.

"No. That's impossible. That guy just looks like Lelouch. . ." Rivalz attempted to explain halfheartedly.

"It's true." Milly said quietly, her gaze fixed on the image of Lelouch on the television screen.

"To all of the residents of Area Eleven, both Britannians and Elevens alike," Lelouch said clearly and firmly, "I would like to thank you for the hospitality your country has shown me these last seven years. I am truly grateful that I was able to live amongst you as one of you. A piece of this country will always reside in my heart. But for now, I will be rejoining the rest of my family back in the homeland."

The Student Council members stared at the television, taking in the austere appearance of their Vice President. He looked regal, but cold, in a way. His face was completely neutral and his eyes seemed like they were completely devoid of energy. Dead eyes.

"Poor Lelouch." Milly said sadly, her fist crushing the letter in her hand a little more.

"What do you mean 'poor Lelouch'?" Rivalz exclaimed, "He's a freaking prince. Royalty! What the heck was he doing here with us anyway?"

"Wait, doesn't this mean that Nunnally's a princess?" Shirley asked. "Where is she anyway?"

Milly didn't answer until the transmission was cut off and the television went back to airing the soap opera instead. Then she very carefully and deliberately smoothed out the letter.

"I have a message here from Lelouch, you guys. Please listen while I read it to you." She said softly before beginning to recite the letter.

"Dear Milly,

First of all, I want to apologize for all of the drama this will create around campus. But I know you love the chaos so really I should be apologizing to the others. My cover was compromised today and so I will, unfortunately, be leaving you. I'm not sure what they're going to do to me yet, so please keep this secret from the others until that comes to light. If my reappearance is never announced, then it is safe to assume that I was taken in secrecy and summarily executed.

I have sent Nunnally into hiding and I've erased any trace of her from the school's records. I suppose that it's fortunate that she was so sheltered here. Most of the students here don't even know of her existence. I want you to swear the Student Council to secrecy. I will not have Nunnally turned into a tool for political gain. Nor will I allow her to become a casualty of someone's ambition. Forgive me if this seems harsh, but I will not forgive anyone who betrays me or Nunnally. She should be safe for now and anyone who compromises that will be considered my enemy.

With that out of the way, I suppose I can begin my farewells. I don't know if I'll be able to see you again. I don't know if I'll ever be allowed to return to Area Eleven. It ultimately depends on what the Emperor has planned for me. If I can still be useful to him, I think he may forgive this transgression. Though, that man has never been quick to forgive.

Milly, once all of this comes out into the open – or I suppose I should say if it comes into the open - please tell the others the real reason that I was hiding amongst all of you. I'm sure that the Imperial family wouldn't want that tale going public so I'll probably have to spin some elaborate fiction to cover their collective rears. You know the whole story, I think. Or at least you know the majority of it as your family became a victim of Imperial ambition along with my own.

You've always been a great friend to me, Milly. You've been my support and my confidante since I came to live with your family. You never faulted or accused us once for putting your family in danger – which I know we did. Your determination to see the brighter side of all things was one of the foundations for our survival here. Thanks to you, we not only survived, but we thrived. I will miss you dearly. Tell your grandfather goodbye for me as well. Hopefully, supposing I don't suddenly die under mysterious circumstances, I will be able to see you again.

Rivalz, you have been my constant companion for the last five years. You've been more than my chauffeur for our slightly illegal pastimes. You've been my wingman – my partner - so I'm charging you with taking care of the others from now on. That means that you're going to have to work hard to keep Milly in line. You can't just let her get away with all of her schemes just because . . . well, I won't reveal that particular secret of yours. Most importantly, make sure you keep them safe. All of you are precious to me, and I regret that I will no longer be able to be there for you. One more thing, Rivalz, please don't waste all of your savings trying to take over our gambling scheme. You're a terrible chess player.

Shirley, thank you for always being there to keep me on the right track. I know it may not have seemed like it, but I truly do appreciate that you cared enough to criticize me. You wanted what was best for me, and I understand that. So thank you for caring, Shirley. Growing up as I did, it was rare to find someone who actually cared more about my well-being than about what they could use me for. You are a treasure and I'm sorry that I won't be able to be there anymore. I am going to miss your compassion and constant worrying over me.

Nina, you have a brilliant mind and I will miss the in depth, late night talks we sometimes had about politics, philosophy, and the sciences. There were few others who were able to engage me as well as you. Don't ever hold yourself back because you're afraid of the spotlight. The world needs people with the ability to think for themselves. You're one of them, don't hide it.

I'm going to ask that you burn this letter when you're done with it. I've mentioned my sister in it so it poses an inherent threat to her continued anonymity. I'm also going to ask that you try to suppress the chaos that's going to occur if news of who I am gets out. Distract them. You should be able to put it out of their minds with a spectacular festival of some kind. I'm sure you can find something inane to celebrate.

I love you all, my dear friends.

Lelouch Lamperouge

Or rather . . . Lelouch vi Britannia, as that is who I now must be.

The Student Council room fell into a stunned silence for a moment as they processed the contents of the letter.

"So . . . what's the real story then, Madam President?" Shirley asked timidly.

Milly frowned. "When their mother was assassinated for currying the disfavor of some of the other members of the Imperial family – though the attack was blamed on terrorists – Lelouch and Nunnally lost everything. When the Emperor refused to investigate the attack to Lelouch's satisfaction, he renounced his claim to the throne. In response, the Emperor sent Lelouch and Nunnally to Japan to play as political hostages during the Sakuradite Crisis.

"But when Knightmare frames were finally perfected, the Emperor gave up on negotiation and just decided to invade. He abandoned Lelouch and Nunnally in a war zone. The Emperor left them to die." Milly explained. "That's why they never went back to the homeland. As Lelouch understood it, he and Nunnally were nothing more than disposable pawns in the Emperor's game. He wasn't about to go back to be used again. Not of his free will, in any case. I don't think he'll ever be able to forgive his father."

"That's . . . that's horrible." Shirley whispered.

"We've got to rescue him!" Rivalz suddenly exclaimed.

"Don't be an idiot, Rivalz." Nina said softly, "Lelouch knew that there was no going back after his identity was revealed. It's why he left the letter for Milly. He was prepared to go back and be used to make sure that Nunnally was safe. Besides, he's with Prince Clovis now. There's nowhere in all of Area Eleven more secure than where he is now. Are you just going to ask them to hand him over to you?"

"Nina has a point." Milly said. "Lelouch knew what he was doing. He allowed himself to be captured. If he hadn't, he would have gone into hiding with Nunnally."

"Lulu's so gallant." Shirley sighed. "Sacrificing himself for Nunnally's sake."

"Oh yeah," Milly said suddenly, standing up straight and facing the other council members. "I, Milly Ashford, as President of the Student Council, command you never to speak of Nunnally Lamperouge again! You are hereby sworn to secrecy."

"Yeah, because a threat from a royal prince wasn't enough to keep us quiet." Rivalz muttered. "I suppose we should hide all of Nunnally's things so if anyone comes poking around they won't find them."

"Rivalz!" Milly exclaimed before striking him on the head with the letter. "You were sworn to secrecy, remember? But you do have a point. New Student Council activity! Hide or destroy the evidence!"

Meanwhile, in a military base not too far away, Margrave Jeremiah Gottwald was staring agape at the television where the son of Lady Marianne had just been shown. Alive!

"Jeremiah." Villetta said softly behind him when he didn't move for more than a minute.

He shrugged off her concern and hurried away. Prince Lelouch was alive! The only son of Lady Marianne was alive. And had been hiding all this time? That didn't matter. He had failures to make up for. First for failing to protect the boy's mother. And second for failing to protect Prince Lelouch and his sister Nunnally.

Was Princess Nunnally still alive?

Jeremiah frowned as he made his way through one corridor after another, making his way to the car park. No. If Princess Nunnally were still alive, they would have announced her survival as well. So, he had failed a third time. Three black marks on the ragged remains of his honor. Three sins to atone for.

He drove like a maniac to Clovis' palace, weaving his luxury sport car through traffic as though it hadn't cost more than most Britannians entire yearly gross income. It didn't matter. The car didn't matter. His life didn't matter and neither did the lives of those in the vehicles around him. The only thing that mattered was Prince Lelouch vi Britannia.

When he arrived, however, it was to disappointment.

"Lelouch? Oh, you just missed him, Gottwald." Clovis said airily. "He's already on the plane headed for the homeland."

"Then I respectfully request a temporary leave of absence, your highness." Jeremiah urged.

"Fine, fine." Clovis waved. "Go on then. Just let my people know when you'll be back."

"Thank you, your highness."

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