
Chap 1




Single (aka playboy Briefly dated Azazel (read further), forced on a date with Edith (became friends (read further) later), Wendy kissed him to confirm if she is a lesbian (she is sorry Stan), dated many girls, boys, aliens, angels, and demons 14 to 20 never was serious about them because they weren't the one)

Alright, so Kenny will be extremely different than normal. His backstory begins in Texas. He was born in a town where they were just using modern technology. He lived in a super racist country (like stereotype racist country people) Kenny was smart and strong but, on the farm, you only needed to be strong. His family abuses him mentally, physically, emotionally, and sexually. Kenny escaped when he was 10 and made it to south park (somehow). He was adopted by his family you see in the show.

Kenny is broken in every way possible and is using his hood that covers his entire face as a coping mechanism hiding from the real world. Skip to later Kenny is walking home when he was run over by a car. His vision goes black, but then it comes back he is a foot away from where he was hit and is being cursed out by a driver. Kenny's immorality is different When he dies his body turns to dust and recreates itself up to 30 ft. away from the point of death. Only people Kenny talks about this power will remember his death.

Know we have the mysterion arc. Mysterion is Kenny's alter ego but he treats them as different people (hence the joke he will be making in this fic " who is this mysterion character never seen him " after running behind a door and becoming Kenny). Then Cthulhu strikes. It plays out mostly the same but only telling captain hindsight he can't die. Then it is time for Kenny and mint berry crunch to fight Cthulhu and jackass (wait his name is cartman) and cartman. Kenny confronts cartman and then goes to fight Cthulhu. Then 1 bubble falls from the sky for both Kenny and Bradley. He is from Bradley's planet but is a God Slayer (GS) like Kenny. He gets to tell Kenny about his powers (note the guy is dead he does get the chance to talk to the new GS he told Bradley to because he was just there). Kenny is a GS meant to keep heaven, hell, and all other planes of gods and demons (like Olympus or the tree in Norse mythology). Every time a GS dies the power will go to the next chosen and the past user will appear and tell them about the power when the chosen is ready. Kenny can draw on all known memories from previous users and their stored arsenal which he can access from dying with practice. He gives Kenny the halo horn. Made from God's halo and Satan's horn and heavily enchanted. Will kill anything. Kenny and Bradley kill Cthulhu and save their friends.

Now with Bradley knowing his secret and GS confidence, Kenny acts more fanon. He's enjoyable. He now fights aliens, monsters, demons, angels, and everything else. Later Wendy and Craig find out when a very emotional Kenny tells them (something bad happens at his house) soon the trio become a school than country, and finally world power by building a super successful company McBride industry. Then slowly all his friends become part-time heroes besides Craig and Wendy. Yadda Kenny bribes his parents into signing his emancipation papers and becomes Kenny McBride (that's why the company is called that) He fights both god and Satan, makes friends with Jesus, Edith (gods daughter), Azazel (Satan's son aka the anti-Christ (also gay disaster but don't tell) cool guy)




Relationship (Jazmine DuBois of course)

Huey was born to Robert freeman's daughter Whitney Freeman. They lived in Chicago. She got in a very abusive relationship with a white man named James Tucker. Huey and Riley grew up with these 2. Riley went to the streets to escape and slowly adopted a gang mentality. Huey escaped to the library and educated himself. On the way there Huey met Martin Whitney Du Bois.

Martin taught Huey everything he needed to know. He told him about politics and conspiracy theories. How to drive and how to fight. Huey learned it all. When Riley was getting attacked by a rival gang Huey came in and beat the hell out of them. He promised no matter what Riley does he will be there to protect him. One day at home James came and in a fit of drunken rage, he punched Riley. Huey seeing this gets in a vicious fight with him.

After years of a routine like this Whitney sends Huey and Riley to the store. When they come home they find it burnt to the ground. The police statements blamed the entire thing on Whitney. In truth, James tried to beat up Whitney she ran to the kitchen and was cornered when he tried to set her on fire. Instead, he started a fire. He tried to finish her off but Whitney stabs him. She tries to leave but the fire is too hot. The news said she killed him and burned the hose down for insurance and told her kid to go because she wanted no witnesses. Huey is outraged by this blames it all on the man.

The social worker put them with their grandpa and then they shortly move to Woodcrest. Now you know what happened pre-Woodcrest. Nothing major in the show is changed except for a few things. A kid called Ceazer moves to Woodcrest and he and Huey becomes friends, Luna ( killer kung fu wolf bitch) does not kill herself, Huey is nicer to Jazmine, Cindy joins the group more, and Huey earns the respect of grandmaster Bushido Brown.

Huey now 14 has a nice life. He has mastered white lotus kung fu and all other styles, has great sparring partners, Jazmines and Huey"s hangouts ( dates ), and finds out conspiracy theories. Huey has also beat the Kumite 3 times. Unfortunately, the president, not Obama ( look at his age it is now 2016 ) has gloated Huey is a special weapon. Russia who believed it now goes and tries to capture and experiment on him. Now Huey is on the run from everyone. After 6 months Huey goes straight to the white house to stop this. There the unnamed president gives Huey an ultimatum to work for him for 12 months or he will Nuke Woodcrest. Huey accepts and after a while learns even more. He has the shi to Itami no ken (Fist of death and Pain). He finishes his time and goes home ( and may or may not ask Jazmine on a proper date).

Pinkie Diana Pie (formerly Pinkanemma Diana pie)

Real age (18) age she put after the great clash (21) wanted to drink legally

Young pinkie pie (pony version) was in the woods and got cursed by a demon. This demon called herself pinkanemma ( the creepypasta) who comes out when pinkie is depressed. That's why she is laughter she is keeping her demon at bay. That's why pinkie was considered an outsider in her family they were scared. They warm up to her after she kept up her (toxic) happiness.

Now for all of the shows and the movie, it is the same. There is no 4th wall breaks because there is no 4th wall. Pinkie is a semi omnipotent being of chaos like normally. Gets the same powers and stuff. It is after the show. The age when a pony has reached maturity is 14. Pinkie pie married rainbow dash at 16. A couple of months into the relationship rainbow dash is abusing pinkie pie and slowly is turning her into Nemma. Soon there is only Nemma. Her first victim is poor sweet Fluttershy who is strangled to death. Later rainbow dash eats a nice meat cupcake her wife made her (free-range). Soon Equestria is full of murders. The Mane 4 Rainbow, Pinkie, Applejack, and Twilight. Soon they find the demon in her and "exorcise" it.

Then before the fix-it spell rainbow manipulates everyone besides pinkie into keeping the demon in her to " teach her a lesson". Pinkie is depressed from the murders and the gaslighting from Rainbow dash. Now at year, 18 discord strikes hard. He defeats the princess and the mane 7 (their relationship has become toxic running their magic.) He then using ancient magic crashes the pony world into the human world. The mane 7 plus sunset magic that now seems unfit for their users goes to pinkie pie. Pinkie then defeats discord but not before Rainbow Dash enacts her plan.

Mad at pinkie for ruining her magic she tells everyone that pinkie killed them all (no Nema at all) and worked with discord. She killed all three princesses (Rainbow killed them right after this speech). The Mane 7 (pinkie removed sunset put in) agrees with this all-accepting Rainbow Dash as their new leader. Pinkie who is now 5ft 3 more humanoid with a tail and equestrian powers is banned from the kingdom in the heart of everything

Broken yet again Nema comes out just as powerful. This time detaching from her was finally powerful enough. Pinkie fights and finally gets rid of Nema but everyone saw. Pinkie is finally done put's her middle fingers up and walks into the forest finally free. Pinkie is now near unkillable. She has all of her unkillable things, reality manipulating, and the mane 7 powers. She retires to the forest killing any pesky guards who come her way and trying to have a friendship with Fluttershy and Sunset ( the best nontoxic people of the group).

Credits to:https://archiveofourown.org/works/36161878/chapters/90142759