
Chapter Five

Benny Lays woke up at three o'clock in the morning. He had to sneak out of his girlfriend's house. Before he left, he kissed her on the forehead. Then he got his keys to his sunny bright yellow jeep and left.               


    "Hey, Joe rough night, huh?" Lou the bartender said to Benny. Benny knew Lou since he was as sophomore. Benny had a feeling that Lou knew he wasn't twenty one. The main reason Benny went to the bar this day was because his best friend was on a vacation with a complete stranger. He didn't want to think of the things that stranger could do to his friend. So he decided to get a couple drinks.                        He showed Lou his fake I.D. "The usual?" Lou asked Benny. Above Lou was his high school diploma, showing people he liked his job more than college. Benny thought about it for a second then nodded. Lou was a strong fellow and always looked intimidating. He wore a red bandana on top of his head. Also, he always wore a black eye patch, his one eye was sea green, he looked like a mix of African American and mexican. His biceps were well built and today he was wearing a black and yellow flannel and NBA basketball shorts.                                 Benny first met the guy when one of his sophomore friend's brother made him a fake I.D. At first he was kind of scared of the big guy and was afraid he might get caught. The guy was surprisingly friendly despite his menacing look. They became friends after three months. Seth, on the other hand was scared of the guy. When Benny brought Seth to the bar, Seth always had these doubts. Are we gonna die? Will the CIA interrogate us and so on. Benny loved Seth like a brother, but sometimes he was just a wimp.               

Lou gave Benny the four shot glasses. Benny chugged the first shot glass under four seconds. Benny looked around to see who was at the bar. There wasn't much people there, just a few drunks. But there was one person who stood out from all the rest of them.       

It was a girl, she looked a little older than Benny. She was extremely pale but she was also marvelously stunning. He literally thought she was the most beautiful girl he'd ever seen. She had deep dark sparkling brown eyes, her lips were as red and bright as a ruby, her cheekbones were as sharp as a knife, her hair was as dark as a midnight raven.                                                        "What are you looking at, kid?" Lou asked him. Benny jumped when he heard Lou, he was too busy looking at the girl. "Who's she, Lou?" Benny asked looking at the girl. Lou looked at where he was looking with a confused face.            "Umm… son there's no one there. Are you okay? You only had one shot," Lou told him. Benny looked back and still saw the girl sitting there. Then she stood up, holding her dark purse with a skull in the middle. She looked directly at him and motioned him to come.   

Benny chugged the rest of the shot glasses and left a tip to a bewildered Lou and followed the peculiar girl. He went out the back door. Benny had never gone out the back door before. He was near a rusty old dumpster with a few broken down cars.It was just the two of them.

"Who are you and why am I the only one that can see you?" Benny asked the girl. She just smiled mockingly at him. Please tell me I'm hallucinating, Benny thought to himself.                           

"Hello, Benjamin Alexander Layson, you have something I want," the girl had a soothing voice. Benny was horrified she knew his name, but what scared him the most was what she might want from him. He didn't hit women, but if she pulled a weapon out he will use self defense.

"I want your death, Benny. I want your death." With that she came at him with a silver blade. It kind of looked like a dragon tooth from a Harry Potter  movie to Benny. It had some odd looking symbols on it. She swung the blade at his neck with amazing speed Benny didn't even think was possible. Benny barely dodged it, but he did. The girl cut him a little bit near the adam's apple. He grabbed his neck and saw blood.The girl looked astonished, then made a cruel smile.

"You're better than I thought, but not that good." She swung at him again, this time at the chest with her lightning speed. Benny jumped back so hard that he fell to the ground. She looked astonished again, but then she shook her head and looked down at him. "Well, Benny you're a better fighter than I thought. Mundanes usually suck, well now you can die. This will all make sense once you die, so just let me kill you-" Benny brought his body up and punched her in the face as hard as he could.            Benny cursed after he punched her. It felt like punching metal, his hand felt like it was broken. The girl just smiled gleefully not feeling any pain. Benny couldn't believe it, this girl wasn't human.                                            "What the-" the girl cut him off by stabbing him in the chest. Benny felt shock all memories came at once. He collapsed to the ground. The girl took it out of his chest and then stabbed him in the heart. Benny lost the colors in the eyes, then he was gone.

After Jasmine killed the one called Benny Lays she slit her wrist with the night knife.Cold dark blood oozed from her wrist. Then she put the bloodied knife in Benny's mouth and took it out once the knife had no more blood on it. Then she slit his wrist and put the blood in his mouth with the knife.                    

"Well, Benjamin Alexander Layson welcome to the new world," she said and brought him to the first generation vampires.       

Benny woke up in a place that looked like a cave it was wet and damp. But the weird thing was it wasn't cold and all he felt like doing was killing Darkness's weapon whatever that was. He didn't realize it, but the cave was completely dark, but he could see just fine. Then he heard footsteps and he could smell blood. It smelled delicious to him. When Benny saw who it was he was surprised .                    

It was his best friend Seth Wesson. "Seth, what are you doing here?" Benny asked wondering what was happening. Was this some prank? No, it couldn't be, Seth sucked at pranks. Then Seth spoke.               

"Yeah, I'm sorry I had to leave. I have to tell you something, but you can't tell anyone, deal?" Seth asked Benny. Benny nodded. Seth explained. "I'm like this powerful weapon, man it's really cool. I think they call it Darkness's weapon, sweet name ri-" Benny ran straight at him with full speed. The weird thing was he felt faster and stronger. He ran right at him and sank his teeth in his neck, until there was no more blood left. Then instantly Seth disappeared and Benny fell down. He heard slow cold clapping. When he looked up he saw a man who was in his 30s. He was bald and unseemingly pale, his dead blue eyes were icy and ageless, he looked lean.        "Who are you and what happened to me?" Benny asked looking at the man. The man smiled wickedly. "I am Vlad III and you are now a vampire. Who you killed was just an illusion, Seth is still alive. I'll explain more later. But I have one question for you."              "Yeah and what's that vampire man," Benny said. This guy really was paranoid.        "Will you kill your best friend Seth Wesson, will you kill Darkness's Weapon?"   

Benny nodded without hesitation. Something about him just wanted to kill Darkness's weapon. Something inside him wants to rip his best friends heart out. This Benny was different no more football or parties or even Seth. This Benny was going to destroy Darkness's Weapon.

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