
The Struggles Of A Man And The Stone That Weighs Upon His Heart

September 14th, 2049. Unknown Location 50m below ground.

A corporately dressed young man in glasses possessing an imposing aura, walks down a spacious metallic hallway with a few people in lab coats following behind him.

"Status report" the man demands.

"Yes Director"

"Not much progress has been made on the virus, the estimated survival rate stands at 1 in 10,000,000,000"

"Sigh.... keep working on it, if its possible to bring it down that much from total fatality then we can still increase survivability. How are we on the EMP? "

A second person immediately rushes up to the director.

"Reporting to the Director. We've been trying really hard to achieve the Directors preffered form of discharge, and have recently made a breakthrough with a success rate of about 80%. We are waiting on the directors permission for testing"

"Good. Hold off on testing for now. Keep working and bring that success rate up to 100% before the months end."

The man in question immediately feels the pressure and starts sweating upon receiving this reply.

"I believe all preparations are in place for aerospace activities... "

"Yes director."

"Perfect. Return to your posts and await further directions. "

"Yes Director... " All seven subordinates take their leave.

*Sigh *

" I hope we're able to make it in time, this is the only hope. Time to give the president a report. " The director whips out his phone and immediately calls the only number on it.

"Aun pays his respect to the President. Not much has changed President, the survival rate of the virus stands at only 1 in 10,000,000,000."

"Sigh. Stay there and keep an eye on happenings, you may return at the end of the month, hopefully with better news. Take care."


In a certain spacious office. A middle aged man stands facing a window, taking in the glorious view of his surroundings feeling satisfied but yet immensly troubled. All he sees, is solely his, but no one knows if all this would still exist in the world as we know it would still exist in the next 30 to 50 years, much less all he's worked so hard to build.

This man is named Icarrus, the owner and founder of the nationwide company known as Origin. Origin is and has been the worlds leader in all major fields for the past 27 years. Leading rhe world in the fields of Medicine, Technology, Electronics, Bio-Mechanics and the Aerospace Industry amongst others. Posessing multiple subsidiaries, some might say origin has monopolized the worlds market, but this hasn't always been the case. 30 years ago Icarrus was struggling with the growth of his company. Icarrus owes his companies success to the fortunate encounter he had during a deep sea explorarion project, in this fortunate event he found the last vestige of a civilization unknown to man, he discovered an old Extraterrestrial colonization base built over a million metres below sea level. The progress his company has made is due to reverse engineering of technology found on this ship. Upon understanding the implications of his discovery Icarrus moved his company to the African continent and built a firm unshakable foundation for his company. Icarrus took the findings from extraterrestrial technology and tweaked it to fit the worlds needs and progressively released his tech to the worlds market, taking a step at a time. Origin experienced growth that can only be described as mind boggling. The saying that the nail that stands out will surely be hammered down almost proved true in Origins case. The worlds leaders pressured Icarrus looking to take a slice of his pie if not all of it. Icarrus fought hard and finally came to an agreement with the worlds government and was able to carry on his work. With time his company grew and took root in all major countries becoming powerful beyond measure. The worlds government became antsy and started making attempts at Icarrus' life while further messing up the world with wars, greed and disease.

It seems mother nature has grown tired and began to fight back. 2020 - 2030 the world saw a massive rise in frequecy and magnitude of natural disasters, the worlds leaders made a fuss in response and made little effort to better the worlds situation. Then came the storm of 2035. It all started with a series of formerly dormant volcano's on the asian continent that suddenly became active and released massive amounts of volcanic ash in the air which gathered a massive storm. With time the storm grew big enough to cover all of Asia and then began moving while steadily gaining momentum, leaving chaos and destruction in its wake. The storm toured the world for half a year hitting every major city and country finally settling over the ring of fire, still growing size and power like a cancer that wont go away. Satellite images showed a gigiantic storm resembling a nasty wound on the earths surface. Reality struck the worlds leaders and in panic they began looking for solutions but there was not much that could be done, scientists predicted that the world not survive to see the 30th century, the world had reached a point of no return on its path to destruction, scientists speculate that the the storm would grow to cover the earth in 20 to 30 years. Refusing to lose hope the world turned to Origin. Iccarus had no solution, Origin could only build cities resistant to natural disasters called Origin Domes. This plea for help made Icarrus remember a certain detail of the extraterrestrial colonisation ship. The ships initial plan was to stay hidden while releasing a deadly virus that would wipe out all life making the planet ripe for their possession, while restructuring the earths atmosphere to ensure the survival of their kind on the planet. This thought births a dangerous idea in Icarrus' head and he decides to give it a try and see how it turns out. Icarrus plans to reduce the negative effects of the virus as much as he can and use the world restructing features of the virus to stop the earths self-destruct process and if possible bring the earth to peak condition. The complexity of this process is no joke, especially considering this virus is made up of elements unknown to man, a single mistake could mean a faster end to the planet. Icarrus is in a race against time with only 20 years left to change the worlds fate there's a lot of pressure.