

Absolute Romance - Yes, Cunning Villain - Yes, Intelligent Protagonist - Yes. Overpowering Ultimate War, Action, Adventure - YES. Mind Manipulation - Yes, Powerful Encounters - Yes, Badass Villain and Protagonist - Yes, Weak, Pathetic Side Characters - No. "Wow, I've been transported to another planet. This is going to be fun. I'm going to conquer every mature woman in the world. Woohoo!" Ayro thought, jumping with excitement. However, an unexpected incident occurred a few days later. He signed a magical contract with his beautiful aunts. "What did you say about magic powers? How is that possible? I don't have any magic. " Ayro asked in astonishment. "Yes, young master, we have acquired magic powers through a contract formed with your and our hearts. You are now our husband, and we are your wives," the three stunning, mature aunts declared in unison. "Yes, young master... or should I say, husband? Don't even think about another woman. We've entered into this magical agreement with you, so you must take responsibility," Aunt Jena said, capturing his face with her hands and planting a kiss on his lips. 'Damn, this happened without my knowledge. How did a magical agreement form in our hearts? I didn't realize it,' Ayro thought, his thoughts momentarily interrupted by the kiss. 'She's incredibly sweet.' As they claimed, Ayro observed their bodies. 'Becoming the husband of these mature women wouldn't be so bad after all. Look at their amazing bodies,' Ayro thought, his desire intensifying. "Alright, I accept you all as my wives," Ayro declared sweetly as they embraced. 'I have to care about them, if I didn't and they get hurt, I'll feel immense pain if anything happens to them. I must protect them at all costs. But there's one positive: I won't be able to experience betrayal. Hahahaha,' Ayro thought, looking at them. Well, who cares? They're simply too beautiful. Due to the magic, they are currently the most beautiful wives in the world. As their power grows, so will their beauty. It's an absolute win. For more details, please read on. The story truly unfolds from Chapter 35, where you'll witness character development and their deep love for each other. Don't worry, the story won't be abandoned. At least 500 chapters are planned. Additionally, I'll improve my writing skills as English is not my first language. [IF YOU WANT SPOILERS, READ BELOW. OTHERWISE, STOP HERE. I BELIEVE YOU'LL ENJOY MY WORK.] (SPOILER ALERT) Ayro woke up in the world called "White Moon." He couldn't remember how he was transported here. The only memory was being in his research lab on the planet "DARK." He suspected he might have died and, coming from the advanced civilization "TYPE 5," found himself in the primitive "TYPE 1" world. He decided not to waste time striving to become the strongest, as he had on his previous planet. Instead, he would enjoy life to the fullest and avoid becoming a world leader, as this world lacked the knowledge he possessed. To savor his life, he planned to conquer every woman in the world, but an accident involving his aunts changed everything. Now, even if he didn't want to learn about love, he would have to experience it.

NITIN_ZARCs · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
90 Chs

Ch -3

After sitting on my left corner desk, I waited patiently for the teacher to come. In my class there are only 20 student 10 boys and 10 girls. All are from very rich family and beautiful and handsome.

More students have yet to come only 15 student is in my class right now and it's only 7:40 Am and more 5 students will come to class. And the most of the intelligent people in study's always sit in front row and someone like me and Mike who has nothing to do with study will often sit in last row. And even in the front 3 girls and 2 boys surrounded Lara and solving the question and asking with each other.

In the table next to me is a girl her name is Lily but her hair colour is light orange, and her eyes are little red, which makes her looking absolutely beautiful. The main thing is that there is everyone is beautiful and handsome so no one cares about their own beauty, but our male friends will never left their habits like the one in front of me saying to me.

" Hey Ayro how are you doing friend. " Mike asked as he turned his head towards me. He has brown hair with brown eyes that makes him look handsome but no one is interested in him because our seniors are more handsome than this clown in front of me.

" I am doing great , Mike. " I said and remain quite I have no interest in talking with anyone but I have to make them freind in order to go to their house.

" It's good you are doing great. But bro I haven't seen your face from when we become friends why don't you remove the mask. I don't think you look ugly." Mike asked.

'That's right I am not ugly I have to make myself ugly by using the black wig and mask, yes I am wearing a wig of black hair and contract lence of normal colour because I am just way too handsome in my real hair and eyes. ' I thought.

" No.. No I don't like to remove my mask in public if you want to see my face, why don't you invite me to your home. " It's not that I am wearing a wig, contact lenses to make me ugly, it's just to make me normal not outshine my beauty.

" Why not if you want to come my house than when do you want to come. " Mike asked and looked at me.

" No need I am not going to your house. " I said while looking at the class door waiting for the teacher to come to the class.

" Well if you want to come to my house and play my brand new online friction game feel free to ask. " Mike said while looking at the girl next to me who was studying.

' Good that's what I want in just few days I make my first freind I choose him because he was talking to his mom in the first day of this international academy in the bathroom and I have seen her mother she has blonde hair with bright red eyes and big milfy breasts and big round ass. I didn't know more information about his mother I have to check it on my basement sometimes later.

'That's right I am a hacker who use his type 5 civilisation knowledge to hack the devices around my target. And although my family is rich and powerful, I used the hacking to earn money so I don't have to ask for any money from my parents which is a safe thing. And I believe no one can able to detect that I am hacking the bank accounts for money. ' I thought to myself.

" Well forget about that just look at Lily don't you think she is more beautiful than before. " Mike asked while continue to look at Lily.

" I thought she is looking exactly the same as she look yesterday. " I said.

" No you didn't notice that her earing she is wearing is not the same. " Mike said in low voice not to let here her.

' Even Lily know that Mike always look at her but she never said anything inappropriate, seems like she know Mike from before. ' I thought to myself and looked at Lily.

" Mike did you know Lily from before. " I asked.

" Well not really but I know her for around 4 years." Mike said and looked at my direction.

' Oh I see this is the reason why Lily is sitting on the last row even if she is a topper student. She originally wanted to sit next to Mike but don't like to show she also like him I see good. ' I thought.

" Mike did you talk to her before. " I asked.

" Not really I last talked to her last night for asking the home work I have to make. " Mike said.

" Oh I see so you like her isn't it. " I asked to him.

" Hey speak slowly I don't want her to know about that. " Mike said while placing his hand on my mask.

" Okay don't worry I am not shouting that you like her, but since you know her from before why don't you tell her that. " I asked while removed his hand from my mask.

" It's not I didn't want to it's just what if she reject me I think she only look at me like her friend. " Mike said in disappointment.

' Oh I see so he is afraid to talk to her and she wants to make him first move. Interesting. ' I thought.

" Do you want my help ,Mike. " I asked.

" Oh are you really going to help me to confess her thank you man you are really my best friend in this class. " Mike said.

' Oh you really going to get my help I thought you would going to reject my help. Well it's a good thing to help him because helping him I can able to make Lily also my friend and this is good. ' I thought.

" Yes don't worry I will help you. " Just as I said , a sound came from my desk and my big note book type digital screen open in front of me and a teacher information come in front of everyone's screen, after that I noticed that the it's already 8 am and our class is full of student.And the teacher information in front of me is..

it's Ajay sir. A top rank math teacher with more than 40 years of teaching experience. And he is young only 70 years old.

' Seriously he is young he is fu*king more old than any Milf I have capture ,are you implying me that I am capturing children. ' I thought to myself and a teacher who has a normal face not handsome not ugly came in the class and started to teach. There are two more class of male teacher and last one class of a Milf teacher who is a teacher of chemistry. So the things that this math teacher is teaching us it has nothing to do with me but I still have to focus on everything that he is teaching this way I maintain my mind and keep my mind under my control.

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