
The Aftermaths (Part-3)

Two figures in a straw hat and black clothes with red clouds were approaching Konoha.

"It's been a long time since your homecoming... what do you think? Let's stop by before we do our search", One of the figures said

"Yea... that sounds good", The other figure agreed


Kakashi was leaning on a wall at the tea house. Watching the two individuals with straw hat drinking the tea.


Kakashi turned his head, "Hey you two... You guys look great together, are you guys on a date?"

Kurenai blushed, "Idiot! Anko asked me to pick up some sweets for her"

Asuma blushed as well, "What about you, are you here for sweets as well?"

"Not really, I am waiting for Sasuke", Kakashi cheerfully smiled

"...", The figure put the tea on the table.

Kakashi looked back thinking that something is suspicious.

He was going to see who it was. But at this moment, Sasuke arrived.

"Kakashi, it's very unusual of you"

Kakashi looked at Kurenai and Asuma, who disappeared in thin air.

"Sasuke, I will accompany you on your way to training ground... shall we?"

"Why?", Sasuke asked narrowing his eyes.

"There is a sale on Jiraiya sama's new book"


Kakashi giggled.

"Go away weirdo", Sasuke hned and go away.

Kakashi giggled and went after Sasuke


"It's been a while, Asuma, Kurenai", one of the straw hat men said

"Who are you?", asked Asuma

The straw hat man removed his hat.



Asuma and Kurenai were shocked.

The other straw hat men smirked, "Since you guys are familiar with each other, It's time that we get acquaintance with each other as well"

"I am Kisame Hoshikagi"


The four engage in battle, though Itachi and Kisame quickly gain the advantage.

Kurenai sensing the dire situation, made an Idiotic and rookie mistake as she foolishly used Genjutsu on Itachi.

As Asuma and Kurenai are about to be killed, Kakashi comes to their rescue.


Kakashi and Itachi exchange blows, each being very proficient with the Sharingan. Itachi, however, is more so, Since he was a great Genius.

Itachi quickly attacks Kakashi with his Tsukuyomi. Within his genjutsu, Itachi tortures Kakashi for what he perceives as seventy-two hours in seconds.

As Kakashi struggles to stand, he asks Itachi why he has returned to Konoha. Itachi replies that they're after Naruto.

But very quickly Gai came to help them.


Okami, at this time, was seeing the entire situation standing on the tree branch.

"Give up, You can---

The Thick dark mist invaded the lake.



"It's that brat, the new entry in Bingo Book", Kisame said


Itachi's Sharingan rotated.

From the mists, black and dark wolves appeared in great numbers.

Itachi swings his Kunai at Kisame's head.




'What the... when did he appear behind me'

Kisame hurriedly jumped back.

Okami with his sword.

And Itachi with his kunai were in a deadlock with each other as they stare into each other's eye...





"You Brat, you sure are something, aren't you?", Kisame grinned and lifted his sword up to cleave it down.

"Don't bother... It's that rumored clone", Itachi said, shocking Okami

Okami: "How did yo--

"In front of my eyes, all your skills are mere tricks", Itachi jumped back and threw the Kunai.

The kunai went past and through him. As the clone just disintegrated into the thin air.

Okami reformed out of thin air beside Kurenai's side.

"I have lightened the mist... You guys can see through it right?", Okami asked

"Are you sure it won't affect your Nin-Jutsu?", Asuma asked

Okami shook his head, "The only reason, I use the thick mist is to blind the enemies; Kisame is a sensor, and that guy is an Uchiha. The mist won't be a factor for them. And the wolves will be there as long as there is this mist..."

Everyone nodded.

Itachi's eyes begin to change again.

"Are you certain you can afford to get distracted?", Itachi asked


Kakashi: "Be careful it's that genjutsu agai---

Okami was trapped in Genjutsu.


Okami chuckled when he sees a fully white room in front of his eyes.

"This isn't as bad as I thought", Okami said as he looked around

"What did you want to talk to me about?", Itachi asked as he reformed in front of him

"Hoh... you got that message just from our lockdown battle earlier, True enough, You know what they say, don't you Itachi… When two Shinobi are powerful enough… They read each other's thoughts, simply through an exchange of fists. Without ever uttering a single word. Did you hear what I said to you?"

Itachi's eyes narrowed, "You aren't afraid or cautious against me. Who are you?"

"My name is Bruce Wayne. I have another identity call Batman"



"Your name on Bingo book said your name is Okami"

Okami chuckled, "Then why were you asking?"



"My bad", Itachi said after some time.

Okami chuckled.

"The time is here is different than in the real world. Speak, why aren't you cautious against me"

"You're a liar", Okami's smiling face goes down


"I don't understand"

"You know, when I first enter the Intelligence department, I was given a lot of sensitive details... One of them was you destroying the Uchiha's"


"I always wondered how you did that... According to the statement given by Sasuke. You killed his entire clan and family in front of him, they were powerless in front of you... But then again, Fugaku Uchiha was a powerful war veteran that was on the same level as that of the fourth Hokage, Mikoto Uchiha was top-level Jonin as well, How the hell did you kill them."

"None of your business"

"So, I asked a favor from Yamanaka Inoichi, and secretly look into Sasuke's memory after making him unconscious"

Itachi didn't show a reaction, even if there was any.

"Hold your horses, I am just getting on the juicy path... The truth I get is, You showed him a Genjutsu"


"Itachi Uchiha, the great genius of Uchiha clan, Their young master, who completed his academy in mere 11 months, a record never heard before. Mastered Sharingan in a year after it's awakening, again a never heard record, Master fire style a year after that, record again, A year after becoming a Jonin entered ANBU Black ops and become the captain in mere 9 months. Again a record that's near impossible to recreate or beat"


"Why? Just why the hell did someone so great, left Sasuke and showed him the false image of Massacre for him to get stronger and ultimately have the revenge on you"

"He is too weak for me to kill"

Okami shook his head, "Nope, Itachi Uchiha that I get to know through the records is a genius that never left anything to luck. or even disrespect opponent for their weakness"


"That Itachi won't let Sasuke live just because he is too weak"


Okami chuckled, "Too heavy of a dose? Let's talk about something else"

"The moment you entered Konoha, I was sensing strange chakra reactions, It was your Sharingan, It was always activated"


Okami chuckled again, "Ah... A cool guy who talks less, nice, so, I actually researched a bit about Sharingan a bit from my side"


"Uchiha Madara wasn't the last person who awakened the evolved Sharingan, It was your mother and father Uchiha Fugaku, and Uchiha Mikoto, who managed to achieved it last"


"The three of them had similar problems, Their eyesights was losing for some reason"


"Here is my assumption, The Evolve Sharingan of yours makes you powerful but takes equal price in return. You Evolved Sharingan has deteriorated your eyesight, forcing you to rely on the Sharingan for enhanced vision"


"I oversaw this entire thing, you had no intention of killing Kakashi sensei, You could have done that very easily. Yet you didn't. You were just demonstrating the true power of the Sharingan. You told him about your target Naruto. you were telling him to get help to Naruto. WHY ITACHI WHY"

Itachi closed his eyes, "I have no obligation to tell you anything"

Okami shook his head, "I didn't find a thing about Uchiha clan in those so-called sensitive details, But I did find something interested about you. Many witnessed that you are suffering from a chronic disease since childhood. I searched for those so-called witnesses, they disappeared the day of Uchiha Massacre"


"I searched and followed many paths, anything I could find, any clue as to why the Uchiha Massacre even happened in the first place. What led you. The greatest genius in history that was so kind that he would rather be a housewife than a killer, brutally kill his entire clan. At last, I found one Old man, he was a civilian, on the death bed... He was the one, your best friend Shisui always goes to, whenever he was troubled...


Itachi was shocked, How did he miss such a detail.

Okami chuckled, Finally getting a response from this guy.

"Uchiha Coup d'état, That's the answer to everything, that's where your journey started"

Itachi smiled, "The book said that you are quite good at Collecting the information. Now, I believe that"

"Why did you take the blame by yourself?"

The stark question made Itachi smiled and calmed down a bit. He had been asked many questions before on the subject of the Uchiha Massacre, almost all about his motives.

Blame was a new one.

"To protect Sasuke; it's better for him to believe the story I fabricated than the truth. It would destroy his mind to know that everything he has done, everything I have done for him, was planned so long ago. Even my death will be exacted how I wish it to be, not by his will alone"

Itachi could feel those dark eyes watching him, digging into every inch of his skin. Normally people averted their eyes from him, afraid of being dragged into the web of the Sharingan yet Okami obviously did not see him as a threat.

"I do not wish for him to place the blame upon Konoha," he continued, face turned down to the ground. "Sasuke is not one who can let go of his emotions – even as a young child he found it hard to abandon habits and mannerisms. It's part of who he is and I loved the village too much for him to forsake it like he undoubtedly would have."

"Such a thing for Village, aren't you some charming dark knight"

Itachi smirked, "No matter what darkness or contradictions lie within the village, I am still, Itachi Uchiha of the leaf"

Okami looked down. And after some hesitation, he told Itachi.

"There is something you don't know", Okami said

"what is it?"

"You were played, Danzo was the one who took your best friend Shisui's eye, and killed him in the process, Your entire clan's eyes were given to him, that he even distributed and gifted to his Root members"



"I know"


"3 months ago, I saw him from afar, My eyes saw through them, those sharingans"

Okami nodded, "Let's clear everything up, I will handle everything, Come back, We will kill Danzo"

Itachi shook his head, "You can't kill Danzo"

"He made you kill your entire clan including your friend, Lover and your parents, who gave their life for your sake, and even took and humiliated the entire Uchiha clan, and you are letting him get away with this?"

"You don't understand, Danzo death will shake Konoha to the core"

"Oh Please. Danzo is just an Elder, We can live without that vermin"

Itachi shook his head, "His political powers go deeper than you think... and besides if you kill him, you won't know who your enemy will target next"

"Danzo was being used from the start. He had a desire for power that's true. But that desire was being manipulated by someone"


"Someone hidden in Aktsuki is controlling all five elemental nations, Kiri's Mizukage is being controlled by that guy, Tsuchikage's right-hand man is being controlled, Kumo's Daimyo is under the effect of that guy as well. Suna's Kage was being controlled, but somehow, Orochimaru's sudden attack broke the big plan in Suna."

"Then Konoha... Danzo?"

Itachi nodded.

"So, you are just going to let it go?"

He shook his head, "I will have my revenge, I will kill all the root members who have been gifted Sharingan... I won't touch Danzo though"

"Because the one hiding in the shadows?"

Itachi nodded. "Sometimes, you need to look at bigger pictures than a mere and pitiful act of simple revenge, In order to control people, you need to use the darkness in their hearts. And if there's no darkness, then you just create it. That's what the man hidden in shadows is doing"

"I understand"

Itachi nodded, "Very well, let's finish this Genjutsu"

"I will tell Sasuke everything"

Itachi finally frowned, "You won't do such a useless thing"

"The rate you are going, you will die, not from the battles, but from the sickness"

"I will only die by his hands"

Okami smirked with anger, "People live their life because they have things they can not afford to lose. Goals, family, Bonds they created. Love they formed. Have you ever thought what will happen once Sasuke kills you"

"He will return to Konoha"

Okami shook his head, "Don't be so naive. He won't, He will lose his goal, his only family, his very life mission, People like those are easily manipulated. Itachi, Sasuke will not return once he kills you, He will be manipulated into killing people who care for him... Come to me Itachi, Please"

Okami stretched his arm out, the hand-turned as if waiting for Itachi to grasp it.

"Please Itachi… I know I can't help Sasuke but I can help you. You can do the same for Sasuke"

Itachi considered these words before knocking Okami's hand away. He stood smoothly, fighting the urge to cough. If he had been alone, he would have taken another pill yet with the Okami right there… he couldn't be pitied even more.

"I'm not looking for salvation, Okami of the leaf; I'm looking at protecting the remainder of my clan. You don't need to meddle and become a hero"

"I am not a hero"


"I am wicked; A dark being who has seen the darkness, It's scary as hell. If you don't want to... I will not tell Sasuke about you. Not until you give me permission to... But, that doesn't mean I will let you go and rot in that dark place, all alone"


Itachi was touched, but his face didn't show any kind of reaction.

"No matter what happens, I will protect Konoha's people, After all, I am Okami of the Leaf"

"Leave me alone"

Okami shrugged, "Make me, I am very clingy"


Suddenly, the atmosphere changed, the skies were red and Okami was chained on the cross-board.

There were countless Itachi's ready with the sword in order to stab

"I can have you killed any moment"

Okami chuckled, "You can try, My wolves, will attack the moment you raise your sword"


"They are not controlled by Chakra but Spiritual energy. We both know that none of us is afraid to die. I am more than willing to die by a hero. But you, You can only die by Sasuke right?"

"Final warning... Leave me alone"

"I will take my chances"

"Very well... It's nice to meet you, Okami of the leaf"

"Attack", Okami yelled

The sword stabbed Okami


Blood flowed from Okami's mouth, as another Itachi stabbed another sword at him.

72 Hours, He was being tortured for 72 hours... He chuckled a bloody smile.

"You... should smile more... It helps... I do it a lot of times", Okami said in a tired and weak smile.


Okami growled in pain when Itachi stabbed him even more brutally than before.


Itachi jumped back as his chakra was sucked by a scratch from the wolf.


Okami fell on his knees as blood flowed out from his mouth.

"you alright?", Kurenai sensei asked

"Sorry I tried to keep those wolves away from you, But there are way too many, I managed to keep them from biting you... Their side hasn't made a move yet", Kisame huffed and told Itachi. It was troublesome to deal with these things, It's very exhausting. Nearly half of his gigantic and humongous chakra has been sucked out of his body.


Itachi closed his eyes, "They are testing our strength, Until unless they have these immortal wolves they can see what we got... Let's get started by clearing these annoying wolves"

Kisame grinned

Itachi made hand signs, "Wind style: Wind gale"

"Elemental Path: Jinpinkotsugara Hengenjizai"

The winds get broken.

"what the..."

"It's the Jutsu that's written in Bingo Book, Kisame do it"

"Water style: Shark bomb"

A shark appeared from the water and Charged at Konoha's side.

"Blade rift: Impregnable Defense"

Out of thin air, many feeble and mirage looking swords appeared. And castled Konoha shinobis inside it.

The rotating swords slashed the Shark.

And the shark disappeared.

Meanwhile, Kisame and Itachi fought wolves after wolves.

Kisame kicked one wolf when another bit his leg from behind. Sucking already halved chakra.


Kisame was already hurt by these wolves. Not only the attack these wolves made is real. But, his chakra is being sucked as well. It was overwhelming as hell.

Another jumped and bit the neck of Kisame trying to tear it apart and sucking a large amount of chakra meanwhile.

"Leave me alone you pests", He almost immediately picked and threw the wolf into more of them.

The two of Akatsuki members were fighting a huge and uncountable army of Immortal Black wolves.

Itachi threw the bomb Near him, killing all the wolves while damaging himself a bit.


"Water style: Tsumami"

"It's useless to---

A large wave came crashing at them.


"Elemental path: Jinpinkotsugara Hengenjizai"

"Wind Style: Wind gale Jutsu"

The flowing winds blew away the Dark mist just like that.

And the wolves disappeared just like that.

Itachi: "Now, let's get the real battle started"

Itachi Sharingan rotated. as he hustles the kunai out of his hostler with a blur.

With a poof..!! of smoke, a pitch-black sword appeared in Okami's hand.

"Gai sensei, I will handle Itachi, Can you please look after Kisame?"

Gai nodded, "Don't worry, I have seen enough till now, I can handle him, Kurenai san, Asuma san, Please look after Kakashi for me"

They nodded.

"Be careful", Kurenai sensei said

Okami gently smiled, as he took a stance with the sword.

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