
3 Years Later (part-4)

(2 Years Later)

Shin, the Jonin of Kiri forces was standing in the hidden Cave where the innocent Villagers were Hiding.

"P-Please L-Let us Go, my wife is pregnant", begged one of the men

Some were pleading for their children, some were pleading for their Parents, But in the end, they all were innocent villagers, some were even Civilians.

Tears fell from Shin's eyes, "Please forgive me", Muttered shin as water blades moved.



"My Child"

"Please Have Mercy on us"


"You Bloody Monster"

Shin stood there as he wiped the tears that were falling off his face.

"Captain, we have recaptured the island", one shinobi came and knelt beside them.

Shin nodded and came out of the cave. Looking at 3 Shinobis, "we will guard here till new orders arrive, Send a message to Mizukage and ask for further orders."



"Tch, it's that bastard again, Stay behind me, I will be the point", shin growled as he saw two dark wolves charging right at him.

The dark wolves came as he swings his heavy sword at the dark wolves. As one of the two wolves turned into mist, but the other one jumped into the air. but the ones behind him managed to cut it down with ease.

The other wolf turned into the mist.

"Don't let your guard dow--


A dark wolf just flew out of thin air and bit his sword hand.

Another practically appeared out of thin air and bit the leg of the one behind it, another drop right on top of the third shinobi trying to bite down his neck and tear it apart...

He managed to kill the wolf above him using the sword, but another appears out of thin air. and bit his legs.

The ones standing aren't so free either, as the Kiri shinobi held the wolf trying to tear his neck apart and throw it hard. The defeated wolf turned into the mist. He swing his hand to throw yet another wolf that came at him out of thin air.

"LEAVE ME YOU STUPID DOGS", Shin swings his hand hard enough to throw the wolves off his hand. Another appeared out of thin air and bit his leg. He kicked it another came and bit his neck. He held it and throw it hard.

"Water release: Water Blade wall"

A high jet pressure water wall appeared covering all three of them.


The water wall just broke down.

Another wolf appears right at shin's face. He swings his sword and the wolf disappeared.


"Leader", one of the man huffed and fell to his knees

Another one wasn't in good condition either.

"Do not... Huff huff... Do not sit now, those wolves will... huff huff... they will attack again"

"Let's give up Leader, these wolves are sucking our chakra"

"I am not gonna die tonight"

"Funny coming from someone who killed innocents like they are nothing. Just because they are born with bloodline"



Many gaseous dark wolves formed out thin air.

The entire area was covered with hungry dark wolves.


2 years have been gone by since he has come to Kirigakure. In these 2 years, the name Dark wolf has become extremely famous. Even though his bingo book status didn't see a change, but that was only because Kiri is in lockdown.

Every one in Kirigakure knows Okami of the leaf. He is everywhere, Rebellion forces are currently controlling all six islands other than the main island. And the main reason is this dark wolf.

First, it was possible to stop him and make him run away but after 2 years. It is highly impossible.

The bloody mist has become less bloody during these 2 years.

There is less and less killing.

But he is just a man. He can't be everywhere. Neither can rebel forces.

There are still killing. Rebels try to stop as many Loss as they can. But it's actually impossible. So, they go for the next best solution.

Starting a year ago. most of the Bloodline users started staying on sky Island. Kiri's Bloodline population on the sky island is flourishing extremely fast.

Of course, not all are so lucky. But everyone is doing what they can.

Mizukage is only growling these days, His control over Kirigakure is getting lesser and lesser.

Rebellion forces are getting bigger and bolder as time continues passing. Even his loyal subjects are starting to think that he will lose against those puny rebellions. Just because one man changes the entire break-even situation.

Okami didn't just stay put during these 2 years, Daily practicing of the wind techniques in the scroll has taken his mastery over winds to extreme heights. His dark release saw impeccable improvement as well.

Now, he does not need the dark environment to call forth those incredibly powerful immortal wolves that suck chakra with every contact.

6 Months ago. He mastered Both elemental path and Physical path. And because he managed to master both of them. The Third Path, Enlightenment path was opened.

And with that came extreme and absolute control.

Okami felt pretty good, he could control his body anyhow he wants these days, except the organs and internal parts. His chakra control, spiritual control and Natural energy control is absolute as well.

He also kept in touch with Jiraiya during these 2 years. As they exchange information secretly.

Okami told him everything about Kiri, and Jiraiya told him about Konoha, Apparently, Sasuke has left the village to Orochimaru as Itachi wanted.

Okami knows that Itachi is only trying to hasten the process of Sasuke's growth because Itachi's disease is killing him. And Itachi seriously believes that Orochimaru is not a threat to Sasuke.

Okami believes that. With Sasuke hunger for power, Orochimaru will sooner or later be betrayed by Sasuke. But Okami also knows that Sasuke is not the type to see far ahead. He is always short-sighted. Itachi is far better in this regard. After defeating Orochimaru.

He will definitely go to Itachi for his revenge.

The problem is what's next. After Itachi is dead no one will control Sasuke anymore. He can and will definitely be controlled.

Apparently, Naruto has also left the village to train with Jiraiya. Fifth Hokage Tsunade has taken in the disciple in the form of Sakura Haruno.

Okami also wondered where the wolf that kept talking to him has gone, It's been years since it has been gone, Okami knows that the wolf didn't want Okami to search for it. but perhaps, since he has grown to this extent. Maybe it's time to search for that wolf.


Okami sighed sit under the tree sighing as he rubs the head of a bird with his finger that is sitting on his shoulder.

He has grown as powerful as he could get in Kiri. He could not get stronger in Kiri anymore. There is no reason to stay put.

Due to daily meditation, he has become even calmer these few days.

There is nothing to do these few days. well, nothing except Meditation, Training is not yielding results. There is less and less fight these few days... Good thing is, he has become even more proficient in sage mode.

Heck, even mei terumi that gave him great fights during his initial period is extremely weak nowadays.

A message bird came at him. Okami looked at it and sighed again.

As he becomes gaseous and disappeared in the thin air.


"Reports have come in that the Mizukage has become nervous, he's planning a full-frontal attack on us, we don't know when, but apparently he's gathering around a thousand chunins, two hundred jounins as well as coming himself," reported Wagyu, who was looking through several reports.

"How credible are these reports?" one jonin asked.

"Very, we captured a couple of ninjas a few days ago, they said that Mizukage was planning something big. It can happen very soon"

"The full moon," Mei spoke up, "it's in three days, in 2 years Rebellion forces are getting bigger and bigger and Yagura always said an attack during the night was ideal for a ninja. He would do it then."

"Are you sure he won't attack earlier?" a concerned jonin asked.

Mei snorted, "he would have to be an idiot to do so."

"So we have three days to prepare?" Poshu asked, an elderly jonin with a long beard.

"Yes, three days," Mei's eyes narrowed at the map, "but we can't wait that long. This town," she pointed at a town twenty kilometers away from their base, "it's called Shinshu, it has over five hundred civilians, in it. Ordinary Citizens with no bloodline what-so-ever. I suspect if Yagura himself is coming for this then we'll be putting on a big fight. We need to evacuate it. That should be our priority."

"We can't spare any men," Wagyu sighed, "everyone is still tired from the last fight three days ago, even the ninjas from Sunny, Lighting, Sky and Mist are tired."

"It wouldn't be too many people," Mei insisted, "just around ten ninjas to get everyone out."

"Mie, if you truly wish to be the Mizukage after all of this, you can't be such a bleeding heart," The elder snorted, "spending ninjas to save a bunch of civilians is a waste of chakra."

Mei glared, "and that is exactly why you all decided to follow me right? These are our people, it's time we stop seeing them as disposable but rather as they truly are. Our responsibility."

"That's why you are my favorite person here", A voice came and shocked everyone

"Okami, so, you finally decided to join the meeting?"

Okami shrugged, "I was always here. I'll go"

Mei shook her head, "No, you are our best fighter, If Yagura decided to launch a frontal attack we will need you to be there."

Okami smiled, "I am fast right? I will have it done, and if he really decided to attack us beforehand. He still will have to come across the village. Plus, if such a wonderful and hot woman is asking for help, How can I say no"

Snickered follows through the entire base, as Mei chuckled, "Pity, you are so young, or I might really eat you up one of these days"

Okami feeling amused, "I am already 17, one more year and I will be 18"


(3 Days Later)

Okami and the other two Kiri shinobis who volunteered for the help has reached the village at around midnight and waited in the trees.

Okami turned to the two Kiri ninjas, "Any suggestions on how we can wake them all up and send them packing?"

"A loud explosion should help," Koro grinned.

"No, it'll scare them, we need them alert, not afraid," Krill argued.

Okami chuckled.

"Do you guys know where the main hall is?", Okami asked

Krill pointed at a large bell tower in the middle of the town

"Right, I'll ring the bell, Koro, alert the village, take them to the assigned safe zone Mie gave us."

"The one behind the waterfall due West?" Koro asked.

"Yes, Krill, I need you to be on the Lookout"

Krill nodded

"Let's get it done already, I am getting sleepy" Okami nodded.

"Right," Krill and Koron nodded as they vanished in a blur.




The people were slowly coming out of their homes. At the sight of Krill and Koro, they became afraid, but the two managed to calm them down. It took over an hour for them to finally start leaving, gathering all their precious valuable and keepsakes.


Krill ran towards Okami and Koro, "the Mizukage and his army are coming!"

"What?!" Koro cried out in horror.

"How far?" Okami calmly asked.

"Around... 600 feet away, coming at us at around chunin level speeds"

"Half the people are still here!" Koro hissed, "it's not enough time!"

"How much time do you need?"

"What? You can't be thinking of fighting them can you?!" Krill cried out, for the first time breaking her icy mask, "that's crazy!"

"I wasn't asking for your permission"


"How much time do you need"

"Ten minutes, maybe more," Koro replied, "that should be enough for everyone to clear out."

"You can't fight them for that long!" Krill cried out.

"Girl, have you seen me fight?"

"Uh, No? But, it's the whole army"

Okami smiled gently

"Koro, you do what you can to hurry them all along, tell them death is coming if you have to, If someone creates trouble, I am giving you the power to use force against them. Beat them and drag them away if you have to. just get as far away from here as you can. Krill, you go and return to Mei and tell her what's happening. Bring reinforcements, fast."

"But it requires 2 days to get to the sky island."

Okami shook his head, "The sky island is filled with civilians or innocent people; The fight can not take place there. I am pretty sure that the entire rebellion force under Mei Terumi is coming and in the way, You go"



Okami stood far away as he watches the incoming army.

At the three minute mark, thousands of Shinobis made their way towards Sky Island for the final showdown.

Hundreds of Thousand of shinobis showed off the prowess of mighty Kiri.

And to think this is just half of the entire Army, Kiri has. And that is after the bloodline massacre. where they lost hundreds of thousands of their men.

Yagura ran up in front, he wore his robes and hat revealing a grey, sleeveless shirt with the Kirigakure forehead protector attached to the front. He had short-sleeved mesh armor over which he wore a green poncho a turquoise sash around his waist and a matching green apron over his pants. On his back, he carried a club with unevenly sized hooks which had a green flower on the larger end.


The Kiri Army has stopped and looked in front where wolves kept appearing out of thin air.

Around 1,000 Dark Wolves stands in front of them. Giving off Dark and anonymous aura. With their red eyes.


Out of thin air. A huge wolf reformed behind the huge army of wolf packs. Black smoke-like gas, flows around the animal. The dark wolf that has red eyes.

Okami spent every single bit of his spiritual release in order to make this many Dark wolves. If it wasn't for the Enlightenment path, he couldn't have done that.

"Bastard," his voice was slurred like he was stuck in slow motion, "making me go full out from the start"

Okami stood there at distance watching this entire scene coldly, His entire spiritual pool is empty, and need time to fulfill, but his chakra is still full.

He raised his hand, Okami's mastery of the wind nature release is nearly unmatched in every aspect.

He has become so refined and proficient with his craft that he is capable of changing the actual chemical components which make up the very air that we breathe down to its molecular structure, capable of removing and adding components at will. As he removes the very oxygen that they breathe.


Many shinobis who were preparing to fight suddenly felt suffocated and held their throat and open their mouth to breathe.

"What the...


This technique has a severe weakness, Oxygen in the air can not be removed for a long time, Chemical components in the air will be replaced in a second, He can only keep this technique up for a minute or two at maximum.

But that moment was enough for the wolves to launch their attack Kiri's army.

Every single one of these wolves sucks chakra with every contact.

The time they managed to recover from the lack of oxygen. The wolves were creating havoc.

Okami stood there coldly, as his forehead is covered in sweat, He has used way too much Chakra and spiritual energy to attain this feat.

Yet, he did not stop.

Okami swings his hand, the gravity of the entire field is increased by many folds, a huge crater formed and many shinobis that were fighting the immortal wolves were fallen to the ground.

Due to his extreme mastery over the wind release, Okami is now capable of altering the actual environment of a location, controlling the temperature, increasing the weight and density of the air, making it feel as if the gravity of the area has intensified and even creating more difficulty in breathing by thinning the available amounts of oxygen, along with a plethora of other attributes.

Enlightenment part is the best, After awakening it, His mastery over his craft has gone up by too many folds.

Okami as of right now is capable of using his techniques with extreme flexibility and adaptability, capable of plummeting temperatures down to below freezing, and changing the chemical building of his winds leading into a hybrid form of attacks in which his wind combines with or takes on the attributes of ice. Along with the aspect of raising temperatures, creating a hybrid form of wind which combines or takes on the attributes of fire, creating winds capable of providing third-degree burns and much more.

Slowly a red cloak of chakra began to appear on Yagura's body, covering him from head to toe with boiling red chakra.


Okami stood there coldly as the red chakra cloak disappeared just like that.


Yagura stood there with shock as he stares at his hands.

"Did you forget, Pure chakra like that don't work with me around"

"YOU BASTARD", Yagura's eyes changed

"Take care of others; Leave him to me", Okami gently said to the big wolf as he caressed its dark smoke skin.


Hearing the howl from their Alpha wolf, they started attacking others leaving Yagura to fight Okami.

Okami smiled, "Come"

Blue chakra covered his feet and hands as he moved at extremely fast speed.

Yagura swing his Hook end staff at Okami.


Okami stood there without any intention of moving.

The attack went past him.

Okami's mastery of wind is roughly unmatched now, so far to the point that he is wind himself allowing him the ability to himself merge with the air in the environment around him through the process of sublimation, similar to that of the Hozuki clan's ability to do the same with water.

With this ability he is capable of withstanding most forms of physical impact which are devoid of chakra without taking damage; the impacted area becomes gaseous, causing the attack to pass through him while leaving him unharmed before solidifying back into his original form.


Red Chakra appeared over Yagura's body.

Okami raised his arm, as he used the elemental path. The red chakra disappeared

"Suiton: Suiryūdan no Jutsu"

"Excellent timing", Okami praised

Yagura shapes a large amount of water into a giant, powerful dragon as it attacked Okami.

Using his extremely terrifying mastery of winds, Okami waves his arm horizontally releasing his wind chakra, a gravitational force is created around him. The dragon attacking him couldn't advance any further. The gravitation force around him changed and the attack is nullified as the Water dragon fell to the ground turning into the puddle of water.

Okami from the corner of his eyes saw Yagura charging a black ball using his red chakra cloak. As he fired it.

Okami raised his hand and the moment the black ball touched Okami's hand, The Elemental Path destroyed the black ball.

Only for the red-cloaked Yagura coming right at his face.

Okami as of right now is in the league of his own with his craft.

The attack came at Okami. But he stood there without moving, Yagura suddenly felt a repulsive force so high that he flew back like a bullet with irresistible force and roll around like a rag doll.

"You...", while vomiting a huge chunk of blood; Yagura managed to stand up. As his skin was healing with the help of red cloak chakra.

"Whoever you are, However you are controlling people. I promise you this one thing, I will look for you, I will find you and I will kill you myself", Okami said in a threatening voice


"Falling skies"


Using his extreme mastery of winds; Okami raised his hand and the atmospheric pressure around Yagura changed drastically in a matter of seconds. Yagura was attracted to the ground and all the atmospheric pressure was on him, This technique requires extreme control because If Okami loses control over this jutsu or the resistance against the pressure of the target does not support the amount of weight upon itself, the target will be broken or crushed completely.


The immortal invincible wolves completly annihilated the entire army.


(1 Month Later)

Kiri's seven islands are unified under rebellion forces.

They won against the odds that were not in their favor.

Mei thanked Okami and with that Kiri's internal Lockdown was over as they opened up.

Mei Terumi chose to send the message to Hokage to form an Alliance with Konoha taking into account what Okami has done for Kiri.

The people cheered as they found out the last member of the royal family survived.

Last Royalty is still alive, and that's all that matters. no matter how young.

People cheered and welcomed Mei Terumi as the Fifth Mizukage.

Okami's name resounded in Kiri as the hero that saved everyone. And end this tyrant's reign.

His status in the Bingo book is updated as well. Though Okami never wanted that.

To his annoyance, now everyone knows about his wolves that do not need the dark atmosphere anymore, They now know his great speed and extreme mastery over wind element as well.

The surprise element is gone... just like that.


Okami sits in the Mizukage's office along with Mei Terumi.

"So, can you tell me, Why do you want to know the name hidden in shadows?"

"There is someone I want to protect, also, my brother is a jinchiruki, they are planning something that involves Jinchiruki, and I don't know anything about it... that's frustrating"

"Ah, that explains a lot, so, the one you are trying to protect, are you close with each other"

Okami shook his head, "Nope, In fact, I can't wait to wipe that annoying eternal calm on that face"


"He cares for people and he tries to protect them, he is not arrogant and does not look down on anyone, no matter how weak they are... That's all that matters to me... Someone like that, no matter the village, is my comrade-in-arms as far as I know"

"That's why you helped us?"

Okami shook his head, "That's why I helped you"

She smiled, "What about if that person is your village's enemy"

Okami nodded, "I will still befriend him"

"Even if you betray Konoha?"

"Konohagakure is my home, I will never ever betray it, as for making friends, it's up to me to choose my friends right?"

"And what about those who have died at the hands of others?" Mei asked, "don't your ancestors deserve vengeance? Don't they deserve peace?"

Okami snorted, "Fuck the dead. They are dead and gone and if they don't have peace, that's their fault. I only care about living and keep them as such. That's all that matters to me, the past, the pain, it can all be forgotten. Why does anyone want to kill a ten-year-old child because some man from the same village as that child killed your great grandfather? Isn't that pointless?"

Mei Terumi smiled gently as she drinks the Tea, "Indeed, It's very pointless"

"Mizukage sama", came a person as he kneeled down

"What is it?"

"Yagura san--


"He is dead, Wangyu killed him before killing himself on the spot"

Okami's eyes twitched, such a good chance, and it's been ruined just like that.

"Do you think. He was being controlled by that man?"

Okami nodded.

Mei Terumi closed her eyes and opened again, "Call all available Elders, and Jonin Commanders, Tell them to be in the meeting room, They have 15 minutes"


With a blur, the ANBU is gone

"I should leave as well", Okami said


"Don't know"

"Go to Iwagakure"


"According to my information, Iwagakure is assembling and moving a large amount of army for some reason. My bet, that man hidden in the dark and Akatsuki have already made their next move"

Okami nodded

She smiled, "Thank you for everything you have done for us, feel free to visit us again, Our door will always be open for you"

Okami smiled gently, "Take care of that little girl for me"

"I would have done that even if you have said nothing, She is our Royal member you know"

"And take care of yourself, Don't be an old grandma when I see you next, also, You need to get married before your time is up"



A few days later, Okami made his way to Iwagakure.

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