

Fate is a capricious companion, and in an instant, it tore the cocoon of safety and innocence of Ashley asunder. Her perfect world falls apart firstly by a cruel accident, a tragic twist of destiny that stole the two people who had filled her world with warmth and love. Her parents, the pillars of her existence, were gone. As she tried to live on for her only brother, the girl's world crumbled, fate decided it wasn't done yet. She was thrust into a new reality, one where tears flowed like rivers and the night brought not dreams, but nightmares. The world she once knew, a haven of laughter and simplicity, had transformed into a merciless landscape of pain and crime. In the days and months that followed, she would learn to navigate the treacherous waters of this new existence as she now belonged to a family she never wanted- The Mafia.

_RealEsperanza · Adolescente
Classificações insuficientes
30 Chs

Chapter Seventeen - Teaser

Antonio's POV

"I did a very nice gesture for my dearest brother and this is what I get." I teased,

"Don't fuck with me Antonio, Who is she?" Alessio questioned not buying my story.

"No.....body" I replied trying to convince him.

"You know what, forget it!, I'll find out when I want to." Alessio responded,

I almost laughed at how irritated he was, I knew he wasn't satisfied with my answers and would get answers of his own sooner or later.

"What did you want to talk about anyway?" he asked tiredly, I knew he had been working all day so he was probably spent.

"You know what, maybe you should go rest. If we start now we'd probably talk all night." I suggested,

I knew 'the Montenegro issue' was a very serious one especially to Alessio,  we would need to be well rested and ready to solve it.

He sighed and stretched himself on the couch,

"Do you want to go have dinner first", I asked ready to go have mine.

"Already did." he responded taking me by surprise.

"You?!" I questioned still in shock, he rolled his eyes and smirked.

It wasn't even 9:00pm yet and the always busy Alessio DiFenilo had created time to eat dinner.

"I can see the girl's doing her job properly." I commented,

"I gave her schedule so I had to stick with it too." he replied, "...and with the way Aurora treated her earlier I don't she'll ever mess up."

"Aurora?!" I wonder what she did now.

He nodded and replied," I don't know the whole story but the girl ended up with handprints on her face."

"Why didn't you ask?" I questioned.

"I don't care", he replied blandly "..although I think it has something to do with Ariel."

Of course, leave it to Aurora to fuss over the slightest bit of confrontation towards Ariel.

"When is mother coming back?" Alessio asked,

"I already sent for her, she'd probably be here by tomorrow. She needs to be present during this discussion." I replied,

I tried not to show how worried I was about mother, if Alessio knew what I wanted to speak about he'd probably be freaking out about mother not being here with us.

He sighed and squeezed his eyes, "this most be really important if you're involving mother."

"It is." I replied shortly

He sighed and ran his hands through his hair, something he does habitually.

"Well, in that case, Good night." he stood up and left the office.

"Good night brother." I replied,

I always about to go get dinner when my phone pinged. It was a text from Rosa's Father,

Don Antoine: I accept your proposal, it's left for you to set the date.

I smirked inwardly, I never doubted in the first place.


Ashley's POV


"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm trying to be as light as possible." lily replied.

"Be lighter please, it hurts." I whined as lily applied ointment on my bruised face.

"I'm done, that bruise would be gone in no time." lily said appreciating her hand work.

"Thanks lily,"

"You're welcome." she replied "now can you tell me how the hell that happened."

I breathed heavily and told her the whole story,

"Oh.....!, this is my fault, I should have warned you earlier. " lily said sadly.

"About what?!" I asked confused

"Ariel" she replied "she's the princess of the mansion, Madame Aurora's one and only child for her late husband."

Oh!, her late husband?!

"Madame Aurora doesn't like people going anywhere near Ariel, the poor thing is always lonely and has no one to play with." she added,

I see.....

"Look, Ariel is a sweetheart; her mother's the opposite. although we can't fully blame her? " lily added

"Why?" I asked, she seems like a psycho to me.

"Madame Aurora's husband; Francisco was murdered in this house by a maid. " Lily whispered, I gasped in disbelief.

She nodded confirming what I heard, "he got killed by a maid who had had enough of his sexual harassment."


"Apparently, Francisco was never faithful to his wife and kept on sleeping with his maids,  one of them had enough and poisoned his meal which led to his death." she explained.

"And...and what happened to the maid? " I asked although I had a good idea of what must have happened.

"What do you think happened?" Lily asked back and I shrugged

"She got killed!, Aurora ordered her death immediately the truth around his death was found out." lily replied and I sighed,

of course the obvious punishment in a place like this,

"Did Aurora know her husband was unfaithful?" I asked,

She nodded. "but she didn't care because she loved him a lot."


I guess it's the same crazy type of love she has for Ariel.

"In all this mess, the only person I really pity is Ariel, she's going to spend a long time locked up in this mansion under her mother's watchful eyes." lily said and I totally agreed.

We remained quiet, each of us lost in our different thoughts.

"Apart from your experience with Aurora, tell me about the rest of your day." lily said suddenly enthusiastic

"Well what do you want to know?" I asked not knowing where to start from.

"Everything!!!, I heard you're the special maid to Sir Alessio." lily replied with a coy smile.


Lily laughed at my confused expression, " don't you get it Ash?, the other maids are so jealous of the fact that you get your own uniform, your own floor to work on and most especially.....Sir Alessio."

"I don't see anything special in that" I replied truthfully,

"Believe me when I say it is special, most of us would do anything to get a single boss and not have to work in the general rooms." lily said, 

"...and not just any boss but sir Alessio. " lily added

"I do agree he's pretty handsome-" I replied

"A-HA!!, I knew it." lily yelled,

"...but" I continued ignoring her flustered face, "that's it, he's a mafia and my boss, also remember you already warned me on not going beyond that. "

"I know, I know, I was only teasing" lily replied and stood up from the couch.

I rolled my eyes and stood up as well, "lily?"

She spun around and looked at me,

"Do you know who Dom is?" I asked

"Sir Dominic?!"

"Yes that one", I replied

"Why?!, did you run into him today?" She asked,

"Kinda, I met him and Andre" I replied, lily rolled her eyes at the mention of Andre.

"You mean sir Dominic and 'his cocky little side kick'." lily stated and I laughed,  I guess I'm not the only one who thinks his attitude is shitty.

"From what I know, Sir Dom is Sir Antonio's childhood friend, he was raised by the DiFenilo family after his parents died in an operation gone wrong. But right now he's the second in command of the family." lily replied,

I definitely didn't expect the 'second in command' to steal pancakes from my kitchen, or maybe he's not as bad as his title suggests.

"How would you grade his personality?" I asked, lily stared at me strangely and I sighed already knowing what she was probably thinking.

"For the last time, I'm not trying to escape neither am I a cop or a special agent."

"Then why all these questions?" she asked stroking her chin,

I rolled my eyes and answered, "I just want to know the people I'm working with."

"Really?, Re.....ally?!, are you sure you don't work for the FBI or the CIA" she asked still stroking her chin.

"Lily!!!" I screamed in irritation.

"OK, ok" lily said in between laughs, "Sir Dom is someone that's two sided but not the 'good-bad side' he's all bad but then it's in two phases. Do you copy?"

I nodded in affirmation, I guess he's bad in two shades basically.

"So on one hand , he could do some really funny stuff, he could say hello with a big smile and even chat with you once in a while but he can also be your worst nightmare, he's a cold hearted killer with no remorse whatsoever." lily said lowly, her eyes showed that she had experienced something terrible.

"Are you okay lily?" I asked quietly,

She sniffed and looked away,  "it's fine, just some bad memories that's all."

"You can talk to m-"

"No, I rather not talk about it." she objected quickly,

"okay" I replied,

"Any more questions or can we go to bed now?" lily asked after a while,

I shook my head and she smiled,

"Good night then. "

"Good night lily,  sleep well." I replied and she went to her room.

I stayed in the living room for a while before also retiring to bed, I was really tired from work but my mind kept wandering to all the info I'd learnt today and creating more questions.

I was really busy today, I'd forgotten to ask Sir Antonio when I'll be able to speak to Alex. I hope he doesn't change his mind about allowing me to speak to him.

I hope Alex doesn't have a hard time settling in in his new school, 

I sighed and said a little prayer before slowly falling asleep, I hope tomorrow is way better than today.
