
Dark and L system

Gokage_sensei · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
35 Chs

Chapter 28: The collection upgrades

"Sir Mike, there are still more people..no..monsters out there I have to take revenge on and for that, I need your help but, I have nothing of value to offer you in return other than my body" Sarah spoke looking directly into Mike's eyes while pressing his hand on her chest.

She came from a well-to-do family, however, when she got married to Yiji, she severed ties with the family for some reason and was surviving on Yiji's salary which was not too much but enough to sustain them.

But, she did not have anything of enough value to trade with Mike for his help. Mike had only helped her catch officer Rimon not only as a favor to Yiji but, also because Rimon was related to officer Bradley who was also involved in Mina's death.


Mike released a sigh and spoke"Miss Sarah, although your offer is good, it still is not enough to buy my time. I am a busy man and can get any woman I want with the money and power I have"He pulled his hand from Sarah's chest and continued speaking"And adding to that, I do not like 'used' bodies, so, you have to come up with a better offer"

Sarah visibly shook a little when she heard Mike call her 'used'. She was married and had a baby with her husband, that much, she had no problem with it or regretted it, however, the part when she was forcefully made to have sex with those men, she loathed it and wanted nothing but revenge on those people.

She wanted to kill torture them and make them beg for mercy only for her to increase their pain as they had done to her.

But, alas, the key to all that was Mike who refused her because of her past. He was the one who could make everything she wanted possible. He was easily able to kidnap Rimon, their boss in less than 3minutes what more mere subordinates.

She could not let him leave.


She got on her knees and small tears started leaving her eyes "Please sir Mike, I really do not have anything I can give to you since even my body is not enough, without your help, I'll just be killed by those people if I try to do it on my own"

"Ohh, there is something you can do in exchange"

When Sarah heard those words which played like a melody in her ears, she immediately looked up at Mike's face with hope shining in her red eyes, however, when she saw the devil-like smile on his face, she immediately had a bad feeling about whatever it is he wanted.

"W-What is it that you want?"

"Become my slave"

Those three words made her open both her eyes and mouth wide in shock. Slavery had been banned in the whole world and if caught, you will be in for a long prison sentence.

But seeing that she had no choice other than to accept, she agreed to it. Whatever happens to her life, she didn't care. Ever since that dark day she lost the most precious people in her life, only revenge was what she continued living for.

Even if the price she had to pay for that cause was painful, she didn't care.

"I accept"

And just like that, Mike gained another slave, Angela, Elizabeth, Maya, and now, Sarah. His slave collection just keeps on growing.


Somewhere at the police department in a meeting room, 5 people were seated with serious expressions on their faces. 2 of these people were slightly old being shown by their white hair and beards, the third one looked to be in his early 20s and the remaining two were detective Grace and her...subordinate, Lessy.

"I will start with my report then" Detective Grace spoke"The R.T.O has made a move and is probably planning something...."

"Everyone knows that, why don't you just cut to the chase and stop speaking nonsense"

Swipper Grace looked at the young man in the room who had red hair and red eyes with a blank look for a second but, she did not say anything to him and continued.

"They are planning something big and that something must also require us, the BPD to take a certain action"

All the people in the room and including the young redhead were confused by Grace's words.

"What exactly do you mean detective?" One of the white-haired oldies asked.

Grace did not immediately answer the senior's question, she walked to the huge television on the wall and inserted a USB drive.

After that, she took the remote and pressed the switch button turning the huge television on. She then pressed something on the remote buttons and the huge television displayed the world's map with green and red dots on some spots of the world.





All the people in the room shook their heads for some reason seeing this.

'Is she some sort of a secret cyberpunk working in the police?' All of them could not help but wonder when they saw what she had just done.

The map displayed on the screen wasn't just an image or a video, it was live and to add to that, she was not even connected to the internet.


Grace cleared her throat to gather the people's attention on her and spoke, "As you can see, there are red and green dots on the map..."


All the people looked at each other. Were they some elementary school students who needed to be instructed even on small details!?.

Of course, they could see the dots!

As the men were busy screaming in their heads, Grace cleared her throat and spoke once again, this time, explaining.

"The red dots you see represent the areas the R.T.O have taken similar actions. From my view, these people are either planting something on the ground or maybe, they are trying to distract us while doing something big behind the curtains"

Everyone now understood a little bit of what Grace meant. The people from the R.T.O were planning something big that might have the potential to threaten not only their country but also the world as a whole.

(A/N: The real name of this organization and its agenda will come out in later chapters.)

"But, that's only a conjecture, I will continue my investigation and inform you if anything important comes up. Excuse me"

Grace and her subordinate or assistant slightly bowed their heads to the elders in the room and walked out.

The red eyes of the young man glimmered a little as he looked at the two leaving. He then immediately shifted his gaze when he felt Grace also looking at him from the corner of her eye.

"What a terrifying woman"


Grace and her assistant left the building and got into her car.

"Lessy, did you find any useful information about the kidnapping case at the Aison family?" Grace asked Lessy as she drove the car.

Lessy smiled a little as if she had been waiting to be asked that question and answered, "I found fingerprints from the broken window in Miss Elizabeth's room"

Grace smiled a little seeing her assistant's eyes filled with stars as if wanting to be praised.

"Sto that, you are not a child" She scolded her assistant.

"Hmpf" Lessy pouted but there was still a small smile on her face. 'She'll always be the same' She thought.

Grace was also smiling a little. Despite having scolded her assistant, she was proud and happy for her.

'She's improving'


Back at Mike's apartment, 4 people were sitting surrounding Angela. Two of them were the Javenstine sisters Cassie and Yuweh, the other two were Elizabeth and little Maya who was holding a glass of water.

Elizabeth now looked better since she had eaten a little but, not completely fine.

Angela also looked at them and sighed.


"For the 20th time, I am now fine"

When the pain stopped, Angela felt like every part and cell of her body had been made anew. She could not even feel the pain anymore but, she could still remember how it felt like.

If possible, she wanted to not ever experience it again and the key to that was her obedience. She now knew how terrifying Mike was.

Although she did not believe in magic and superpowers in the past, her mentality completely changed after today.

When she accepted being his slave, she felt something entering her body and ignored it, however, after what happened today, she knew that whatever it was, Mike was responsible.

He had superpowers and something was binding her.

But this was not the right time to think about that, these people won't stop nagging her until she tells them what had really happened to her.

"OK, I'll tell you" She then took a huge breath and started speaking

