
October 18th

#Chapter31 October 18th

After swimming on the beach for almost 3 hours, looking at my fingers makes me feel like I'm old already because of how wrinkled they look. I decided to step out of the water and dry myself up. Soon enough, Amelia and Ethan followed and then the rest.

It's already noon, I guess, and the guys are planning on going to the Amusement park.

I'm not really into Amusement parks but, It is fun to be like a kid once again and experience how fun it was playing there. Especially the roller coasters and the Ferris wheel, seeing how high you are and seeing the perfect view of the landscape.

It is thrilling.

Deciding, or should I say, debating on whether I should go or not. Half of my brain is telling me to stay at the beach house and watch Netflix, and the other half wants me to join the guys, Amelia's right anyway. We should spend Fall break together and not spending it alone by myself.