

#Chapter33 2011

/"Dad,/" I said as I ran towards my dad and embraced him; seeing his presence once again makes me so happy.

My dad hasn't been home for two months because of his work, and his boss made him go to another state for their company. He never told my mom the reason why but I feel like Mom senses something from my dad.

/"Pumpkin, I miss you so much,/" He said, embracing me as well. /"How are you and your mom?/" He asked while smiling at me.

/"Not so good without you. But now that you're here for my Birthday, we'll be happy again because we're complete,/" I said happily.

I'm turning eight this year, and I guess my birthday wish came true after all. Dad is here to celebrate with my mom and me for my Birthday.

/"Oh honey, I wish I could, but... daddy has work to do, again,/" He said, making my smile die. /"You know I have to work for you and your mom, right?/" He said, and I just nodded my head.