

The next day for Bell was an unpleasant one to say the least. Although he had the system as a support, he suffered from the head injury the previous Bell received. Standing brought pain in waves eroding his ability to move much. Within minutes of standing up and he was forced to sit down to rest. He had trouble walking and his fine motor skills seemed to be out of place.

All things considered, having trouble moving was not out of the realm of possibilities. He had a head injury to cover for it, but Bell had a feeling that it was more to do with him taking over the body of the former tenant. When he asked his system about it the only response he got was that the former soul was still within and his soul mixed and melded together like two paints creating a new color. It would take time for him to acclimate to the change and fully control his movements.

His grandfather was very supporting over the few days that followed. Helping Bell walk once more by giving him a cane he carved out of oak wood. In the evenings he would practice moving his fingers and gripping things to regain his hand strength and the fine motor movement he desperately wanted. Who wouldn't be tired of constantly dropping ones spoon into their bowl of soup because they had butterfingers?

At night, Bell would browse his system he named Nia because Navi-Guide or any variation of the name was a headache for him. He just wanted a quick and easy name so Nia it was. Currently, He was looking through the shop that was given but it was pretty limited.

"Nia, why is there so little to buy in this shop? What's the point of having a shop if I can't buy anything useful?" Bell grumbled.

*The shop was designated to scale with the user as he grew such that he would never come into contact with something too powerful for him to handle. Many things are queued for when you join a familia and others are for levels gained once within a familia.*

Nia was truly tough on him or was it that man on the throne? Whatever the case may be, all Bell could buy from the shop were low grade medicines to heal cuts and bruises. He was unable to buy materials or weapons and to buy said medicines required trading in magic stones.

"Nia, why does the store require magic stones to purchase?"

*The system was calibrated so that the currencies matched the world the operator resides in. The system will award magic stones for the completion of quests given. These can be used within the system or traded for world currencies like the other inhabitants.*

Listening to Nia was making his eyes heavy. All the rehab he'd been doing was physically and mentally exhausting. Everyday after this would be no different until he was capable of moving like he wanted. He quickly fell into a slumber.

It took another week before he finally felt like he was adapting to the body he was given. He could walk without the cane and move his fingers and arms without dropping or spilling things. His grandpa was delighted that Bell was back to his former self.

"Alright Bell, now that you are all healed up, you can return to the chores and farm work."

Bell's delight for being capable of moving again instantly turned sour. "I don't want to be a farmer. Farming didn't help me against that monster. I want to be strong. Grandpa, teach me how to fight so I can protect myself and others." he said vomiting out his words so quickly that he almost bit his own tongue.

"I don't think you're old enough to be wanting to fight. The burden of protecting others is not a light one to ask for." Said Zeus with a wrinkled forehead.

"All the same, I know what I must do now. I will train to become stronger even if it must be done without help. The path to freedom is behind the wall of strength." Responded Bell.

"Yes, strength is indeed required for freedom, but protecting others and freedom don't necessarily coincide. You must think carefully Bell." Argued Zeus with a more furrowed brow than before.

"It can be interpreted anyway. Freedom to me is the ability to protect others the way I see fit. To do things on my own terms. Not to die weak. That is the course I am on now grandfather." Bell argues just as willfully as Zeus.

"If you choose this path then you could end up like your parents! I will not watch my grandson die as well." Fumed Zeus. "This discussion is over. You only just recovered. We will not have this talk now." And he quickly left the house.

Bell was irritated. 'If he won't teach me to fight then I will prove my worth so he will change his mind,' he thought storming off in the opposite direction toward and empty field to begin his own training.

Hey ladies and gentlemen, I know it’s slow but I don’t want to just make him god tier day one. He needs to start off low so that the enemies are more fun and interesting challenges.

Anyway, I hope you enjoy the chapter. I’ll continue to upload if I find the time.

Desphyxcreators' thoughts
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