
first dungeon dive!

"this city is really lively huh?" i murmured as i looked at all the different people on the streets, some people are big or fat, some are very short but buff, this world offers anything, a dream for the girls.

i walked down the road towards the way that most adventurers go when they come out of the guild, as i enter the guild i look towards any open way, and i spot a elf with brown hair and green eyes looking around for someone.

"hello, are you free at the moment?" i said as i began walking towards her with a neutral tone, not making it like i am friendly guy, but also not like an unapproachable guy.

"oh?, hello my name is Eina Tulle, and you are?" Eina said with a normal look on her face, probably thinking i am a guy wanting to become an adventurer.

"my name is Bell Cranel, and i would like to know how to become an adventurer" i asked as i looked at her, trying to see anything i can, i know from the anime that she is very against being an adventurer.

"hmmm, okay please follow me" Eina replied with an annoyed face as she made me follow her to a room in the back, she took out some papers from a desk and made me sit down with her.

"please write your name and information on the papers, and if you don't have a god or goddess, i recommend not going to the dungeon first" Eina said as she pulled out some papers and put them in front of me, i was confused for a second, but then i began thinking and i came to the conclusion, that i was not like bell, bell was a hero i am not.

with a nod i began filling out the information on the paper, and for the god section, i paused and looked at Eina.

"uhmm, is there a goddess called Hestia in the mortal world" i asked her in a hopeful tone, because if i am here early then i am going to have to join another god.

"let me check it out" with that she took out a book and began looking through all the gods and goddesses that are in the mortal world as of right now, withing a minute she managed to find it.

"ahh!, here it is, it says that the Goddess Hestia descended from heaven 6 months ago" Eina said as she looked at me with a raised eyebrow, probably thinking about how a rookie knows that.

"well thank you for your time but i got to go now" i said as i wrote down the name of Hestia as my Goddess, and with that i ran out of the guild towards the dungeon.

i did not head to the church as i know that Hestia is probably working as it's still early in the morning.

i found the dungeon pretty soon, i mean it's literally in the middle of the city, nobody could miss that, except maybe zoro.

"let's start from day 1" i said as i entered the dungeon, from the stair case leading down, i walked for about a minute before i saw the first dungeon.

as i entered the first floor, i saw a wide hallway, i walked in and for a few seconds there was no monsters, seeing this i walked deeper, and just when i was about to continue walking in the dungeon, i felt a hit on the back of my thigh, with a quick forward jump, i managed to dodge whatever it was.

"tch!" i said as i looked at the small graze i have at the bakc of my thigh, it was small, but it it probably contaminated.

i looked at the 3 goblins standing in front of me, one in the middle had a rusty dagger, the one on the right has rocks and the left is unarmed.

from my inventory, i pressed the wear button and my shield appeared on my body, it was a beautiful silver armor ment for covering the vitals and not hindering the body movements, it was also just like normal clothes, bending as i move, but when a hard impact strikes it turns hard, like wood as of right now.

with a pull, my black dagger was in my hands, and i dashed at the first goblin, i sliced at him causing a gash in his chest, but suddenly a rock hit me in my right eye causing the skin on my face to burst letting a little blood out, i quickly pulled back in pain.

' if this was a human who is used to fighting, they could have killed the goblin with the dagger, but i have never fought for real so i pulled back in pain" i thought as i wiped the blood of my face, with another dash at the middle goblin, while the one with rocks looked for more, i ran at the goblin with the dagger.


i stabbed my dagger into the goblins chest, the goblin instantly disintegrated into smoke as a tiny purple stone fell on the ground, with no hesitation i ran towards the goblin with nothing in his arms and stabbed him in the head with my longer reach, suddenly i felt a heavy impact on my back, the armor i wore cracked, and i coughed out blood as i large rock the size of a head was thrown at me.

i turned around with heavy steps, and while the goblin was searching for more rocks i ran at him and stabbed him in his eye, piercing his brain killing him.

"pant*.. pant*... this is harder then i thought" i said as i felt the armor regen in seconds, but the hardness and absorption of force is still not enough, i need to get stronger quickly so the armor becomes better.

"hmm, judging by the strike from the back, the amount of force the armor could take become it can no longer protect me right now, is a axe strike from a teenager" i said distraught as i felt the pain in my back, but quickly it started going away as i felt the power in my body improve by a huge amount.

i quickly collected the stones in my inventory before i continued walking in the dungeon looking for goblins.

as i walked i was on guard and this time i managed to hear a rustle from behind me, i quickly slashed behind me, and i managed to cut the head of one of the 3 goblins, i dashed to the left and stabbed into the chest of the scared goblin.

suddenly a huge force hit me in my back, it sent me flying for 3 meters, before i managed to flip onto my feet, i looked and i saw a huge kobold appear in front of me.

'this kobold is probably 2 times stronger then an adult, but with me killing 5 goblin my strength is almost double of that of a human too', with a quick dash at the only remaining goblin, with a slash i cut of his head getting stronger again, after that i ran at the kobold and i slashed at his chest.

blood spurted out as a gash appeared on his chest, with a painful cry he swung a club at me, i put my left hand up blocking the hit.

'the force is heavy, but i can handle it' i deflected his club to the left causing a gap in the front, with a stab, my dagger entered his chest along with his heart, the kobold let out a cry of pain as he disappeared in smoke.

as i looked at my hand i felt the strength of my body, with a happy smile i walked and collected all the magic stones, and then looked for more monsters.

[ an hour later ]

huff*... huff*... huff*...

i stood there panting as i killed my 12th goblin and 3rd kobold, with sluggish movements and bruises on my body, i collected all the magic stones.

"i should head up, i think it's enough for money" i said as i started walking to the exit of the dungeon, from the monsters i killed, i became 3 times stronger then when i entered the dungeon, my use of the dagger and shield also got better.

as i exited the dungeon, i walked towards the guild to exchange my magic stones, i entered and i saw that Eina tulle was alone again.

"hello again!" i said as i walked to eina, i saw the surprised look on her face as i walked to her.

"you!" she said as she looked at me covered with some bruises and a shallow cut on my eye.

"hello i would like to exchange my magic stones" i said as i handed my 12 goblin stones and 3 kobold stones to Eina.

"let me count them" with that she began counting them, when she was done she started giving the money to me.

"a goblin magic stone is 100 valis and a kobold is 200, all together you get 1800 valis" she said with a surprised look on her face, but with a shrug she gave them to me.

"thank you, goodbye" i said as i walked to the outside.

as the night came i entered the host of fertility, i asked around people for the location, i entered the Hostess of fertility.

it was filled with people drinking bear and laughing as they got drunk, they ate and drank while talking, i walked towards an empty table and sat down, i waved my hand and a server with gray hair came to me.

"hello, my name is Syr, what can i get you, handsome adventurer?" Syr said as she looked at bell in amazement, the soul was white, unlike anything she saw before it was like a dream.

"can i get the specialty of tonight, and a cup of bear thank you" i said to Syr, i know that she is Freya, but i cannot show it.

"yes right back cutie" she said as she walked away, in a few seconds she got back to me and gave me my food, i ate it and i started looking for a hotel.

i payed a hotel 100 valis for a night.

next day i will go looking for Hestia.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

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