
DanMachi Fan-Fic: The World Hopping Pallum

A story about a Pallum kid in the Danmachi World who assimilated the fragmented memories, slightly perverted tendencies, and gained the perks of a would-be transmigrator who tried to forcefully take over his body but failed. Note: This is the republished book from a new account I made. It got banned so I reuploaded it here. DISCLAIMER: I don't own anything in this fan-fiction except a couple of OCs

EyoSensei · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
12 Chs

Chapter 6

~~~Maria's Orphanage~~~


Name: Lumiere Frae

Affiliation: Dia/Hebe Familia

Level: 1

Strength: G 204

Endurance: G 201

Dexterity: H 199

Agility: G 210

Magic: I 0

Development Ability: Myriad Arms Mastery: I

Skill: Light of Defiance

Magic: --


"So this is how much I've gained from today's dungeon dive?"

Ignoring Lady Dia's gibberish mumblings, I set my eyes on the piece of parchment in hand.

"Well, I still have a long way to go. I'll just have to double my effort in the dungeon then."

Just like yesterday, it was dusk when I reemerged back on the surface and hurried home.

"Long way to-- don't you realize how absurd your gains are from today's expedition alone!?"

But of course, not before cashing out all the loot I had gathered from the day's expedition...

"3-digit equivalence on all parameters except magic. Lumiere, child, this is unprecedented!"

Seemingly offended at my underwhelming reaction seeing my status, Lady Dia turned frantic.

"And it has only been, what?", huffing heavily, she added in an outburst. "Less than a day!?"

She was so worked up that her face flushed red while her cheeks almost were puffing out.

"Even if we ignore the fact that you've gone reckless and entered until the 4th floor, still--"

It was so comical seeing her small frame trying her best to keep herself from boiling off.

"Right, I get it, it's that impressive. But shouldn't you be happy instead of getting irritated?"

Truthfully though, it's not like I don't understand where she was coming from. I really do.

Because it's truly unprecedented even among the veterans and the most skilled adventurers.

It's probably just an understatement. Because I also know that racking up Excelia is a chore.

Or so I've been told many times now. Miss Misha even put a deep emphasis on it before.

"Oh, I'm happy alright.", patting her modest chest, she said. "So much, to be exact-- but you!"

Just when I thought she was about to calm down, her tone, all so suddenly, rose once more.

"Uh, Goddess?", hands up defensively, I coaxed. "Let's-- uh, calm down for a sec, shall we..."


~~~Daedalus Street~~~


"Ah, it's bro Lumi--"


With no other choice, I escaped through the streets, leaving the still-feral Goddess at home.

"You just got home, didn't you? Why are you out here now? Shouldn't you be resting?"

While it was partly because of Lady Dia that I had to go, it wasn't entirely due to that reason.

"And you didn't even change your clothes. Are you going out somewhere?"

I would've gone out regardless since big sis Syr invited me to support her at her workplace.

"Oh, Rye, Mom-- I'm off to big sis's place. I did promise earlier to dine with her this evening."

But while trekking through the alleyways, coincidentally, I came across Mom and Rye.

By the looks of it, they were just coming home from shopping, sacks and baskets in arms...

"Hmm, is that so?", said Mom in an odd tone. "So, we shouldn't wait for you then?"

I'm not even sure why, but upon seeing me, Mom was acting odd. Her expression said so.

"Yeah, well, It'll probably be late when I get home-- oh, yeah, do you need help with that?"

 But it was probably nothing as I saw her shaking her head, seemingly recomposing herself.

"Oh, no. It's fine. Rye and I can manage.", she replied. "These are just groceries anyway--"

"By the way, big bro. What kind of monsters did you fight today? Are they strong? Did you--"

While I and Mom were talking, Rye, head covered behind the sack he was carrying, butted in.

However, before I could even indulge him with my dungeon adventuring stories, Mom spoke.

"Like always.", impassively, she said before chiding. "Honestly, give him a break, would you?"

"But Mom, I'm trying to learn from him when I finally become one soon-- an adventurer."

"Adventurer? You can't even read properly as it is. You're already talking about adventuring?"

Well, that's just how Mom is in regard to everything related to the dungeon and adventuring.

It even took me plenty of tries and convincing before she finally relented and allowed me to.

And I couldn't blame her for that though. After knowing how much she lost in the dungeon.

Even Dad and my big bros tried back then, but they never came back home afterward.

"How about this, Rye.", diffusing the growing tension, I spoke. "I'll tell you about it later."

"Really?", beaming, he strugglingly turned his head toward me and asked. "You promise?"

"Of course.", patting his head, I replied. "But you'll have to wait for a while though."

And as expected, Mom wasn't happy about it. Her glare alone expresses dissatisfaction...


~~~Hostess of Fertility~~~

"So, this is the pub where big sis works? A rowdy place--"

"Hello there, and welcome to the Hostess of Fertility! How can I help you?"

I was loitering at the pub's doorstep when a tall, brown-haired lady suddenly approached.

"Oh, hi! I was looking for big sis Syr. She kind of invited me to dine in this place."

She was tall-- well, everyone taller than me is tall, so I kinda thought of that right away.

"You're her colleague right? You're wearing the-- anyway, do you know where she is?"

And upon seeing her in the same clothes as her, I couldn't help but ask right away...

"You're quite right. However, she's currently away for an errand at the moment."

Gesturing her hand, I followed her in as she talked. Leading me to an empty table.

"However, she should be back by now.", she added. "You can wait for her here."

It was a shame to start without big Sis though, however, the brown-haired Miss was right.

"And since you're already here, fancy a meal?"

"Hmm, though regrettable, I guess I'll do just that, Miss-- I'm sorry I didn't get your name."

Since I'm already here and feeling quite famished, might as well partake in what they offer.

"Oh, pardon me.", with a slight bow, she said. "Lunoire, Lunoire Faust, at your service."

"I see, nice to meet you, Miss Faust. I'm Lumiere, Lumiere Frae. Big sis Syr's acquaintance."

With the brief introductions done, she proceeded to introduce the dishes they were offering.

"Likewise, Mr. Frae.", she said in acknowledgment after a nod. "So, what can I get you?"

"That, I'm not sure. It's my first time here, so, I think I'll go with your recommendations."

Sheepishly smiling while scratching my head, I sat and patiently waited as she pondered.

"Ah, but I'm craving for meat right now though, and something like a soup to wash it down."

"Our beef stake should suffice. Would you like mashed potatoes or bread to go with it?"

"Bread will be fine, Miss Faust. Thank you..."

Probably the last chapter for this week.

Are my readers dead? or my writing just sucks that no one wants to read it?

EyoSenseicreators' thoughts