
DANDELIONS. "I scattered in the hope they'd find you along the way."

What if the butterfly effect were real? What if an action as simple as the flapping of a butterfly's wings could cause a tornado elsewhere? ... Astrol Mirae Hae is the only daughter and heir to the Hae empire. She is smart, kind, adorable and bright; all of which changes when she loses her parents at the tender age of five. Chaos soon ensues afterwards as she grows to hate her own kind and realizes that what seemed to be a freak accident, was actually a murder in disguise. Things get even more complicated as she encounters the rich, handsome and charming prince of the Kim empire. Wishes are made, lies are told, lives are taken. The world as they knew it comes crumbling down, and everything hangs in the balance of a wish upon a single dandelion fluff. Their fates might be more twisted, their destinies more entangled than they could've ever imagined. His fallen star, his redemption and his ultimate destruction... [Warning : This book contains some mature content and foul language. Most suited for readers of 16 and above! ]

chizitelu_ujah · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
43 Chs

It's Nice

The following day had come and it was the morning of Kim Minho's birthday. The news was all over the place. The media had talked about it, and because the Kim empire was so large and significant, his face had appeared on some magazines as well.

At school, people talked about it so much it was as if he were actually present. Some students had even stayed up till 12 am to post birthday wishes, just so they could have bragging rights on being the first.

Kim Minho's birthday plans had also been cancelled due to his impromptu illness to the disappointment of the majority. 

Astrol was settling in her class waiting for the first period to begin, when a girl suddenly rushed into her classroom.

"He didn't come along with the crazy four", Astrol heard the girl mutter sadly to a group of her class girls huddled together not so far from her.

She resisted the urge to scoff out loud. It was expected that he wouldn't be coming to school that day, so why did they still get their hopes up that much. 

She glanced back at the sulking girls beside her. Was it really possible for so many people to adore a person so much when they hardly even knew them? She doubted those girls had ever even been in the same room with Minho before, yet here they were looking so heartbroken.

She'd never understand how those seniors had managed to effortlessly charm the entire school into loving them. The guys idolized them and the girls swooned helplessly. 

Astrol left her classmates to keel over the crazy four and made her way to the back of the class.

Speaking of which, she hadn't had the time to wish Kim Minho yet. She'd been thinking about checking up on him before but she didn't know what exactly to type.

'How come you fell sick so suddenly? Everyone's been talking about you. Your mum must've really spent a fortune on your birthday plans, too bad they had to cancel it. 

Just how rich are you guys? Don't you think it's weird that so many people like you. Anyway, get well soon?'

Nope. That would've been a disaster. At least today she had a good reason to say something to him. She went to his contact and realized that he'd changed his phone number. She saved his new line with the same nickname, however this time around she didn't use any angry emoticon and had it replaced with a laughing one instead.

Now that she thought about it, the nickname was ridiculously amusing. She couldn't help but wonder what he'd saved her contact as. Probably as 'angry weirdo' or 'creepy stalker' considering the circumstances that surrounded their first meeting. She'd made a slide bashing him and Zane which was weird to others since most of them adored them. And she'd managed to uncover his father's arrest which was kept very confidential, so it'd make sense if he saved her contact as either.

After it was done, she opened the chat area and began to type, but she had trouble figuring out how to start and ended up erasing and erasing her typos. 

She'd never texted him first before, Kim Minho normally started off any of the conversation between them both physically and virtually.

'Should I say hi or just go straight to the point and wish him happy birthday', she thought, and after a while of internal debating, she decided that she was best at being straightforward like she normally was and sent him a 'happy birthday' instead.


Kim Minho switched off his television with his remote. He had been seated on the couch in the lounging area of his room for the past hour and was already bored of watching TV.

It wasn't like there was nothing interesting to watch, it's just that he'd been indoors ever since the locker incident at school. The only time he'd stepped outside was when he had to board their private jet to Country C. 

His mum had kept him indoors most of the time since he'd arrived, only letting him stroll around the compound of their penthouse when he wanted to walk outside.

That being said he'd easily gotten tired of being cooped up in the penthouse. Uncle Chan had to leave after dropping him off and since his mum was very busy, he was left alone to socialize with his doctors once in a while.

Earlier that morning, he'd woken up really early and his mum had sweetly wished him a happy birthday. He was sad when she had to leave so early but she promised to make it up to him once she got back. That was one of the things he loved most about her. She'd been so busy but always managed to squeeze in some hours for him.

After she left, he'd brushed his teeth, had a shower, and got changed into another set of sleepwear before having breakfast delivered to his room. He wasn't going to be stepping out anyway.

'What to do', he thought as he walked towards his massive bed. He'd already gone through the slides his class mentor had sent him to keep him updated. So, he picked up his phone from the bedside table and plopped down on his bed.

He decided to chat the rest of the crazy four up on their group chat to relieve his boredom. First period wouldn't have started by now anyway. He opened up WeChat and started to reply to some birthday wishes from his classmates on his contact list first. He scrolled through his contacts on WeChat just to be sure that he didn't miss any, when he stopped abruptly on the contact saved as 'fallen star', and a soft smile played on his lips.

He hadn't texted her for a while now, so he decided to send her a text. Just as he was about to type something, he saw that she was already typing something. He was a bit taken aback because this would be the first time she'd taken the liberty to text him first. At the same time, he was curious to know what she would say.

After a while of waiting, he finally got her text that read 'happy birthday'.

'How come she took so long if she was only sending this. Did she alter her texts repeatedly?', he thought as his smile widened seeing that she actually thought of wishing him.

"That means she hates me a little less right?", he enthusiastically uttered to himself as he began to type a reply.


Astrol was just about to switch off her phone after sending him the text, but was surprised to see that he'd replied back so soon. ('Thanks. How are you?'), the message read.

('Okay, you?'), she replied back.

('I'm good, though I do think I'm feeling a lot better after seeing your text')


('It's the first time you're texting me first. Glad to know you're thinking of me ( ; '), he sent next making Astrol roll her eyes. Narcissistic dummy.

('Don't get too ahead of yourself. You're everywhere over here so it's impossible not to know and wish you'), she sent next. 

Thinking of him?, he wished.

('Sure. Nonetheless, I still appreciate it')

They exchanged a few more messages before Astrol had to go get ready for first period. 

"He really is out of his mind... unbelievable", she muttered to herself, shaking her head as she switched off her phone.

The first three periods were soon over and Astrol headed to the school canteen with Nari and Bora to go get some snacks.

They were all quietly enjoying their snack time when Nari's phone beeped. Nari took out her phone and saw that it was a notification from the student forum.

Clicking on it, she excitedly squealed in delight, and told them all to visit the student forum that minute.

Astrol's eyebrows pulled together in confusion as she opened her phone and did as Nari said. When she went on the student forum, she saw that a video had been uploaded and clicked on it.

She was a bit surprised to see Kim Minho's face pop up on screen. In the video, he thanked and showed his appreciation for all the get well soon and birthday wishes. He also assured everyone that he was fine and doing well.

By the end of the video, a slight smile had snaked it's way onto Astrol's lips, before she carried on with enjoying the rest of her break.


The rest of Nari's remaining classes went by quickly, and soon it was time for her private classes with Auston. She hurriedly packed up and headed towards the room they normally used.

Nari had been seated for the past half hour and Auston hadn't said a thing to her at all. The only time he actually looked in her direction or spoke to her was whenever she had a question or was confused about something.

It's not like the other days were different, but he seemed particularly moody today.

'Sheesh how come he's super quiet today?', she thought glancing at where he was seated.

He hadn't moved, neither had he changed his position, but then again he did have a really good posture unlike her so she figured he wasn't uncomfortable.

Nari couldn't stop twitching as she looked back down at the books laid in front of her. Auston might find the silence convenient, but for someone as chatty as herself, it only made her feel restless. 'How can I get him to say something. Hmmm, ooh! I know!'

"Ehem. Uhm Auston", she started and Auston simply looked up from his phone at her. God he's handsome. How could his eyes be so green?

She cleared her throat, "Uhm...well you see, there's this assignment I have where I have to do a little survey on a person to determine their MBTI and personality factor from my observations", she explained trying her hardest not to sweat on seeing his impassive look.

"You're a science student, aren't you?"

"Well yes of course_"

"Then how did you end up with an assignment like that?", he questioned, his perfectly shaped eyebrow arching slightly. Nari just blinked multiple times at him on hearing his question. 

'I did not think this through'.

"Well, my dad makes me take this social sciences class at home so that it can give me a better understanding of how human actions affect our history", she explained with a nervous smile.

Auston thought over it and figured it made sense. She'd be the next history keeper after all so it was a reasonable step taken by her dad. "Okay", he simply replied and Nari resisted the urge to squeal out loud.

She was so happy. This would be the perfect opportunity for her to get to know this handsome beauty more.

"Okay okay. First question, what do you like to do during your free time?"



"It's nice". Not the reply Nari was expecting, but maybe he wasn't particularly chatty on his hobbies.

"Err okay, how about your favorite color?"


"Why black?"

"It's nice", he replied once more. "Hmm, how about your favorite song, ooh or instrument?", she asked next and Auston's cool expression hardened a bit. She didn't know if she was hallucinating, but it was like she caught a glint of sadness in those beautiful jade green eyes of his.

"None", he replied after a while and Nari was left blinking multiple times at him again. She just wanted to strike a conversation with him but he kept throwing her off with his short replies.

'He's really not talkative at all huh', she mused.

"How about_"

"I think that's enough answers for your survey", he spoke cutting her off, and Nari knew better than to try again. She really didn't want him getting annoyed or irritated with her. 

So, she ended up puffing her cheeks at her failed attempt at starting up a conversation with him.


Xander and Bora were at the parking lot waiting for their driver to arrive since it was already the end of school. "Hey, why do you like going back home so early these days?", Xander asked as they waited.

"I don't know actually, I just feel like is all. Besides, you see how happy mum gets when we arrive earlier than normal", she replied. 

"And you don't have to follow me back all the time if you don't want to", she added.

"I know but I can't just let you go on your own"

"Aww and that's why you're my adorable little brother"

"Little brother?. Please you're only five minutes older. If anything I bet I'm more mature"

"Haha sure you are", she said chuckling and Xander just rolled his eyes.

"Oh my lovely twin brother, please don't mind this amazing sister of yours. To be frank, I don't know what I'd do without you", Bora said pulling him into a hug which he tried to escape from.