3 Sinking Butterflies ✔️ ✅️

His treasure lay broken, pieces of bright rose crystal surrounded the dimming blue entity. Morale had become apparent, fleeing with temptation was hope. The crystal had lost its color and into the shadows it faded. Smothering the life out of light, darkness was swallowing everything. The colorful display had developed need in the eyes of many, shadow fallen fiends ready to reach from the depths to claim him. This lonely entity, met the powerful gaze of a daemonic queens crimson eyes. Moving towards her victim, many hands raised reaching up from the abyss lusting over the beauty of the queens black wings, emerald lips, exotic body and rare emotion. Swiftly shifting shape, size and producing an aura, blending deep colors for camouflage she approached, prepared to in-counter a being of free will. Free from her hypnotic tragedy, the waiting and unsuspecting form of light lowly sang songs of loss, across the darkness they connected, moving forward silently she began moving her body alluring his foolish mind, he was comforted by her quick notions of need. The two shared endless time together. Choreographic sequences of movement chasing the dark world away with their bursting strobes of love lighten light. Different styles swaying and clashing into rhythm, each infusing energy into what the other needed. Building warmth, intimacy, attachment and desire. He worshiped their benevolence. The bait being appeal, she set the hook of attraction to capture his attention. She began devouring the affection instantly, only restoring her collection of elegant chaos. With toxins to shred his senses and whispers deeply wounding his new found love, she quickly unlocked his imagination. unleashing his spectrum of colors into the sky and across the colorless lands. Releasing passion without limits, happiness, endearment, love. Wonder freely soared out of his subconscious, her flawed faith contained his songs of sorrow, the construct was stunning forming the existence of beauty. Love had come to exist in the dark.  Enveloped in a frenzy his mind dances wildly in the shadows of his body. Corrupted by her venom his structure rapidly disfigured, becoming a creature without sanity with the whole purpose of consumption. The hunger had drown all rationality, stalking every breath she had drawn, his predatory instincts guided every limb. Gentile steps, focused eyes of black, the beast began striding savagely across their plains of existence. Every ounce of hatred fueled their embrace. His jaws demanded a requirement; her taste, her scent. Adrenaline carried the queens body instinctively searching for an escape. Anything and everything to get away from what she created. She had it all and now the beast wanted to devour her. Pouncing quickly his razor teeth began shaking her violently, puncturing her wings and tossing her to the floor. She cried, unable to flee she welcomed the beast into her twisted mind imprisoning the souls of each other, The two had manifested an endless pursuit, exploring an eternity together. Moving in flawless unity to find another crystal heart to share. Subtle and softly he chases her. ❤

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