
Chapter 6

Hylixe didn't satisfied by Ruang's reaction so she continued  testing.

"Sir Ruang Sheng, let me remind you" she said

'S-Sir? Why so polite now?' Ruang nervously said to himself

'Hyluxe must be a wimpy kid! I must've been hallucinating!'

"Rikia's bed is open to everyone, please be careful" she said

'WHAT?!' Ruang said to himself

The guests slowly wanders over.

"Hey, there's something interesting is going on"

"Would Ruang beat Hyluxe again?"

"Rikia is indeed a b!tch"

Rikia clentch her fist and was embarrassed in front of everyone.

"Y-You! Stop meddling lies!" she yelled

"Why deny dear? How can you tell that to the face of our used condoms?" Hyluxe said

People's gossips become more louder but it didn't distract Hylixe of thinking her next move. She seems to be focused on what she's aiming for.

'These two are weak and powerless. My brother wouldn't fall for these money-eating monkeys. But since they angered my brother, I'll fight them back.' Hylixe said to herself

The shocked face of everyone was still on the scene and making Ruang more furious.

'This is too much. He's becoming more savage. Did he forgot that this is their engagement party?' Warren said to himself

"This man is stupid in picking girls"

"Yeah, more like idiotic. Pfft"

"What a cuckold"

A chitter-chatter begins and everyone is laughing.

"Honey, he's too much! He's insulting us" she demanded in pity voice while hugging Ruang

Ruang can't control his senses anymore and raged upon Hyluxe's direction.

"You, bastard die!" He yelled and about to punch Hyluxe

But Warren interfere and blocked Ruang's attack.

"President Sheng, stop!" Warren uttered

'What? My body moved by itself. He asked for it, why did I protect him?' he said to himself

Hylixe smiled to Warren's bravery and tapped his shoulders.

"Warren, calm down. Today is Mr. Sheng's happy day. If he acts so carelessly, he will ruin his own engagement party. The one who is lost is not me then" she said sarcastically

"Tsk" Ruang responded

'He's indeed clever. If I act, every single guest will have a negative remark to me.' Ruang said to himself

"Oh, it's nearly time and congratulations had been delivered. We'll be leaving first" said Hyluxe

"Hmph! Hurry up and get lost. You are lucky this time but not next time" Ruang replied

"Before I forgot, I have some gifts for you" Hyluxe said with a smiley face

"What is it?" he said

Hylixe claps her hand and some goons rushed inside the ball bringing a medium size box. Ruang quickly handed it and opened.

"This.. This is.." he murmured

From the box, a pair of collar with a name and a half sack of dog food came out.

"What's the meaning of this?"

"It is shameful for the owner if he didn't buy his dogs their collar and dog food before their wedding, right? Hope you like it" Hylixe said and winked

The crowd bursts into laughter as soon as they got outside the ball and the hotel.

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