
Chapter 79 Yoyo takeaway is here to serve you

 Liang Yunyan suddenly covered the scar on her back nervously.

"Nothing. When I was in the army with your father, I was accidentally injured by artillery fire."

Really? But Liang Ruosheng felt that the scar was branded.

She didn't think much about it, and just said while cleaning Liang Yunyan, "Mom, I really admire you."

"You followed your father all over the country, endured hardships with him in the military camp, and walked hand in hand with him through the flames of war. But what about Chen Qingyin? She only knew how to live in peace in a corner, enjoying the fruits of her father's war."

These words touched Liang Yunyan's heart.

She looked ahead with cold eyes: "Yes, when your father was shot and injured, I was by his side. When the army was on the march and the food supply was not in time, I accompanied him to starve, eat steamed buns and drink cold water."

"Chen Qingyin has never experienced these hardships, right? But look at her, sitting high on the Diaoyutai, enjoying the title of the eldest lady of the Hu family, and what about me..."

As Liang Yunyan said this, she was about to cry again.

She looked around at the simple house and thought about her current situation.

"I gave birth to a pair of children for your father, but we live in a house like this. None of the Hu family members take me seriously."

After she finished speaking, Liang Yunyan lay down beside the bucket and cried sadly.

Liang Ruosheng said, "Mom, you can't give up easily. You know, if father loses power, Chen Qingyin will definitely not accompany him through thick and thin."

Liang Yunyan turned around and looked at her with some confusion: "Ruosheng, why do you say that? Are you sure your father will never get up again?"

Liang Ruosheng didn't expect that her words would cause Liang Yunyan to worry.

This made Liang Ruosheng stunned.

Didn't her mother swear to stand by her father's side?

Liang Ruosheng could only tell the truth: "Embezzlement of the court's money is a very serious crime. Even if the emperor doesn't care about it now, my father will have no hope of promotion in the future."

Liang Yunyan seemed to have suffered a shock. She suddenly collapsed in the water, leaning against the bucket with lifeless eyes.

"If he really lost power, it would be a mistake for me to bring you back!"

She had had enough of living like a servant and thought she could hold on to Hu Yunshen, the big tree, but now, this big tree has fallen down by itself.

So what's the point of her fighting for it?

Liang Ruosheng was shocked: "Mom, do you mean we should leave?"

In fact, if she really wanted to leave the Hu family, she would support it.

But unless Liang Yunyan can find a better home, if the mother and daughter leave alone, Liang Yunyan won't have much money, so won't she end up being someone's slave?

Liang Ruosheng was unwilling to repeat the same mistake. She was reborn to fight for wealth and glory!

Liang Yunyan shook her head: "We can't leave now. We have nothing. Besides, the Hu family owes me too much. I can't just leave. That would be a bargain for them!"

"Even if I have to leave, I will vent my anger on Chen Qingyin before I leave."

Liang Ruosheng held her hand and said, "Mom, I will help you. I hate Hu Mianmian and the others too!"

Concubine Shu had her beaten to death. Chen Qingyin and her daughter, who had a good relationship with Concubine Shu, were also Liang Ruosheng's enemies.

Liang Yunyan nodded with emotion: "Luckily, you are here. Your brother is now being raised by the old lady, and he won't kiss me."

A few days ago, Rong'er got angry about food and wanted to slap Liang Yunyan.

At that moment, Liang Yunyan felt really disappointed when she saw her son treating her like a servant and ordering her around.

So if Hu Yunshen really never had the chance to get back on his feet, Liang Yunyan would not stay in the Hu family and suffer with him.

But she thought that in order to deal with Chen Qingyin, she needed to find a perfect opportunity.


The Hu family's decline was beyond Chen Qingyin's imagination.

Linlang came back from the kitchen, carrying two dishes and a bowl of rice soup.

Both dishes were vegetarian, with the only meat being the occasional egg.

Linlang said awkwardly, "Madam, there is only one maid left in the kitchen. She said the rice jar is almost empty. This is all we have at home, so let's make do with it."

Chen Qingyin frowned: "I can make do with it, but Mianmian still needs to grow, how can she go without food!"

She was just about to take out the silver she had hidden and ask Linlang to take it out to buy things.

Unexpectedly, Hu Mianmian, who was practicing calligraphy, saw this and immediately jumped off the stool and ran over.

"Mom, don't worry, our food will be delivered soon!"

Chen Qingyin looked at the little guy in confusion: "Who will bring us food?"

"My friend!" Hu Mianmian answered softly.

After a while, someone knocked on the window.

Hu Mianmian's eyes lit up: "It's coming."

The little guy pushed the stool, stepped on it and opened the window.

"Hey, I've been waiting for you for a long time."

Chen Qingyin watched her daughter talking to herself, and also received two oil paper bags from the window.

Linlang went forward to open it and saw that it was roast chicken and braised beef!

Chen Qingyin was surprised: "Who sent it?" She walked forward and looked out the window curiously.

It turned out to be a furry, black and white little animal.

After a closer look, Linlang recognized it first: "It's a skunk!"

It was the first time Yoyo met Chen Qingyin face to face and she felt a little embarrassed.

It hugged its big tail, covered its chest with its paws, and saluted gracefully.

It was as if saying, Dear Mrs. Chen, my name is Youyou.

Chen Qingyin laughed dryly: "Mianmian, this is your friend? But it's a small animal, where did it get these food?"

Hu Mianmian blinked her big eyes and said, "I asked my third brother to send it to me."


"Yes, when I was at grandpa's house, I told my third brother that if I wanted to eat something, I would write a note and ask Youyou to run and give it to him, and my third brother would buy it and ask Youyou to bring it in."

Chen Qingyin was extremely surprised when she heard this.

What was surprising was not that Hu Mianmian had actually agreed with Chen Dingshi in advance, but that her daughter could actually communicate with a skunk! ?

Hu Mianmian broke off a chicken leg and a chicken head and handed them to Youyou generously.

"Yoyo, you've worked hard. Take this and eat it!"

Yoyo immediately bowed with both hands, as if to say thank you, then held the chicken head in his paws, held the big chicken leg in his mouth, and turned and left.

Chen Qingyin was surprised and said, "Since you are my friend, you should come in and have a seat."

It seemed like she accepted it quickly.

Hu Mianmian smiled and said, "Yoyo doesn't like to be around people. It usually likes to stay at home."

"It has settled down in our Hu Mansion?"

"Yes, its nest is so comfortable. Mom, let's eat quickly. Don't worry about running out of meat. Yoyo will come and bring us food often."

The next few days.

Just as Hu Mianmian said, Youyou would bring different oil paper bags from Chen Dingshi every day.

Sometimes it is roast chicken, sometimes it is roast duck. Recently, Yuemanlou has released some pastries, and Chen Dingshi also bought some and asked Youyou to bring them to Hu Mianmian.

The mother and daughter lived a very happy life behind closed doors.

A few days later, Liang Ruosheng ran in from outside with a happy look on her face.

Liang Yunyan was washing the clothes of Old Madam Hu and Old Master Hu.

"Mom, I discovered something amazing!"