

"Is that the freshman who thinks he can win Student Council President?"

"No they said he was handsomer, I mean I think it is."

"Will you vote for him?"

"Yes, I like the way his eyes look..."

Just as an suspiciously non planned on cue glance, Simon turned and looked at the two girls who gossiped only three desk back.


Both fo their heads snapped away and one went as far as to start whistling. Simon did not smile, but deep down he was happy his looks were giving him a few votes from girls. Simon turned to the other side of the classroom, a group of males staring him down like hunters.


Simon ignored the stares and turned toward the head of the classroom. It seemed homeroom had potential.

"Hello class I am your homeroom teacher, Ms. Goff."

"Like the rams quarterback?" Said one kid in the very back.


The boy hung his head in shame, "nevvvermiiind"

Simon glared at the teacher, taking hints to see if he could read her character. It seemed the possibility of love wa-

Simon quickly looked away, his interest dropping entirely. Just from a glance he could understand she was clumsy and too air headed. He even would go as far as to say she was beaut-

Simon turned the other way and patted out his green uniform. Garden Academy was his new home and the fresh air of actually nature was prevalent. It was crazy to think his Smoking h-

...His sister could manage to upkeep such a beautiful school.

Norman leaned over, something he did his entire life, "What's going on in that crazy head of yours Simon?"

Simone exhaled, "I'm very unsure of how we should go about getting votes. I'm a first year with zero reputation. And there is the fact about upperclassmen most likely not voting for someone younger..."

Norman patted Simon on the back, "Don't worry, I wouldn't vote for you if I was any other year."

"You are not helping, this is not a joke, we need to take this seriously."

Norman sighed and closed his recent manga, Love is but a Dream. "I have a strategy that could work flawlessly if we execute it right."

Simon let the stress fall off, "And what might that be?"

"Well there is always this formality that stress is a part of school but I beg to differ. Stress is the enemy and for students starting a new year of very STRESS filled problems, they need a safe haven. We should focus on that."

Simon did not smile but instead rubbed his chin very menacingly, "That does not sound too bad, actually sounds like a good idea."

"That's why we should open up a petting zoo."

The silence of grayness fell over them. "With what money?"

Norman put his finger up and wagged it in front of his zombie like friend. Simon still had no emotion as he did so. "You are thinking in the now, we can advertise this as something we do once you are elected president."

Simon nodded, it seemed Norman was not a complete imbecile, he had redeeming parts.

Norman somehow felt some one insulted him from a view he couldn't quite understand, odd...

"The petting zoo is something we can go for but what if that is frowned upon, we need a back up plan."

Norman scratched his scalp, so many ideas popping in and out. "We could also work in a free period or add some time after lunch for like a buffer. Most people will calm down if they have extra time to themselves."

"So welcome to Gifted History, this is were you will learn the basics, history, and laws that come along with using your Charm or Curse."

Ignoring her entirely, Simon sharpened his eyes and searched, "It looks like we have a lead, when is the first assembly of the candidates?"

Norman flipped through an invisible book in his hands, "Three days from now."

They nodded, the duo had a basis for how they would approach such an uptight school. It was because everyone who went here was rich or important. Junior Olympians, Heirs to mafias, future owners of multi-million or billion dollar companies. This school was no joke, and the pride that each individual could show was not either.

After a syllabus was handed to all the students of homeroom, and a great amount of minutes passed by, the sliding door slammed open.


Simon and Norman both snapped their heads up toward the loud noise.

"So, who is the first year who thinks they can run against me for President?"

A seductive female voice spoke fast and hard. Also as she finished, a few, well no, all the heads locked on to Simon.

'Shit' Thought Simon.

A girl with cherry red hair took a step into the classroom. Her skirt flailing just enough to catch all the boys off guard. But. This was a war on two fronts. The most innocent and scariest smile stretched across her pale smooth skin, girls blushed as they sat in awe.

Norman coughed and looked at Simon. They had the ability to talk to each other in morse code by moving their eyebrows. Something they decided from a young age.


Simon swallowed hard. He had to disappear or conflict could happen. Even if he did not want to admit it, candidates running against each other meeting in public was bad news. Anything could aspire and could tank his chances of being elected.

For his secret, and for his future, Simon stood up. His Chair slid back several feet, grabbing the attention of everyone.


Whoever made the first move wins now. Simon spoke first, "I am the one who challenges your throne. If you truly want to talk, do not be a coward and face me publicly."

The girl grinned maniacally, "Oh, are you calling me a coward?"

Simon blinked rapidly, "Yes, that's exactly what I am calling you."

She started to laugh, her short cut hair bounced as she did. Simon glanced at Norman.


Simon sighed, "If you want to discuss matters then set a place and time. We can talk publicly at the assemblies no?"

The girl stopped her laughter, "I do suppose you are r-"

Simon unlicked the lock on the window. He yeeted out of the opening.

"Oh. My. God."

Norman face palmed.

Simon did indeed make a quick get away, but the thought was ill prepared. All Simon's life the schools he attended were cheap as for him to understand how those without money operated. His sister actually suggested it but because of this, Simon had completely forgotten he was at one of the most richest schools in the world, meaning there were multiple floors.

Home room was three stories up.

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