smut by Mr_MINUS32 link :
It was another restless night. Another fairly humid Texas night as well which had one of the Cooper children stirring up out of her sleep. Little Missy turned onto her back and opened her eyes. She knew she was awake and not dreaming. This was the third time she'd woken up in the middle of the night for seemingly no reason other than she didn't feel comfortable and she was a little hot.
Letting out an irritated huff, the 10 year old girl sits up in her bed. Still a little stiff from her disturbed slumber she stretches out a little before going over the room. It was dark but the moon and star light left a reasonable glow in the room for her to see.
Across from her bed was her twin brother Sheldon who wasn't burdened by the cruelty of insomnia. Missy spent the next few minutes trying to get back to sleep to no avail. Before she was able to force herself back to bed but not this time. She was wide awake. The problem with that being was there wasn't anything she could do without potentially waking someone up in the full house.
Looking back to her brother Missy sighed as she thought about getting him to keep her company until she was able to fall back asleep. It wasn't too off for one of them to wake the other up at night if they wanted to talk. It was often Missy who woke up her brother and it would be this time too.
After not getting a response Missy rolled her eyes and whispered again louder but keeping her voice low enough that her mother shouldn't have heard her past two closed doors.
"Sheldon, wake up."
With the room staying silent she knew her brother was deep asleep. A fact that both made her envious and annoyed that it couldn't have also been her.
"Sleeping dork says what... Really, nothing."
Missy waits but still nothing. not even a subtle movement other than his body moving with rhythmic breathing. His back was to her and she couldn't tell if he was just ignoring her so she decided to slides over to the edge of her bed and think up a way to get his attention if he wasn't asleep.
"Sheldon, our mama tell me that your girlfriend Paige was coming over tomorrow for a visit."
Not hearing back from him about the thought of his nemesis Paige coming over or to correct her poor grammer she knew he had to be asleep. With that knowledge she gets out of bed. As she starts to walks over to his bed she pauses for a brief second with the sudden urge to go to the bathroom. While she would have preferred to continue messing with the sleeping Sheldon, using the bathroom was something to do after all so she didn't complain.
Missy opens the door to the house and walks out. As usual the house was dead silent and dark. Knowing her way even without her eyes she silently makes her way to the bathroom and clicks on the light. Wearing her night gown Missy lifts up the long garment and reaches for her panties, pulling them down around her ankles and sits down on the toilet.
While she's not doing much but sitting there listening to the sound of her pee hitting the water she glances down and sees a small damp spot in the crotch of her panties. It'd been there repeatedly for a while. Usually she'd wake up and see her underwear covered in a bit of moisture.
The first time she'd thought it to be sweat but her curiosity lead her to touching it and the sticky spot wasn't sweat and she was sure it wasn't blood so it couldn't have been that thing girls got when they started to get older. But without an explanation she ignored it.
After she was done using the bathroom she fixed her night gown and made her way back to her and Sheldon's room. The house still sleeping soundly she stopped in the hallway listening. It was truly quiet enough to hear a pin drop. Not even the bug she often heard at night were present and she felt a little more upset as it seemed even the insects knew it was late and turned in while she was the only thing for miles that was up at this hour.
Inside the room she closes the door behind her and walks over. Instead of going to her bed though she walks over to the side of Sheldon's bed. Her twin was now sleeping on his back and she snickered seeing his dopey look as he slept. She could think of a joke to make but it wasn't like he was awake to be offended by it anyway.
Looking over to her bed and not feeling any more tired than before she sits down on the edge of his bed. Her hand moves over to his shoulder and she shakes him a little.
"Sheldon... you up?
Unfortunately she still doesn't get a response other than a slight shift from Sheldon. She was now green with envy. She wouldn't have thought she's be pouting about something as trivial as sleep but here she was doing just that.
Pondering a few more thoughts she brings her eyes back to him as she does her best to imitate their mother's voice.
"Shelly, wake up or you'll miss your spelling bee."
Seeing Sheldon sleep soundly gets her to sigh again and in a brief fit of anger she lets her voice raise.
"Wake up for your mother."
Sheldon lets out a groan but it's the only thing that happens from her silly attempt to wake him. She ends up softly slapping the side of his covered body out of another burst of emotion.
"Seriously... of all the times for you not to be a mama's boy."
While she's looking over his body Missy's catches something out of the corner of her eye. A small hint of movement other than his chest breathing so she looks. Next to her almost out of her line of sight was a small tent in the covers. It was too low to be anything she could think of and too high to be his feet.
A second of thinking ended with her eyes widening as she figured out what it must have been. It was Sheldon's boy parts. She hadn't thought about them since they used to bath together years ago. And now that she thought about it she thought he must have been growing. After all her breasts were just starting to come in. And she could tell her body was starting to take on a more feminine form. In particularly her butt which was getting a lot bigger. So sheldon might have been getting bigger too. But she didn't know why he was so visible now.
That's when a second thought occured to her. A faint memory of something she heard or saw. She had forgot boy's things get hard. That was how they put them inside a girl and made a baby. Sitting there with the stone slab that was her brother Missy stares at the erection under the covers for nearly half a minute before she did anything.
Her curiosity was getting the better of her and when the idea had too root in her mind there was nothing she or anyone could do to get it out of her mind. A cautious look to Sheldon to see if he was still asleep and then she ended up looking back at the tent.
For another second Missy froze thinking of what she was doing. But she was bored and curious which were a dangerous combination for someone like her. Putting any and all doubt out of her mind she lifts her hand and brings it over to the pointed area. She uses a single finger to poke at it and jumps back seeing the covers move on their own after touching it.
Once she composes herself again she reaches out and touches. The second time the cover moves she isn't as alarmed by it but is more dumbfounded. For her third attempt she doesn't settle with a single digit but reaches for it with her whole hand. She was interested in seeing why it was moving on its own. Grabbing the tip of the bulging covers she felt something hard underneath the soft blanket. but there was no way that was Sheldon's thing.
It had been years and her memories of bath time were fuzzy at best. But she knew from them that it was never hard. Sometimes after getting out of the water it would look a little bigger and didn't hang as much but this was different. It felt stiff and it was moving. And she had to see it for herself.
Missy's eyes moves back to Sheldon's face and he show little sign of waking up. What she was doing didn't seem to be disturbing his peaceful slumber so she didn't think there was a problem. And so she leaned forward and grabs the top end of Sheldon's blanket.
Moving slowly she removes the cover from his torso and gets it close to his waist before he makes a single move. It's only when she starts to lift it more anticipating what she might find when his bulge is revealed does he move, shifting a little but remaining on his back unaware of anything. Taking a breath Missy waits to see if he's going to move. When she's sure he isn't she pulls the cover the rest of the way and looks down. This time the bulge she saw were in Sheldon's pajamas and it was even bigger and profound thana when under the thick blanket.
Right between his legs she stared at the twitching bulge in his pj's. She wasn't sure how big it was but it looked quite active, occasionally twitching on it's own. She could see more of its movements with less obstructing it.
Now with a better look at it Missy wanted to get a better feel for it. Sheldon hadn't woken up yet so she reached for his boner again. Touching it she felt the stiff muscle puch back against her finger and a sly smirk came over her face. It was like the thing was alive. This was better without the cover so really getting to feel it had to be as well.
Without thinking on it for very long Missy reaches and wraps her small hand around the bulge in her twin's pajamas. That's when her smirk formed into a full on smile. Sheldon was definitely hard, very hard. She was amazed as she tightened her grip around it and it felt like it got harder to resist.
Again Sheldon then drew her attention. This time his head turned to the side and it sounded like he was making some kind of noise. Squeezing the boy's erection again Sheldon makes the sound again and she knows its a moan. A little like when she licks the spoon or bowl after her mother had been mixing the batter for cake or other baked goods. Taking that into account she knew Sheldon was enjoying this. For some reason he liked his thing being squeezed even while he was asleep. A thought that made her giggle.
Sheldon stays asleep the whole time and Missy is getting more entertainment out of this than any other thing she could have thought of doing if everyone was awake or asleep. Her mental cog wheels continued to spin to form a new idea. If he was this hard without the cove rin the way, how hard would he have been without anything on. And she was curious to see what it looked like. The best idea she was going on was old data and Sheldon always strived to get new information.
Determined to see out her next goal Missy lifted both hands up towards Sheldon's stomach. She lifted his shirt up until she saw his belly button. Then she moved down and grabbed the brim of his pajamas. If she didn't do it right he would stil have his underwear on and if she did it worse he might wake up. But Missy wasn't going to accept either outcome over successfully getting his bottoms down so she could see this mysterious twitching bulge in the flesh with her own eyes.
And so she peeled his pajamas and his underwear down. Stopping halfway to move her fingers around to the sides of his thighs she pulls again sliding them down his butt. Then back to the front as she worked them both down to the erection. She wasn't sure she would be able to get them past the standing pole but much to her shock the reaction leaned as his pajamas rolled over and she continued.
When she cleared his bald mound she almost jumped again when his dick sprung free. But she slightly knew it was coming like a Jack-in-the-Box after winding the crank forever. Her big green eyes stare and her smile is as wide as ever now that she can finally see Sheldon's cock pretty much for the first time. It wasn't like she remembered. Now about four inches in length, rock hard and throbbing. The pale cock and pink tip moving against the cold air. She was mesmerized by it.
Now there was nothing in the way of it. Missy made a new discovery as she took his dick in her hand again. Sheldon's meat wasn't only hard but it was hot. It was like his thing was on fire and in her moist clammy palm it only felt hotter.
her fingers tightened around his dick and it throbbed furiously in response. Her heart skipped a beat and her adrenaline was spiking. His hairless sex twitching in her grasp as only the head and a little of the base poked out from opposite ends of her hand.
Her squeezing hand made Sheldon moan in his sleep. She watched him closely. taking in every detail of his face and the way he sounded from her playing with his dick. It fascinated her in more than one way. It almost became a game as she would tighten her grip and his dick would pulsating in her hand, growing a little before shrinking back. It was the strangest thing she ever focused on for so long. She'd lost track of how long she was squeezing and releasing him but it was long enough for something else to happen.
In the low light of the room s shimmer reflected against her eye and she tilts her head. Getting closer she looks down to see a small dollop of something coming from the tip of Sheldon's penis. At first she assumed it was pee. But as much as she might have made fun of him for it she knew Sheldon didn't wet the bed. And there was just something off about the way the liquid didn't move.
Wanting to figure out what it was Missy brings her left hand to his dick and presses her index against the growing glob. As she lifts her hand the drop of clear goo sticks to her finger as she lifts it creating a string of the pre-cum before it snaps. And as she rubs the small smear of it on her index between it and her thumb she once again thinks back with a sense of De-ja-vu.
It was just like the gooey substance she had found in her panties. Sheldon's boy thing was making the same stuff her girl thing did. Once again she taps her digit against the slime and watches as it stretches out longer this time. And after it breaks it leave two drops, one on Sheldon's tip and the second on her finger.
Missy lifts it up to her nose and takes a sniff of it but she couldn't get much from it. Either it didn't have a smell or it was too small for her to smell it clearly. Going in for another sample she makes sure to rub her finger over the tip, smearing the goo around on her finger a good amount before lifting it back to her face.
This time she could smell a hint of something but she couldn't place the smell. Though it gave her body a strange feeling and without knowing why she thought to do it she opened her mouth and pressed her digit onto her tongue. Wanting to taste the slick had popped into her mind and she hoped she wouldn't regret it and she didn't.
The taste was different to anything she had tasted before and yet somehow oddly familiar in taste and texture. She didn't mind the taste of it and that lead to her taking another swipe. Her finger wipes off the pre-cum from Sheldon's tip and she tries again. The second taste isn't as puzzling as the first and she rubs the substance between her tongue and the roof of her mouth as she gets a better taste of it.
She was going to forget about it only for a few squeezes later Sheldon's dick produced more of the clean liquid. This time more forming a large glob that eventually dripped off the side and down over her fingers. For the first time since she grabbed on Missy releases Sheldon's length fully and looks at the shiny liquid. And since she didn't mind it before she decides to clean off the sticky layer of goo by licking her fingers off.
With it cleaned off again Missy returns her hand to Sheldon and continues playing with his dick. Occasionally he started to leak more pre-cum and rather than stopping to wipe it off she would just lean down and lick the head of his dick. She started to like the taste of it and when her wet tongue glid over her sensitive cock head she heard her brother make the sweetest moans so far which was also fun for her.
The next few minutes passed quickly with Missy enjoying what she was doing oblivious to the greater purpose squeezing Sheldon's cock had or the liquid that was squeezed from him. His moaning had increased further and she saw Sheldon's face wincing more and more.
Then suddenly he shook for a second snd she looked up wondering what had happened. That's when his dick erupted and Missy was caught off guard. She had no way of knowing his dick would go from letting out small bits of whatever it was to turning into a cannon. A stream of white goo flew up and landed over her face.
This was hot, thick and even stickier than what came before it. And it wasn't the end. Sheldon gasped and his dick fired off several more ropes of the stuff. The second had hits Missy just above her eye before she managed to back away. not wanting to jump clean out of his bed she only moved enough to get her face out of the splash zone while keeping her hand firmly around his dick incase he turned into a fire hose and began spraying this stuff everywhere.
The last few spurts of cum shoot straight up and come back down over his dick and her hand. And as she watched his orgasm wind down she went from having two eyes provide her vision to just one as his gooey cum covered her left eye shut.
"...What the hell Sheldon."
After Sheldon was don spewing his seed he seemed to calm down and Missy let go of his dick. Shortly after it began to shrink. Not just a little though, it shrunk down until it was limp and soft. With her hand covered in this new stuff Missy brought it close. Unlike before this liquid was different. White. Creamy. If she wasn't going off of a few hours of sleep she might have thought it was milk but it was clearly the stuff boys put in girls to make babies.
But why was it so thick. The last stuff was gooey but this was that on steroids. It was so hot. And there was so much of it. Taking a whiff of it turned her nose a little. It was also quite potent. The smell of his semen overwhelming her at first. It wasn't a horrible smell but this was so much more than before. Everything about it was heightened to an insane amount.
For some reason her mind went to Sheldon's dumb comic books. This stuff was what Spider-man was after the spider bite. It was super and what she had been licking up was just the nerdy Peter Parker that came before it. But while she took a moment to regain her thoughts she couldn't help but wonder is all of this was different, the taste had to be as well. But by how much. Could her taste buds handle something super like this.
Not really one for second guessing herself Missy dives into the deep end and gives the back of her digits a big long lick. The gooey spunk on her tongue quickly gives her a new impression of Sheldon and in the weirdest way she likes it. Without even expecting to she give sit a second lick. And then she was busy licking her hand clean as she watched Sheldon return to a peaceful sleep.
With everything calming down Missy looks with her one good eye and sees there's more of the stuff over Sheldon. And that's not consisting of what was currently on her face. She knew she had to clean it up and for a second she panicked. Survival instincts kicking in she drops her head down looking eye to eye with Sheldon's sleeping dick and licks up his thigh. Her tongue grazing over his skin lapping up his cum in one successful pass. She exhales a heated breath over his skin now moist with her cum laced saliva she continues licking around his dick until she'd licked all of the spray of cum up.
Then she looks and sees there's still plenty on his dick. Having already licked the rest up and now with a taste for his seed Missy tries to lift his dick up but the sticky goo drips over a spot she'd already licked and with his cum melting down her face she didn't have time to waste in licking him and eny spot that was re-covered so she quickly takes his whole dick in her mouth.
Her tongue works around his shaft and in no time she feels there's so much more than before. Missy then gives his dick a deep sucks and lifts her head figuring why it felt that there was more as Sheldon's dick was beginning to swell again. Her sucking and licking his member was making him hard again. Another sly smirk that she could make his dick hard. She then wondered if he'd let all of this out after she played with him for long enough and then he went soft, if she got him hard again could he let out more.
But that would be something she would have to thing about another time. Sheldon's cum had ripped down to her lips now and it wouldn't be long before it was dripping off her chin. And since she came off if him without giving him a full erection he started to shrink back down. It was fickle but she thinks she knows how it works with him getting hard when he feels good. Pulling his pajamas back up and then tossing the covers over his body before storming out of the room as swiftly and silently as she can she runs back to the bathroom.
Under the bright glow of the bathroom light Missy can see Sheldon really did let out a lot of that stuff. His cum had painted her forehead. She didn't even feel the rope across her nose. The sperm had dripped down to her chin after her speedy movements and she caught it just in time to wipe it away with her hand.
With some still over her mouth she sticks out her tongue to lick it from her lips. Seeing herself on the mirror as she does it makes her laugh and she has the alone time to comprehend how much fun she just had. Almost half of her face was dripping with Sheldon's cum and she couldn't care less that she was awake.
Using her reflection Missy starts the slow process of wiping off his semen and using her mouth to clean off her hands. Once she was done and had eaten up al of the cum she could see she turned on the faucet and washed her hands clean. Even if she licked them clean of his stuff ahe didn't wash them of her sticky spit. So she also decided to give her face a quick wash. Only to then see a line of cum in her hair. She lets out a sigh knowing she's going to have to clean it and knowing how hard it is to get anything out of hair she would be in the bathroom for another few minutes. But she was also impressed that Sheldon somehow managed to shoot that stuff so high up to get it on her head.
Missy walks back into the room. Sheldon is out like a light. It actually appeared that he was sleeping better now than he was before. Missy smiles and sits down on her bed. watching him sleep for a little. He is about to stand back up when she lets out a long yawn. The yawn making her blink her eyes open. She hadn't noticed how heavy the felt until now. With that revelation she slides under her covers and looks over at her brother.
"...Thanks Sheldon."
before closing her eyes she yawned again pleasantly satisfied that she found something to do that occupied her time until she was ready to go back to sleep and was entertaining to boot. She closes her eyes thinking of the smell and taste of Sheldon's cum and without warning fell asleep for the rest of the night.
When she next opens her eyes the room is filled with the morning sun. Missy opens her eyes and turns toward her brother. She gets up wanting to see if he was aware of what happened and waits for Sheldon to get up. Often they would be up around the same time, but now after last night Sheldon slept for an extra half out which was rare for him.
She occupies her reading one of her magazines. Eventually though Sheldon end sup waking up albeit slowly. He groans in his sleep as he wakes up and she thinks of hearing him moan last night. The memory giving her a devilish blushing smile. Sheldon sits up rubbing his eyes and sees his sister already up pretending not to notice him rising.
"Good morning."
"...You're up early."
"More like you're up late."
"What do you mean?"
"You've been asleep all day."
"I don't believe you."
"Okay, well all morning. You must have slept good."
"Yes. I supposed I did sleep well."
Sensing his subtle grammer correction she rolls her eyes.
"I'm not sure why, but I do feel surprisingly good."
"How so?"
"As I said I'm not sure why. But I feel good. It's possibly due to a good night's rest I suppose."
"That must be it."
Sheldon gets up preparing to get dressed. Seeing him getting out of bed Missy glances up and quickly turns her eyes when she sees him stand up next to his bed. Sheldon is unaware but his dick is rock hard, his morning wood poking out with a small stain in his pajamas from his pre-cum. Missy grins and bites her lip trying not to draw attention. Sheldon makes his way over to the dresser and grabs his closes.
"I wonder if it had anything to do with my dream."
What dream."
"I don't remember it much. But I could have sworn I hear mo talking to me."
"I detect sarcasm."
"I'm sure you do, because there was some. So you don't remember anything about this dream?"
"Does anyone? I remember it feeling good."
"You said that already."
"A different good. It's hard to explain. Which feels so strange for me. I'm usually able to explain a lot."
"Maybe it had something to do with your body rather than your mind."
"Like an exercise dream."
"Do you feel like you had a workout?"
"...A little."
Missy smiles and goes back to pretending to read her magazine. A few seconds later the door opens as the twins older brother Georgie pokes his heads in.
"Hey you two. Mom said breakfast is almost ready."
He looks to see the two still in their pajamas as opposed to him already being mostly dressed. It was the weekend and usual for Missy but Sheldon was usually the first one dressed.
"You two sleep late or something?"
"Sheldon did. He had a good dream."
Georgie gets a curious look the way she says it but when he looks at Sheldon and sees his boner poking through his pajamas he gets it.
"Congrats on your first wet dream, welcome to the boys club. Now put that thing away and get dressed, your sister's right there. And hurry up. I can't make no promises about saving ya'll any food. Dad looks like he's in a hungry mood and so am I."
Georgie heads down the hall leaving Sheldon to look to Missy.
"What did he mean by that."
Missy finally looks up with a smile and points to his erection.
"That's new."
"Must have been some dream."
Missy gets up out of bed. She leaves after their brother.
"He's right though, you should hurry before there's no food left."
Now Sheldon was alone in the room curious about his spontaneous erection. he never notice himself have them before so it was new to him. And with Missy walking towards the kitchen and the smell of food she was more interested in what she would be eating later. Sheldon didn't know what she did and she was looking forward to having another midnight snack once everyone was asleep.
The day went as usual as expected. After a while Missy had even forgotten about what she had gotten up to when she couldn't sleep. But at two points during the day she remembered it and it only fueled her to want to do it again. It made her hot. It made her pussy wet and she didn't know why. But she liked it.
Whn the sun started to set she got excited. It wouldn't be long before it was night and after that they would all be laying down. And when that happened she would make her move. Not wanting to miss her chance Missy would stay away all night. She wasn't sure what she would do for the few hours and then she started to think what if she ended up falling asleep regardless.
Thinking about it she had remembered something she did before she got as far as she did with Sheldon. She had went to use the bathroom. After being potty trained everyone got up to use the bathroom even when they were asleep and that was her key to the locked problem. While standing at the kitchen sink drinking her third straight glass of water on the edge of feeling her stomach burst her father passed by.
"You sure are thirsty kiddo."
Missy didn't bother wasting time to speak and continues to guzzle down the water with a nod.
"Mhmm huh."
"You know if you don't slow down you'll be waking up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom.
Missy finished the tall glass and wiped her mouth without a drop wasted.
"I know."
"You want to go on yourself."
"...I'll go before I go to bed. Duh dad."
Missy scurries off leaving George Sr. confused which wasn't too surprising considering his three kids. but moreso that it was Missy. He kind of understood her like Georgie and it was Sheldon who he didn't get.
A couple of hours later Missy woke in bed shrouded in darkness with a dominating urge to pee. Practically sprinting for the bathroom she was elated that her plan had worked. It was a little past midnight and now she was the only one in her family up.
Stepping back in her shared room Missy stands over Sheldon feeling butterflies in her stomach at the thought of doing this again. But before she could she had to make sure he was asleep. She gets down on her knees and leans against the side of his bed.
"Sheldon... Sheldon, wake up if you an hear me."
He groans a bit but he clearly doesn't register her voice while he's under. She then gives his arm a quick shake just to be sure and he starts to roll over.
"Oh no you don't."
Before he can turn on his side facing her she puts her arm up blocking his rotation and gently nudges him until he's on his back again. She's almost a hundred percent sure he's going to stay asleep like the last time and so she begins. Her eagerness showing through as she moved around and felt her wet crotch.
Feeling the slickness between her legs she looks and wants to see. Missy then slides her hand under her pajamas surprised when she feels just how wet she seemed to be. Thinking a bit that she hadn't wiped enough or maybe even gone a little more at first, those thoughts were immediately squashed when she saw the same gooey substance clinging between her digits.
With a smile she rubs it around and turns to Sheldon again. Now she began to understand it was her brother and the strange feelings she was feeling now that made her so wet. Likely a result of her getting older. She thought a little more about how she also felt hot around some boys she thought were cute and unlike when she was little or at least younger those feelings didn't seem to occur.
But she'd wasted enough time thinking about that for now. Missy reaches up to grab the covers over her twin brother and pulled them down. Thinking of seeing the familiar bulge in his bottoms Missy's eyes lock on though she's disappointed to see he didn't have an erection. His crotch was mostly flat with the smallest bump as his flaccid member laid as asleep as Sheldon was.
"You're kidding me Sheldon."
She looks closer but no amount of checking would give her what she wanted to see.
"I drank a whole gallon or water..."
Stopping before she got too loud Missy sits there. Not wanting the night and her effort to go unrewarded she sits on his bed thinking of what she can do. Thinking to squeezing his dick and making it flex she got the idea that maybe she could get him hard. He was asleep before and had one so why couldn't she gets him hard too.
Turning her hea d back she goes for his bottoms next. As she suspected his limp dick was what she found. It was a lot smaller and thin from what she remembered, the again this wasn't the state she saw it in.
Now a little less than three inches Missy takes the small pecker between her fingers she starts to gently squeeze it. For the first few seconds however she didn't get any results.
"Come on Sheldon... come on, come on..."
She continues squeezing until she feels a twitch. It very subtle but she jumps like she was struck by lightning. She was doing it. His length hardened a little but it was far from as hard as it was last night. But now she knew.
As he started to harden he also started to grow. Excited at the growth of his meat and seeing her own mood brighten, Missy squeezes his dick a little harder and faster. That's when she feels him start to blossom more in her grasp. And gradually she feels him returning to the shape she felt before.
As Sheldon grew Missy's hand moved against his throbbing cock. It didn't happen all at once but Missy then noticed her hand slightly moving up and down Sheldon. It felt more natural than just squeezing his cock. The way his foreskin slid up and down his length helped and going with the feeling she began to stroke him and found it less taxing on her hand.
The new motion proved to be more successful at getting a reaction out of her brother as Sheldon's dick was what it once was. She was slowly stroking his fully erect dick.
"That's it..."
Missy like before goes back and forth watching her hand stroking Sheldon off and his face to see how he's reacting to what she's doing in his sleep. His mouth hangs open a little as she lets out a moan. She liked seeing this. It amazed her that he could feel his boy parts getting pleasured while he slept considering she didn't think you could feel much while you slept.
And now that he was stiff she only has had to wait until his dick started to release that stuff it did the last time. She didn't know why she was thinking of it but throughout the day she found herself thinking of the taste. It was so unique to her taste buds and so hard to get out of her thoughts. And trying to ignore them only made them persist. Now all she wanted to do was taste it again.
"...Come on ...I know it's going to come out."
Sheldon exhales and she giggles. He was starting to pant like he did whenever he ran to hard. She was enjoying seeing him like this and hearing him. As well as the new way she found to get him off. Missy finding not only was it easier on her hand so it wouldn't cramp as fast but it also sped up the process as after a short while she saw the first drop of his pre-cum oozing out from his tip. Almost breaking into a Cheshire smile Missy drops down.
She hadn't intended on wiping it up with her finger and licking it off. Why would she need to when she could lick it up right from the source. With her head now an inch away from Sheldon's dick she whipped her tongue over his pink head and cleaned the blob of pre-cum off. She bit her lip getting off further to the taste of the substance without even knowing it.
Knowing the more she worked over his dick the more he would let out she was ready to keep jerking off. But she also remembered after a while it wouldn't just be the first stuff coming out in few drops at a time but the the second stuff would be coming out. The stuff that shocked her, scared her a little when it started shooting out everywhere, that same stuff she wanted the most.
Letting her body act on its own Missy drops a little more and takes the tip of Sheldon's dick in her mouth. Her lips wrapping around him and her tongue brushing over the bottom. this gets the biggest reaction from her sleeping sibling as Sheldon almost jumps. Missy's eyes widen and she lets out a small muffled laugh seeing how much this was an improvement from her hand by the way he fidgeted in his sleep.
And if this was much better it would also be faster to get to the end result. Missy combines the movement of her hand and now her mouth bobbing her head up and down watching Sheldon's cute movements while she sucks him off.
Sheldon was moving so much more now than ever. Having his penis sucked on by Missy was the best feeling he'd been given by her so far and it showed. But while watching him was fun Missy started to get into the rhythm of moving her head and mouth along Sheldon's dick. her eyes close and she pulls an annoying bunch of hanging hair away from her face and behind her ears as she continued.
As she went the faster she wanted to go and the more Sheldon moaned. In no time the younger twin had heard him let out a deep moan a lot like yesterday and she doubled down. Taking it into account it wouldn't be long before he shot out the creamier stuff and she was right. Barely a minute after she heard Sheldon cry out in his sleep past the faint slurps and moans she was letting out he shook and his breathing lifted.
Missy looks up keeping Sheldon in her mouth when she felt the first shot. A torpedo of splooge hitting the roof of her mouth letting her know he was cumming again. Missy sucks on his ejaculating member bringing as much of his cum out all at once rather than squeezing him over and over again after to get more.
Sheldon filled his sister mouth with a thick load of his young seed and Missy moaned as he did. She had what she wanted, the delicious taste of his semen on her tongue. There was so much of it like the last only now it was all in her mouth. Savoring each drop she wondered if he would be able to fill her mouth completely and leave her cheek stuffed like a chipmunk but her childish imagination didn't lead to reality as he stopped cumming and no matter how hard she sucked on his dick more semen didn't come out. but it was plenty for her as she lifted off of him and felt his hot seed splashing around in her. mouth and over her tongue.
She couldn't tell which part of his semen she liked more. The taste that make her smile, the stickiness she liked playing with, or what. But she knew she liked all of it in general. Especially the end when she swallowed the heavy load and let it slither down her throat.
After she'd sucked him dry and now swallowed his cum missy goes back to Sheldon's dick. His once hard dick was shrinking but not as quickly. It seemed it would still stay hard and she playfully flicked it around with her index finger. Seeing it twitch with the taste of her efforts was the best.
Before she left she pulled it in and places a soft kiss on the sensitive cock head. As she pulled away a small bit of his leftover sperm clung to her lip and his slit which she licked off. Missy then covers his privates back over and moves over Sheldon's head as she places another kiss on his slightly sweaty forehead.
"Good night Sheldon."
Missy steps back towards her bed and get in. Looking at her brother once more she's happy to see the smallest grin on his face. It was a nice thing to see as she left a smile on his slumbering face.
Missy turns onto her side so she can watch him until she falls asleep. While waiting until she went out Missy's hand went between her leg. She stil couldn't stop thinking of the taste of him. the fact that she'd swallowed his full load. She was too aroused without knowing it. And as she rubbed her folds she came to the realization that she wanted to feel good too.
Her sticky sex was wetter than when she went over to his bed. Playing with and sucking him off turned her on and there wasn't anyway she could think of to turn herself off to get to sleep. Missy wasn't able to sleep now. What she'd done had her blood pumping through her veins at the speed of light. Seconds of silence went by and she knew she would end up getting out of bed once more. She wasn't sure if she sucked him off a second time if he would be able to shoot his cum out again but she just might have to try it to find out. Her curiosity was too wrapped around his dick to want to leave that question unanswered.
But before she would get out of bed she would touch herself a little more. The more she rubbed her fingers between her folds the better it felt. Soon she was panting. Watching Sheldon sleeping and thinking of what she did with him twice so far she worked her fingers faster. Her mouth opened and she heaved.
Her left hand comes up and she bits her finger. Her legs began to tremble. She didn't know what this feeling was but it was so good. And it was likely what Sheldon felt when she touched him. As she stroked his dick in her mind she stroked her pussy. Drooling onto her pillow Missy's eyes rolled back and she was getting close.
Biting her finger lead to her sucking on it afterwards. Imagining it was her twin's dick she was sucking on Missy moaned on both sets of her fingers. She humped her hand and lets out a deep moan. Feeling the pressure building in her sex ready to overflow and her throat opening Missy turns her blushing face into the pillow and lets out her loudest moan. This was her first orgasm and she didn't know what to expect. but whatever to thought would come when she finally reached this didn't do the actual orgasm justice.
Missy ended up with her face in her wet pillow for several minutes as she writhed in pure ecstacy from her orgasm. When she lifts her face there's a massive puddle of drool on her pillow and her face is soaked in it and a thin veil of sweat. With her cheek and forehead read she sits up. Her heart was racing and she was on fire. If this was how Sheldon felt she knew why he was smiling as she was. And she also knew she was going to make sure she felt this again.
Not waiting for the next night Missy sprung from her bed ready for seconds. This time she would suck him off and swallow all of his cum while she fingered her sex and felt that amazing feeling she had in her bed.
With her body so hot Missy slide her bottoms off leaving them on the floor along with her damp panties. Her shirt joined them in the pool and she made her way over to Sheldon butt naked and raring to go again. She was less concerned with waking him up and now with getting to feel all this pleasure again.
Sheldon moved a little while she moved his cover and his clothing but she paid no attention. Happy to see his semi hadn't disappeared she places both hands down next to him and dropped down taking his dick in her mouth. She sucked him off until he was rock hard again and his length dripped with her wet saliva.
"...Hey again Shelly."
She didn't need to spend much time getting him hard but staring at his slobbery cock she went in again just for the taste of his cock. She savors his meat's taste and the scent of it along with the faint musk of his previous load.
While she was going to suck on his dick while touching herself she changed her mind. She wasn't sure if she could focus on sucking his dick properly and also rub herself. She was only able to do the latter while thinking of Sheldon. But to do both she wasn't sure she could manage that. Then again she wouldn't have to worry about doing both together is she did do them together.
Boys and girls did have sex and they both felt good while doing it. So maybe she could rub his dick and her pussy at the same time. Ready to try out her idea she climbed onto Sheldon's bed with him and then climbed on top of him. She was being a little reckless now and she knew it. But it was the fact that she was so aroused that she almost didn't care that she was lowering herself onto his sex.
Missy grab his dick up wondering how she could do it but it didn't take her much time to figure something simple. She rubbed her finger between her folds and Sheldon's dick was like a finger. Just as long as one but almost as thick as two. She could rub his dick between her folds to get off. And while she may have only been rubbing her pussy against the bottom of his shaft like with her hand, the gooey wetness of her sex and her saliva over him and the heat coming off of the both of them had to feel like her mouth.
With it worked out Missy pushes his dick up against his stomach and sits down. Actually feeling the heat of his dick against her pussy makes her hiss. He twitched and throbbed and without even moving she was getting pleasure from his dick. But this wasn't like what she'd been doing. She wasn't jerking him off with her hand or sucking him off. She had most of her weight on him and she needed to keep it there otherwise she wouldn't be touching him.
Using her hands at his sides again Missy slowly pushes her hips forward gliding her wet cunny along Sheldon's length. The feeling of sliding up his throbbing erection immediately takes the cake over rubbing it with her fingers and she hadn't been going for more than a second.
Sheldon squirmed under his sister but remained asleep as she moved down. Missy moaned in her mind accepting how incredible it felt to ride him like this. But it wasn't only in her head as her pleasured voice carries through the room and and she quickly covers her mouth. The room stays silent after this and she looks at Sheldon to see if he's sleeping which he was.
Missy continues on him. Her slippery pussy grinding along his dick giving both twins great pleasure. And even while she tempered herself Missy couldn't fight the urges and thoughts of how good it would feel if she was going at a higher speed. She fought those thoughts for the longest time. Each one increasing the pleasure she felt but she knew she couldn't. if she went to fast she might have woke Sheldon.
Settling on something else Missy reached up and rubbed one f her small breasts. The added pleasure of groping her own body seemed to satisfy her cravings to some degree. She squeezed her budding breast. Rubbing her supple nipple between her thumb and index. Recently they were getting tender and she felt the sensitive pleasure and pain from her growing chest. Thankfully now there was nothing but pleasure now as she played with them and rubbed her sex against Sheldon's.
Whens he opens her eyes though she sees she was indulging far more than she thought. Her hips were bucking faster and faster before her eyes. She wasn't paying attention and she was getting more out of control so she lifts herself. Sheldon moves under her almost second from waking up and she covers her mouth to keep herself from making a peep.
She was to into the feeling to notice how fast and rough she was going but it felt to good. Getting ahold of herself Missy waits trembling above her twin sibling until Sheldon settled. Missy then lowers herself unaware that without her weight on his dick it'd stood up again and was pointed directly at her descending folds. Missy reaches for him and it's too late when she touches his body and feels he's missing. but he isn't gone for long whens he feels his dick press against her folds but this time he was standing straight up and with the slickness of their sexes he slipped in.
Missy was grateful her hand was still covering her mouth as Sheldon's dick entered her untouched entrance. She falls on his dick further and Sheldon breaches her more. The small pain isn't enough to turn her off though from the feeling of being penetrated for the first time. And when she stops she feels all four inches of her brother sitting deep in her now deflowered sex. She didn't intend on losing her virginity but it felt so good to stop. Feeling him throbbing inside of her made her melt.
"...Oh my god ...sweet Jesus, Sheldon."
Missy looks at Sheldon who stay asleep. She strokes his cheek with her fingertips in love with the sensation brought on by his dick being in her. The pain was gone while the pleasure lingered. And it increased as she lifted herself up. Having him sliding out of her left her longing to drop back down and she did whens he felt him about to leave her sex.
Missy repeats her actions non-stop. Each time feeling herself slipping once again into the pattern she had. Her body speeds up and she bucks her hips. Staring down the while time at Sheldon she watches as his body rocks under he's. His bed shaking with the occasional squeak echoing out. And inevitably watching as he wakes up.
Unflinching Missy grind her sex down to a slow pace. Sheldon wiping his eyes too groggy from his slumber to really understand what's going on. But Missy doesn't let that stop her from fucking him further. She's so close to cumming she can taste it in the back of her throat and Sheldon could as well while not knowing how.
"Mhmmm... Missy..."
Missy places her hands on his chest and leans in shhhing him.
"What are you doing...? And where are your clothes...?"
"...I think a better question would be 'why did you make me have no clothes?"
"I don't understand."
"Isn't it obvious. Whay would your sister be on top of you without any clothes."
"...I must be dreaming."
Sheldon tries to sit up but his sister keeps him on his back."
"For a dream you're just as strong as Missy."
"This is your dream."
"But why would I dream of you, Missy, naked and on top pf me."
"What if I'm not Missy..."
Missy slides her hand down his body and towards their connected sexes.
"Do you feel that?"
"Ahhhh... yes..."
"That's a good feeling."
"It does feel quite good."
"I know. So maybe what you're dreaming off is a good feeling."
"Like discovering a new equation."
"Or like proving you're smarter than that Paige Swanson."
Hearing this puts a little smirk on Sheldon's face. Missy smiles too but rolls her eyes to see his pride peeking.
"I like the sound of that."
"And you like the feeling of this..."
With things going her way Missy rises up mor ethan she allowed after her slowing down and drops back down letting her bubble ass slam against Sheldon's lap and letting his dick hit deep inside of her wet cunny.
"Ahhhh... I do..."
"So keep dreaming... this feeling is both of those things... all of the good feelings..."
Sheldon nods and closes his eyes. She could tell he wasn't going back to sleep but if she did convince him to let her continue then she would have as much fun for the rest of the time she had. Not holding back any more in fear of him Missy starts bouncing on top of Sheldon's cock.
She moans out into her hands not wanting anyone else to hear them but she let her twin hear her pleasure. Missy falls onto his chest and wraps her arms around him she takes in his pleasure as well. Tucking her head next to Sheldon's she wanted to be as closes to him as she possibly could be as she rode his dick the fastest she ever has. Her orgasm now just seconds away as she screamed into his neck.
"Oh god... oh god yes..."
"...I love you Missy."
Missy pauses when she hears his half asleep words. But all the same they make her smile. She tightens her grip on him, holding him close and cuddling his limp body.
"...She love you too."
Missy goes quiet for the last few seconds. Her head foggy she slams her butt down on Sheldon's dick as she reaches her orgasm. Exploding with all of those good feelings she spoke of Missy's body spasms on top of Sheldon with the bliss his boyhood gave her sex. And at the same time Sheldon had climaxed too. Missy only catching onto the fact halfway through her orgasm when she started to settle down. Sheldon was shaking too. Moaning into her ear softly as he came. And she felt him as his cum then poured into her sex. They had had sex and they both had came.
Missy held onto him through the remainder of their orgasms. It gave her some time to think. She wasn't sure how he meant it when he said the last thing he did but she did enjoy hearing it. And while she did miss out on his ejaculation. Having sex with him unexpectedly certainly made up for it.
After cumming Sheldon had fallen back to sleep. Missy kissing him on his cheek once she sees he's asleep again and slowly lifts herself off. She may not have gotten him to shoot his seed in her mouth it was definitely in her pussy until his limp cock popped out of her. That's when it left her open hole and dripped out over him. Plugging her creampied pussy up with a finger and clamping her walls down around it she slides off, licking up the cum that escaped her and she very patiently goes about cleaning up her mess with the use of only one of her arms.
It was a shock to see as she suckled his soft dick that there wasn't much of his creamy load to taste as her young sex had already milked him dry while he was inside of her explaining why there was so much waiting to leak out. In the end she manages to get it all done and gives Sheldon one final kiss goodnight.
"...I love you too Sheldon."
Turning around and walking to her bed Missy lets out a deep yawn feeling exhausted after her orgasm and now more so after cleaning up after herself. She flops down onto the bed and pulls the covers up over her naked sweaty body. While laying there she pulls her finger out seeing it's coated in a thick layer of Sheldon's cum. It was just another thing she had to clean up and did so with a smile. Dipping her fingers into her pussy over and over until she scooped out nothing and sucked on her fingers until she fell asleep after a third orgasm.
As she awakened in the morning the effect on her body from three mind numbing orgasms showed themselves. missy was more refreshed than ever. She almost wanted to jump out of bed but stopped when she saw Sheldon was already up. He's at the dresser but he's already dressed for the day. Setting aside a handful of comic books he turns around and sees Missy is up now.
"Good morning Missy."
"Good morning. You're up early."
"Quite the contrary. You're actually up late."
"How late?"
"I believe it's almost noon."
Not believing him she looks out the window and can see the sun seemingly shining down on their house unlike it would if it were any earlier.
"Mom was going to wake you up but I suggested that she let you sleep. You seemed really tired."
Sheldon grabs a plate off of the dresser and carries it over to her. Not knowing she was still naked form last night with her covers pulled up to her neck he sets the plate of food down on the nightstand next to her bed.
"Since you were asleep I saved you some food. Though it might be a little cool, I wasn't sure if you'd want it when you woke up or..."
"It's fine... thanks."
"You're welcome."
"...You're being unusually nice."
"I suppose since you noticed I can say you're right."
"...Did you poison this food?"
"I had a dream last night."
"What about?"
"I think it was like the one from the night before. This time I'm sure you were in it. Or at least a figment of my subconscious that appeared to me as you. I'm not entirely sure how dreams work. So while I'm at the library I'll be checking more about them."
"In my dream you represented a lot of good feeling I've had. And upon some reflection I realized that even though we sometime have our differences and we don't get along. I think you might be the one person that gives me so many great feelings despite all of that. I know we say it... occasionally. But, I love you Missy."
His words make her smile again but she tries to look away to hide it. But she can't deny feeling the same way as she turns back.
"...I love you too bro."
"And I know this is a social gesture and I'm not too good with them but..."
Sheldon leans in and kisses her on her cheek. Missy blushes and looks away again.
"You are a pretty great sister. Now, if you should need me, I shall be at the library."
Sheldon walks out of the room afterwards leaving Missy alone in the room. With him gone she beams over the gesture unable to wipe the smile off her glowing face. Once she sits up she pulls the covers off her naked frame and turns to look at the saved food he brought her. A million things going through her head, Missy stares at the plate as his words repeat and she begins to think of only one thought that surfaced. And questioned herself to how much water would she have to drink this time to wake up tonight after sleeping for half of the day?