
Cupid's Twain

"What? Who said anything about liking him? No! I don't like him". I replied quickly. "Stop lying to yourself... You can't beat Cupid". She said. "I said I don't like him, now you're talking about love?" I scoffed. "Yeah...You two make such a perfect Cupid's pair". She squealed, then blushed...."just like Carlos and I, don't ya think?" "Carlos is way out of your league, no offense but you're totally different from him, you're the opposite of him!". "That's my point...law of magnetic force states that...unlike forces attracts, while like forces repel...see? I and Carlos are unlike...we're perfect for each other....you and Aiden are also unlike...he's a bad boy....you're a..i wouldn't say good girl tho buh you're his opposite, thus you're perfect for each other". She said with much confidence as she smiled. She's totally lost It.. I stared at her, my left eyebrow, twitching.... "Did you hit your head?" I asked... "No..c'mon!" She groaned. "You're saying nonsense....I can never be attracted to an obnoxious, pompous brat like him". I scoffed. "Keep lying to yourself". She sighed. "Just wait till you guys fall in love and i remind you of this day...meanwhile, i'll post something on my blog, tagging you guys 'Cupid's couple, pair, match...no Twain...yeah Twain, not much people use the word Twain like the word couple...so it'll be hashtag 'Cupid's Twain". She winked at me "I'll kill you" I told her... "You won't....you know you love me". She pouted.

Preshytreenah · Adolescente
Classificações insuficientes
32 Chs

Chapter nine: Bitches


Time skip*

Monday morning....

"Is it true you live with Aiden Emerson?". Mia squealed in excitement as she rushed to meet me beside my locker.

I hauled around and gazed at her, eyes wide open....

"How did you know?" I asked..

"Everyone's talking about it". She replied, "I think Courtney posted something about it on her blog".

I scoffed...."She's unbelievable", I gritted my teeth.

"It said, you're an orphan who Aiden took pity on and decided to sponsor, so he's taking care of your financial needs". Mia said with a look of disbelief.

"Ugh! That witch! How could she spread nonsense? What is it she has against me anyway?". I pinched the bridge of my nose.

"Its not true...is it?", Mia asked...

"Of course no! I'm not an orphan and I don't need anybody else to take care of my financial needs when i have my mom", I sighed...."Yes!, i now have to live with Aiden, but its because my mom's on a business trip which will last for five months and Mrs Sophie decided to take me in because i can't live all by myself and she's my mom's best friend. I said, my body shaken with rage...

Courtney b*tch!

Mia gasped...."Courtney's such a liar!! She's so cruel".

"Funny enough, she thinks i'm after her so called 'boyfriend', Aiden", i spat out, giving her air quotes when I said 'boyfriend'.

"But...he broke up with her". Mia said....I looked up at her...

She knows their story?

"Right...so they dated huh?", i asked.

"Yes, they dated, but she cheated and he broke up with her". She replied.

"I'm not surprised she cheated, she has the ego of a whore!". I snapped.

"Bella...that was wicked! In a good way tho, she deserves to be called names". Mia said with a pout.

She even tried to kill me *scoffs*

Just then, a naughty grin appeared on her face...

"What?", i asked.

"You get to live with one of the A4, that's so cool...I mean Aiden's the number one at school, the leader of the bad boys, the hottest and coolest at the same time, girls are dying to be his girlfriend or even his servant, but he doesn't even care about any of them...you get to see him everyday, every time, everywhere..you're so lucky". She giggled.

"Ugh! Don't even think about it". I told her, rolling my eyes.

"Who knows, your love story might have just begun". She grinned widely.

"I'm just staying for five months". I defended..

"Its enough for you guys to fall in love". She winked.

"Shut up Mia...he's a jerk and I hate jerks". I blurted.

There's no way in a million years you'll see Ashley giving hugs to children or helping the old people cross the road.. will you see me fall in love with the demon king...

I'm just saying....it CAN NEVER HAPPEN!

"All the cute love stories i know starts with hatred". She said...."I wish i could just get a chance like you and get to live with Carlos, even if it's just for a day....Aw!"

"All these talks makes me nauseous", can we go to class already?". I sighed and pulled her....

"Sure", she beamed.....


"Buenos días Mr Eduardo".

"Buenos días sir Valentino".

I heard some students greet, from behind as we were walking to the class. I turned around and found our chubby Spanish teacher, holding his textbooks and approaching us...

Right....we have Spanish class now.

"Buenos días, profesore", Mia and i chorused, when he finally approached us.

"Buenos días, cómo estás?" He replied..

"Bien, gracias", we chorused again as we followed him closely, then entered the classroom...

The students got up to greet him, then sat down...

"Qué tan lejos has ido en aprender español?"

("How far have you gone in learning Spanish?") He asked....

The students began murmuring...

I sighed and brought out my book and pen from my bag then started writing out the date...

"Not like you teach us very well anyway", someone sitting in front of me scoffed.

I looked up from my book and immediately recognized the person, because of her hair....RAVEN

"I didn't know she's here". Mia whimpered, whispering to me...

"Lo siento, dijiste algo, señora?"

("Sorry, did you say something, lady?")

Mr Valentino asked, staring back at Raven.

"Uh...i don't get you...what did you say?", Raven asked folding her arms..

Such attitude!!

"Never mind, stand up and tell me what you've learned so far", he told her..

"I thought this was supposed to be a Spanish class why are you using English?". Raven asked...

"Most of you won't understand what I'm saying so i'll switch to English when i want to....understood?", The professor said sternly. Suddenly he yawned.... "Boy! I'm hungry!!".

The students laughed at him... Raven scoffed.

"I haven't learned anything", she said..

"Even mere greetings? So how come none of you failed my test if you don't know anything about it or are you trying to tell me you copied or cheated?". He asked.

She stood up suddenly, with folded arms...

"She's gonna say something bad". Mia whispered to me..."she's always like that".

"I didn't cheat!". Raven snapped.

"Very well then....today, all of you will tell me what you've learned so far, starting with you...señora". The professor said, pointing at Raven who was still on her feet, she scoffed again.

"You crazy fatso...", she cursed silently, but we that were close to her, heard it.

"Miss Cordelia Emerson, am i right?". He asked...


"Its Raven Emerson!", she replied with a growl. "Cordelia's a drag! I prefer Raven".

Oh! So her name's Cordelia....wait! Cordelia wah?

"Okay, miss Raven Emerson....go on, let's start with greetings".

Her surname's Emerson?!

The - 'Emerson?'

"Emerson?", i asked, turning to face Mia... "I'm sorry, are they like married or what?".

"What do you mean?", Mia asked in return...

"Aiden Emerson and Raven....they're dating right?". I asked..

Mia chuckled then shook her head..

"No! They're cousins....Raven's dad and Aiden's dad are brothers". She replied.

What the.....

I swallowed hard and touched the nape of my neck....it was so embarrassing for me to think i actually matched them as a couple.

"You thought they're dating? Ew!".

Mia scrunched up her face. "I don't wanna imagine them dating".

Suddenly there was an uproar of laughter and i looked up at the teacher and around me....why were they laughing?...

"What happened?", i asked Mia...

"No idea", she whispered...


"Um....Hola, loco...cerdo tonto!"

("Um....Hi, crazy....silly pig!") Raven said, pronouncing her words carefully.

The laughter increased....was she faking that she had no idea of what she was saying or she did it on purpose, coz she was insulting the teacher.

"Do you know what that means?". Mr Valentino asked....she shook her head negatively..

"I just know the words, i don't know what it means....what does it mean professor?". She asked innocently...but duh! I could clearly notice her sarcasm.

"Uh...don't worry...just proceed". He said. He was so embarrassed, i guess.

"Estúpido, cerdo...gordo".

("Stupid, fat pig"). She said again...

"Miss Emerson, are you sure you don't know the meaning of what you're saying?". He asked, I noticed his uneasiness.

"Did i say something wrong professor?", she asked in return, feigning innocence again.

He lowered his head in shame....

"But i have another one....", she squealed in excitement..."Eres el peor, profesor, Mister gloton!".

(You're the worst teacher, Mister glutton!").

"Es sufficiente!!".

("It's enough!!"). The professor snapped as he smacked a book on his desk.

"You're insulting me on purpose.." He glared at her.

"Vaya a la sala de detención ahora!"

("Go to the detention room now!"). He yelled in anger..

"Con placer.....".

("With pleasure...."). She murmured, grabbing her book.

"Muchas gracias profesore".

("Thank you so much professor").

She walked out of the room, a huge smirk plastered on her face.

"Adios", she whispered....

She's so obnoxious....eish!


It was lunch break and we sat at the cafeteria, eating our lunch....i stared at Mia snarfing up her meal, how could she eat like that and remain so slim?

She looked up at me and smiled with full cheeks....she had little crumbs of food at the side of her mouth and it cracked me up of how cute she looked with it.

I took out my bandanna and wiped the crumbs off....

"Thank you", she muffled to me...

Adams used to own that bandanna, i sighed as i looked at it. It was so beautiful that i seized it from him and owned it. It was the same bandanna he used to wipe off crumbs of food from my mouth.

I remembered our meeting yesterday, he was so happy when i arrived at my former school's garden..he had set up a picnic.

He's just so romantic

He begged me to go back to him and we could start afresh...and i would've agreed because of how he pleaded and how remorseful he felt about what he did to me but then, his goddamned phone had to ring and i noticed he used the blondie he had cheated on me with, pic as his wallpaper, he even saved her name as 'Babe' with a red heart emoji, coz i was sure she was the one calling. He declined the call and smiled nervously at me...

I just shook my head and left him...

Stupid! Stupid! I'm so stupid

I don't know why the good girls always fall for the bad boys....like the bad boys were just created to hurt the good girls...

"Hey bulldog!", Courtney's voice interrupted my thoughts and i was brought back to reality.

"You look forlorn, is it because of what I posted?". She asked, pushing my plate of food aside and sitting on the desk...her followers stared at me, folding their arms...

The guts....

"I don't care about your stup*d post", I replied...

"Don't bother her, can't you see she's eating?".Mia butted in..

"Shut up!", Courtney yelled at her, she whimpered...and continued eating her food as she trembled.


"I heard you were transferred from Summerville, ugh! that school's so full of lowlives...it creeps me out! But then, do you by any chance know Adams Everett...I'm sure you do...coz I heard he was the hottest guy in your school", Courtney said, chewing her bubble gum noisily.

She's unbelievable

"What? Are you two dating?", I asked then suddenly remembered Adams liked blue eyed blondies.

"Of course not! I have Aiden, I'm just...well its none of your business..do you know him or not?", Courtney spat out...

I scoffed, then looked at her....what a coincidence, i was just thinking about him, before she arrived...

"Yes...", I replied and a glint of happiness appeared in her eyes, she blew a bubble with the gum...

"He's my ex". I added, smirking as the bubble she blew popped and her eyes grew wide....Chloe and Claudia gasped, while Mia stopped eating and looked at me...

Courtney laughed, "you're kidding right?".

"Do i look like i am?", I asked, folding my arms... "Adams Everett, my first love". I unlocked my phone and showed her a selfie of Adams and I, we took it when we went on a date at Mc Donalds. I raised my eyebrows looking Courtney's facial expression and a satisfying smirk appeared on my face.

"No...way". Claudia gasped..."that's so cool, you dated Adams Everett, you're lucky....". Courtney shot her a death glare...

"Not cool, that's not cool", Claudia said quickly, clearing her throat.

"Whatever...", Courtney said, flipping her hair..."he's not so hot anyway...My Aiden's hotter".

"Oh please spare me the talk...you sounded like you're into my ex boyfriend, don't worry you can have him, I'm done with him". I said...

"What are you insinuating b*tch?!", Courtney snapped, getting off the desk.

"I'm giving you the permission to go out with my ex boyfriend since it looks like that's the reason you came to see me". I replied, standing up...

"Let's get going Mia, i lost my appetite".

Mia stood up and clung to my arm... I pushed Courtney out of my way and walked away...

"You f*cking b*tch how dare you!!". She yelled after me.


It was time for English class and Mia and I walked to our classroom, with Mia singing a lullaby...

God! She's frustrating

I got my seat and sat down, adjusting my flare skirt...Mia plopped down on the seat, close to me...the English teacher walked in...

Some guys whistled in awe as they stared at her lustfully...

"Sh*t she's hot!". Jerry said, and the whole class wowed...

"Behave yourself students! You don't want to end up in detention". Miss Becca ordered.

I rolled my eyes....its always detention for her.

"Miss Flynn can you tell us about our last topic". She asked, pointing at me

Bingo! Her class hasn't begun if she doesn't ask me a question...I had a feeling she was always like that because of our first encounter.

I looked around and noticed everyone staring at me...I bit my lower lip and stood up, my chair went with me which sent me crashing back down...

The class outburst didn't surprise me. I tried to stand up again, but i couldn't...I mean i could but not without ripping my skirt, coz it seemed like I was glued to the chair... Oh no!

"What's the prob?", Courtney called out from her seat..."butt off your seat".

I turned around to look at my skirt, it was glued to the chair....and then I looked at Courtney, she was smirking at me.... That sly witch! How could she?

"Miss Flynn?", Miss Becca called...

"I...I...", I stammered staring back at her...

"I asked you a question, get up and answer!...". Our teacher ordered.

"Don't worry ma'am", i'll help her... Courtney raised up her hand as she stood up and walked up to me...

"Stand up 'bulldog' ", she said, whispering the 'bulldog'.

I glared at her..."you put a glue on my chair...how could you?", I whispered back to her...

"Did I?", she feigned innocence and pulled me up forcefully, my skirt, ripping at the force.

The whole class gasped...and i sat down quickly covering the big hole that had appear on my skirt.....