

Aria, a passionate girl who dreams to study abroad asks help from her teacher and principal and succeeds. She meets 3 people who become her bestfriends- Mariam Nickson, Park Noah, and Xian Lee. Mariam who is dating expert starts helping hopeless romantic Aria. What will happen to Aria? Will she meet the love of her life? Or will she fail with a broken heart?

anshikajha2006 · Adolescente
Classificações insuficientes
2 Chs


'Why did you unblock me?' he messaged me after a long time.

I stared at my phone. Why exactly did I? I know I don't like him but I know I don't loathe him either.

I breathed out a heavy sigh and began to type.

'I really don't know.'

'What do you want from me?'

'As I said I don't know.'

'You are giving me a headache.'

I always gave him a headache but he used to say he loved it because he had someone to worry about.

'Are you worried about me?'

'Can I be honest?'


'I m always worried about you'

I looked at that message. The past me would had already gotten butterflies but here I am all emotionless.

'Do you want us to be over?'

'No... and yes... but also no'

'You don't want to lose me?'


'Then let's stay as friends.'


Friends. We were friends before but feelings changed but we are going back to being friends again.

'Good' I typed and switched my off and went to sleep. I have class tomorrow.


I walked down the corridor. I had made my mind and had done my reasearch. All I wanted was my teacher and principal's help.

I opened the staff room and looked for my English teacher.

"Aria, what is it?"

"Oh Mr. Vive... I need your help."

"Yes what is it?"

"So... you see i don't want to continue my studies in this country. I want to go abroad after 12th."

"If that is what you wish but the price cost a lot."

"Exactly... but I did my reasearch... There are two exams that I have to pass- SAT and TOEFL, then I will get scholarship, and want you to help me prepare for it."

"Alright I will see to it. I m only going to do this for you because you are a very intelligent and a humble person."

"Thank you very much, Sir. I m grateful."

I walked out of the staff room. Now I had to talk to the principal herself. I had already given an appointment letter to her and she accepted it.

I stood front of her cabin and breathed in and out deeply.

I knocked at her door.

"Come in."

"Um.. Good morning Ma'am...uh.. I m Aria from 12th B and I had requested a meeting with you today."

"Ah, yes. I did approve it. Please sit down and tell me what is it that you want to speak to me about."

"Um... Actually you see the thing is that I want to go abroad to study but my financial condition says otherwise.... I want a scholarship and to get that I m thinking of competiting in SAT and TOEFL. What I want to request is that usually when a person with a scholarship enter a uni they check their records and according to my research they even check if the person was in some sort of a club in the school and well.... our school doesn't have that so I m here to request you to give me permission to form and run a club. Not only me but other students too."

I finished speaking but there was no response. I looked at her and gulped. She was thinking.

"Alright miss Aria. If that is what you want I will select 7 students other than you and you all will make different clubs. I want atleast 3 people in the club or else it will be demolished. You will have time till the end of the month."

I couldn't help but be joyful "Thank you ma'am... thank you very much."