

Bai's POV


"Old friend Bai, we did it! we finally did it! HAHAHAHAHA."(Durmada)

"With this, we can visit other universes! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA."(Ambrosia)

Finally! my research would be complete! Spending countless millenniums just for this technique that carries the hopes and dreams of all the members in the Wandering Otaku Sect.

Yes! it is the ability to travel to another universe!

We spent countless years collecting knowledge of the different otaku cultures of each world, gaining enlightenment from the techniques gained from each work, let it be manga, anime, or light novels, we collected every kind of it and spent countless attempts to recreate the techniques within it!

The Sect's goal of providing the other otakus a shot in cultivation, as well as be one of the characters they want to be from their favorite animes! Like the sect's top edgelord and my research assistant and right-hand man, Durmada Anand, who became the lelouch-douche wannabee! with his ability to bullshit and scheme his way through his enemies. Like the sect's top chef and Durmada's wife(lucky bastard recently got married to her),Ambrosia Castellanos, who became the gender-bent Souma wannabee! with the ability to induce a foodgasm to everyone, to the point of an automatic disrobe!. And like me, Bai Yueguang, the Mo-Ri Jin wannabee! Recreating every technique from [Renewal Taekwondo], [Ssam-su Taekkyeon], [Nabong Needle Ryu] and every other martial art I could that I can use. What? I'm more of a Jade Emperor because of this? Nonsense! I can't use fundamental force manipulation!

With years and years of building our foundations, enduring the discrimination and disdain of the other sects, we survived like cockroaches, and ascended like dragons! Now, we are revered as one of the top sects of the whole of this universe!

Other sects think of ours as pure stupidity, but they are just hypocrites who try to copy our way! Their techniques incorporated with the very culture they hate just because of their pride as cultivators! We might be a sect of dreaming wannabees, but at least we strut with our heads held high and chest puffed proudly, letting no petty opinion to force us to change our ways to the "proper" cultivation.

But I, no we, we've proven them wrong! and now, the true reason the sect was made has finally been fulfilled!

"Fellow brothers and sisters, spread the word today we must feast, for tomorrow is the day we will have a ceremony for usage of the technique"(Bai)

"OOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHH"(Nameless researchers)

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA absolutely nothing can ruin tomorrow!








Fun fact. The space pigs are a notorious group of flesh-eating pig magic beasts who have innate control over space, a feat common to the galaxy roaming magical beasts.

As the panic spread around the whole sect grounds, a lone young man shakily went near me, before speaking. This kind of young man should be considered a genius outside of the sect. But he's shaking in his boots in the presence of my angry aura.

"I-I i-i-informed him... F-founding a-ancestor...."(Dead Meat A)

What he stated caused everyone else to glare at him, causing a puddle of yellow water to form at his feet. The shaking of his body intensified, facing the gazes filled with much killing intent. This kid...

"As punishment, you will have to be forced to learn [Magia Erebea] and have to use the Berserker Armor while you're at it!"(Bai)

The punishment I gave him earned gasps from all the other people from the sect as they gave him pitying gazes. The recreated [Magia Erebea] had an even scarier effect to the soul, along with its tremendous increase in strength. The same could be said to the Berserker Armor. Even Demigod level cultivators like him have to be careful when wearing that. So, you can possibly imagine how awful his experience that would be.

The boy with a very horrified look mustered up courage to answer me, who was glaring at him very menacingly.

"W-w-was-n't h-h-he... yo-your b-b-lood b-b-b-r-o-th-er?"(Really Dead Meat A)

I felt blood vessels pop as my head fell in a daze. What the kid said was true, but!

"That stupid guy would ruin this moment for me!"(Bai)

"What do you mean stupid?! I'm smart you know!"(Doom Bringer)

I flicked my gaze directly above the kid, as a few kilometers upward a rift from space opened up, and out came an idiotic yet handsome(more than me, regrettably, oh cruel world!) middle-aged man with a white tiger's ears and tail, wearing an orange robe with countless tiger motifs spread about the whole garment.

This is my fellow sect founder, Bái Hǔ, the founder of the White Moon Sect, my best friend. He is a Royal Moon Tiger magical beast that gained the ability to turn into a more human form. Once he was finally transformed into one, he shamelessly named himself after the Bái Hǔ of the cardinal beasts. We met ages ago during my ventures around the universe collecting techniques from ancient tombs to strengthen myself so I can attain immortality, just so I can research about inter-universal travelling without dying from old age.

That's right, I started my journey to immortality because of that sole reason(bite me!), and I achieved both, despite the time period taking a very long, long time, even for me.

The guy's a warmonger, straightforward and funny. A good friend for adventuring and killing boredom. But a bad friend around experiments. There was this one time, where I experimented on the first reasons why I was famous for, the cultivation manuals [Moon God's Frozen Lightning] and [Cardinal Beasts Transformation]. Cultivation manuals I found after a few dozen attempts in grave rob- *cough* *cough* I mean tomb exploration.

I was in the middle of combining the transformation techniques of both manuals, and just when I was at the final step, a kick landed on my stomach. He hit me, thinking I was in desperate need of a sparring partner. I remember how the both of us almost died from the ability going on a rampage, especially me. It took 2 years to recuperate from that. The idiot was so scared he didn't show up in front of me in about 60 or so years.

The old tiger looked offended, as he floated down into the sect courtyard, where the universe travel ritual will happen.

"Your rudeness is the reason why there isn't a single woman willing to mate with you, brother!"(Bái)

I unconsciously let out my aura at full force, you can't possibly blame me though.

" My love life isn't your concern you old coot! Don't even brag to me just because you have 72 of them!"(Bai)

Damn riajuu, I'm an attractive and handsome man, even now that I'm slightly middle-aged(from an immortal's viewpoint). I'm not being an incel but is my attitude really that bad?! I mean, there are many of my sect's members who have gotten married to each other due to the same hobbies! Why wouldn't even a single fairy like me?!

"Don't sulk, old man. At least your dream is finally going to be fulfilled."(Bái)

I detect disdain from those words.


Bái Hǔ has a habit of 'procreating' with women just to have children. He has earned the title of "bunny tiger" for having so many children that a lot of the powerhouses in the myriad worlds to doubt his true race. The real reason why the White Moon Sect was made was actually because it served as a place where the children have to be admitted to. Kind of like how mortals and starter cultivators go to school.

This led to his wives have the daily habit of beating him up, which he surprisingly allows. I don't know if this guy is an M or not, though I'm leaning towards it considering I myself wouldn't mind being smothered by beauties. What man wouldn't like that?

"*sigh* Just don't interfere with the process old coot. It's better for all of us that way."(Bai)

As long as he won't do anything stupid, we'll survive this. He just rolled his eyes at my request and scoffed,

"Do you think of me that badly, old friend? I won't do anything stupid! I'm too old for that."(Bái)

"Of course old coot."( Bai)

His mouth twitched, as he sighed before sitting down near the ritual formation. We decided to put the inter-universal travelling formation in the courtyard, for all to see what would happen. If this won't fuck up, then we get to visit the universes of the anime we want!

Utter silence filled the scene as they waited with fear and excitement far away from here, in case if the whole thing somehow will go wrong, in which case, something that will most lik-no, it will happen. Considering my best friend is here. Even my personal disciples and the other sect members are scared of that possibility, because of his track record of ruining my experiments, especially when he is so close to the site. I would be too if I was in the crowd.

We started engraving the formation in the empty space in the middle of the main building's courtyard and started to put down the formation flags at their designated areas. At the same time, Durmada and Ambrosia helped me with the necessary misc. by calculating the coordinates of the location intended, the RWBY universe.

This universe is the one I always longed for ever since I was a mortal. Sadly, I didn't get to finish it as the world that made the show cancelled it for some unknown reason. Hell, even Camp Camp got cancelled!


Massive amount of wind surged from the formation as it ate the Qi of Durmada, Ambrosia, mine and the environments. I desperately controlled the Qi while engraving and kept it from going wild and end up destroying the whole sect. Doing so would also help me make a safe passageway to the universe. I calculated it so that once we go in, we would appear somewhere around Vale. I think.

Shaking off those thoughts, I continued to wrestle with the scary amount of Qi that could even kill beings like us. Ambrosia finished up her part, the outer layer, as she proceeded to help Durmada in engraving the highly complex formation, so complex it hurts my eyes just to look at it.

We finished engraving after a few hours, and then started to fill up this monstrous formation, which could function as an Immortal-Slaying Formation.


2 days flew as the amount of Qi needed was now nearly satisfied.

We had to use a whole lot of spirit stones to power this up. Even the Qi in the whole sect had diminished by a lot, as the environmental Qi generators around the whole sect continue to mass produce it and try to revitalize the whole place. Even Bái Hǔ had to join in and contribute his own Qi to power this thing up. Despite his frequent meddling, Bái Hǔ is a great friend that will be there for you when you're in trouble. One of the few traits I like about him, though I won't admit it.

" we finally did it…."(Ambrosia)

"I'm gonna be so pissed if this thing fails."(Durmada)

At long last, we finally finished powering the formation up. With a sigh of relief, we took a short rest before activating it.


The whole formation glowed, as a red swirling portal opened in the middle of it. We were taken aback with happiness, as the fruits of our labor has finally ripened.

Warm tears flowed my eyes as I continue to look at the portal.

"Hmm?"( Bái Hǔ)

I didn't bother the old coot who looked curious about something. I faced Durmada and Ambrosia who were hugging each other with happiness. Normally I would click my tongue and tell them to get a room, but I'm so overwhelmed with the success that I let it go. I nodded at them, who with me, started walking to the portal, albeit in a dream-like state.


"Ah…."(Bái Hǔ)

Until it broke when I heard an ominous click as my death-seeking best friend let out a small cry. I furrowed my brows and turned to look at where it came from to my horror. Bái Hǔ was standing in front of a formation flag that assures the stability of the passageway. The flag was broken.

Before I got to curse badly like a sailor, the red portal started to swirl really fast, as the spacial passage had cracks spreading like a web, sucking in everything. It was so powerful that it even took us, 4 peak-class immortal god level cultivators all our power to at least delay getting sucked into it.

The couple went in first, hand in hand as they disappeared within, their conditions unknown. Next to get sucked in is me and Bái Hǔ. He had a crying expression as I let out my final(?) words.


We both couldn't escape this, so, we prepared ourselves as we dived in willingly. The last thing I saw on the corner of my eyes was a certain vulture I am scared to hang around with, screaming words at me as it too followed after us.

And with that, the formation broke, and the Qi left behind dissipated and got absorbed by the atmosphere, leaving it more nourished than it was before the formation got engraved.


Third Person POV

*Somewhere in Remnant*

The rustling of bushes echoed around the area, as a man carrying something sentient in dirty clothing traversed the forest. The hooting of owls and the howls of regular wolves put the man on edge, guarding against possible grimm attack.

The moonlight shined on the man's shoulder, revealing what the dirty cover hid. A boy with long light blue hair. The boy was ragged like what was used as a veil to hide him. Marks of beating and scratches were found on his face, as some purple bruises were sprout on his arms. The boy was breathing really hard, as some blood was dripping off his head from what looked like an injury caused by a blunt object. It's miraculous that the boy is still alive.

The man then arrived in a clearing, as he figured that this place was far enough from the town, far enough to dump a dying body.

The man then dumped the boy down to the ground and made a break for it back to the town. The boy was left with another injury listed on his already dying body, as the moonlight shined upon him.

Facing the broken moon, the child saw a shining star. It shone in blue light as it shined brighter and brighter. The child, thinking it was a wishing star, made a dying wish.

'If there was ever a second chance, I would like to kill that bastard and free mother from her suffering.'

With that, the child's breathing grew weaker and weaker, as the star looked like it was heading for him. The final thing that appeared in the child's thoughts as he slowly died was the figure of his mother. And then, he took his final breath, as the star-like object struck his dead body, and glowed in a blue light.

I had to get out this flash of inspiration off my head even though I haven't still finished chapter 5 of My Guardians... might as well release this.

WindCrestcreators' thoughts
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