
The Chi Family's Hidden Faces: Disgusting Truth


This can be considered a side story, originally created as a backplot for the next chapter. It's important to note that the next chapter will contain mature content intended for adults, so if you prefer to avoid such content, you may want to skip it. However, rest assured that this side story is not essential to the main plot, and there is no mature content included in it. It's simply an optional supplement that provides additional context for the upcoming chapter.


As Zhang Wei drifted in and out of sleep, he was jolted awake by a knock on his door. Rubbing the sleep from his eyes, he opened the door to find a servant standing outside. "Master has summoned everyone to the outer hall," the servant informed him. "And wear black, for an elder has passed."

Before Zhang Wei could utter a word, the servant hurried away to knock on another door. Zhang Wei sighed, quickly donned his black clothing, and made his way to the outer hall.

Upon arrival, he saw a solemn gathering of people, huddled in a circle. The outermost layer was made up of servants, while the branch members of the Chi family stood closer to the center. The main members of the family stood at the front, with a coffin at the center of the circle. Beside the coffin sat a beautiful, mature lady named Qiao Lina, her face twisted in sorrow and tears streaming down her cheeks.

Behind her stood the Chi family patriarch, his wife Madam Chi, and all the family elders, heads bowed in reverence. Madam Chi was consoling Qiao Lina, along with a woman named Chi Lihua and a young man named Chi Jinyu. Zhang Wei recognized them as the wife and son of the grand elder, Chi Shengli.

The object of everyone's grief lay in the coffin before them, with a sword wound in his chest. It was Chi Zihao, one of the grand elder's confidants and a righteous brother who had followed the grand elder for many years. A powerful warrior in life, Chi Zihao held a crucial position in the Chi family before his untimely demise. He was a member of the side branch of the Chi family and the grand elder's personal guard.

Zhang Wei had spent enough time as a servant of the Chi family to be privy to some of their inner workings. He knew that while branch members were not highly regarded in the family, Chi Zihao's status as a talented warrior had granted him considerable influence. In fact, when he was alive, his position could be compared to that of a core elder. The grand elder held a deep affection for him, addressing him as a brother, while the grand elder's wife referred to Chi Zihao's wife, Qiao Lina, as a sister and their son, Chi Jinyu, addressed her as aunt. Zhang Wei had also heard that the relationship between Chi Zihao and the grand elder's family was so close that Qiao Lina was often referred to as Chi Jinyu's second mother, as she had taken care of him since the age of twelve. All of this was due to Chi Zihao's power and potential.

However, what Zhang Wei didn't know was how Chi Zihao, such a powerful warrior, had met his sudden demise. After inquiring with a nearby servant, he finally learned of the tragic events. Apparently, the previous night, when the grand elder was returning from a business trip with his personal guards, they were suddenly attacked by a group of masked men dressed in black. These assailants were formidable, with great strength, and their target was none other than the grand elder himself. In order to save his beloved brother, Chi Zihao bravely sacrificed his own life. This act of selflessness only served to reinforce the depth of their bond, and it was clear that Chi Zihao had held the grand elder in the highest esteem, even unto death.

Zhang Wei, being a servant who did not have a close relationship with the deceased, did not feel particularly sad. He put on a solemn expression like the rest of the servants. As Zhang Wei stood among the mourners, he couldn't help but feel a pang of envy towards the deceased. After all, Chi Zihao had the privilege of being married to the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. Qiao Lina was a vision of ethereal beauty, her porcelain skin as flawless as a fine piece of porcelain, and her almond-shaped eyes glimmering with tears.

She wore a black kimono that draped around her like a shroud, and the fabric pooled at her feet as she knelt beside her husband's coffin. Her face, usually a picture of serene composure, was twisted in anguish, her red-rimmed eyes staring unseeing at the polished wood beneath her husband's forehead. Tears flowed freely down her cheeks, carving glittering paths through the thick layer of makeup that usually adorned her face.

Despite the grief that wracked her body, her beauty remained undiminished. The years had lent her face a maturity and elegance that only added to her allure. Her high cheekbones were sharp and defined, and her full lips trembled with emotion as she wept. Her black hair, sleek and glossy, was pulled back into a neat chignon, revealing the graceful curve of her neck.

As he watched her mourn, Zhang Wei couldn't help but feel a twinge of guilt for admiring her beauty in such a solemn moment. Yet, he couldn't deny the fact that Qiao Lina was a living embodiment of grace and elegance, even in her moment of deepest sorrow.

As Zhang Wei observed Qiao Lina mourning, he couldn't help but feel remorseful for having admired her beauty during such a solemn moment. However, he immediately suppressed such inappropriate thoughts, as he knew it was not fitting to harbor any ill-intentions towards a woman who had just lost her husband. He shifted his focus to the Chi family, who were sitting beside Qiao Lina, offering their support and condolences.

Madam Chi spoke softly, offering her sympathies and reassurance, "I'm deeply sorry for your loss. Please know that we're here for you and will do whatever we can to support you."

Chi Lihua tenderly took Qiao Lina's hand and comforted her, "We're here for you, sister. Please don't worry about anything else. Let us handle everything and support you through this difficult time."

Qiao Lina nodded, tears still streaming down her face, while Chi Jinyu wrapped his arms around her in a gentle embrace, offering her solace. She leaned into him, grateful for his comfort, and expressed her distress, "It's not fair. He didn't deserve to die like this."

Chi Jinyu responded in a soothing tone, "I know, but he died a hero. That's how he would want to be remembered."

Qiao Lina wiped her tears with the sleeve of her kimono and lamented, "I just can't believe he's gone. I feel so lost without him."

Chi Jinyu reassured her, "We're here for you, and we'll help you get through this."

Chi Lihua nodded in agreement, affirming, "You're not alone, Qiao Lina. We're all here for you, and we'll make sure you're taken care of."

Qiao Lina looked up at them, her eyes filled with gratitude, and whispered, "Thank you. I don't know what I'd do without you all."

Patriarch Chi stepped forward, his countenance a mix of sorrow and resolution. "We shall not rest until those responsible for this heinous crime are brought to justice," he proclaimed, his voice steady and determined. "We will leave no stone unturned until we have uncovered the truth. Chi Zihao was a loyal member of our family, and his sacrifice will not be in vain."

He then turned his attention to Qiao Lina, placing a comforting hand on her shoulder. "Rest assured, Lina. We promise to give Chi Zihao the funeral he deserves. He will be buried with the utmost respect, and his memory will be honored for generations to come."

Qiao Lina gazed at him, her eyes puffy from crying. "Thank you, Patriarch Chi," she whispered. "I know you will do everything in your power to bring justice for Chi Zihao."

The grand elder then stepped forward, his voice solemn. "As my sworn brother sacrificed himself to save me, I vow to find those responsible for his death and bring them to justice. We will not bury my brother's body until then," he declared. "Furthermore, in honor of his contributions, I will use my authority to grant his widow a place in Lingyun Garden and also once we uncover the perpetrators, he will be buried there."

When Zhang Wei heard the news about Lingyun Garden, he was surprised. Lingyun Garden is a sacred place in the Chi state where only branch family members' wives and daughters are allowed to enter if their branch has made significant contributions. It is shrouded in mystery, and no one knows what lies within its heavily guarded walls. It is said that the garden was created specifically for the Chi family's deceased members, and only a select few individuals, chosen by the patriarch, are granted entry. Once someone enters, they are never seen again, leading to rumors that the immortals grant them a chance at eternal life. The garden is an important and secretive place for the Chi family, and many people desire to enter but are unable to.

Zhang Wei noticed that even the patriarch was surprised by the news, indicating the immense significance of the garden. Grand elder's decision to grant Qiao Lina's husband, Chi Zihao, a place in the garden was a rare honor, and Qiao Lina was grateful for his kindness. Smiling kindly at her, the grand elder said, "You need not thank me, sister. Chi Zihao died protecting me. It is the least I can do for you." He then turned to his son, Chi Jinyu. "Besides, Jinyu'er has implored me to give you this quota." As Qiao Lina turned to thank Chi Jinyu, he enveloped her in a comforting embrace. "Aunt, you need not worry," he reassured her. "Since Uncle has passed away, let Father and I take care of you. We will make sure you never feel empty again." Qiao Lina simply nodded, sensing that her care for Chi Jinyu had not been in vain.

After the mourning ceremony was over, everyone began to disperse, while the patriarch and the elders personally escorted Chi Zihao's corpse and Qiao Lina to Lingyun Garden. Chi Zihao's burial was postponed, and Qiao Lina was given a personal manor in Lingyun Garden where she would reside from now on. The patriarch also dispatched the Chi family guards to find the assassins, not only because of the killing of Chi Zihao but also to uphold the family's honor. As an overlord in the city, the Chi family could not allow someone to get away with killing their people. They needed to demonstrate their power to deter all those who harbored ill intentions towards them.

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