
Family Discussions

It's dark when we get to the Amboise estate. I showed up in the middle of dinner.

"This is the third time! Father, you can't let it go!"

"You're right, Lambert. It's important to be on time. You said you'd be back before dinner Guen."

He put down his fork and looked at me. He looks slightly worried.

In my old life, I could go home half-dead. There was no one to care that much about me.

"I'm sorry I worried you, Grandpa."

"You've been late several times. You're grounded for a week and have to write an apology letter of at least 1000 words."

My cousins seemed thrilled to see me punished. They're not gonna stay happy for long.

"Grandpa, Professor Ebbon took me to my awakening ceremony today."

"What, what, what?"

They all look surprised, but I don't give them time to interfere.

"My Datian is at his maximum size. Professor Ebbon taught me how to condense my mana and I succeeded.

So the professor took me to the awakening ceremony today."

"You... p"

Lambert wanted to intervene but Grandpa wouldn't let him.

Which enraged him. It looks like he's about to blow up.

"Guen, did your tattoos show up?"

"Yes, Grandpa, but I prefer to keep my skills a secret."

Professor Ebbon told me I could show the fake tattoo to my grandpa, but I don't want to lie to him if, I don't have to.

"You're right, Guen. It's dangerous to reveal your skills to too many people. It's like easily giving the enemy half the victory. Guen, I'm withdrawing my punishment. It's not your fault that the ceremony took too long."

I think Lambert's going to explode with anger, but he's not dumb enough. It'd be taking him away from being the head of the family.

Eventually, it's Hermance who cracks.

"Father-in-law, she's lying. It's obvious. A five-year-old can't be fit for the awakening."

Grandfather Tiburce's gaze darkened as Lambert rushed to step in...

"Hermance don't talk rubbish! Guen has no interest in lying, it would only bring her in trouble."

Hermance doesn't seem convinced.

"But... she..."

Lambert gives her a murderous look to shut her up.

"Father excuses Hermance, she's tired and Guen's talent is so remarkable, it's hard to believe it's real."

Hermance and my cousins seemed very angry but didn't dare say anything.

"Well, that's okay this time because I have some important news to tell you.

Drac has shown signs of wake up."

"Is this real, grandfather? He's been sleeping for over 100 years now."

"There can be no doubt. His breathing is shallower and he is beginning to move in his sleep. This hasn't happened once in the last 100 years. We'll have to prepare for an expedition."

"That's great news, father!"

Hmpff, where's that anger he had a few moments ago.

"Hmmm, grandfather who is Drac?"

I really have no idea what they're talking about but it sounds really important.

"That's right, we never told you. Drac is a rank S monster. It's thanks to him if our family is one of the five great clans.

Thousands of years ago he made a pact with our ancestors. He promised to be the protector of our family."

"How can he be our protector?"

"Well, he made a blood pact with our ancestor. Since the death of our ancestor, every time he loses a master, he must make a new pact among the members of the new generation in our family.

Unfortunately, 100 years ago he was seriously injured. Since then he had entered into a long, restful sleep."

"A blood pact?"

"Haaa that's normal. You can't know what it's all about. It's possible for people who have awakened their tattoos to make a magical pact with a monster. The monster will become a partner for life. It is called a blood pact because when it's created we exchange a drop of our blood with the monster's blood.

Only monsters can initiate the pact, that's why you have to convince them that you are the right partner.

To convince them, there not only one technique, but it all also depends on the monster.

The monsters of the lion type accept only strength, so they must be defeated.

Unicorns think that everything is only destiny, the qualities they are looking for are quite unclear.

Our case is a little different. Drac will necessarily choose a young member of our family.

Logic would dictate that he will choose the most talented member, but that's not always the case.

Drac is a lunatic, no one ever knows what he's thinking."

"Is this Drac so powerful? When are we going to leave?"

"Of course he is powerful! On the whole continent, there can't be more than twenty monsters tamed to compete with him!

Unfortunately, he's just beginning to show signs of wake up. He will probably wake up in a few months. To tell the truth, even if he wakes up tomorrow we won't be able to leave right away. We need to collect some good presents so that when he wakes up he won't be in a bad mood and we need to equip ourselves with solid horses and carriage.

He sleeps in the valley of mists for his protection. This valley is very dangerous."

A little later after dinner, loud voices can be heard from Lambert's room.

"Darling, why did you stop me from speaking against her. It's obvious she's lying to get stepfather's attention."

"Didn't you learn anything from last time! That little bitch has received her gifts from heaven, she's certainly not lying! If you had called her a liar, you would have put us in a very awkward position!"

"If that's true then we shouldn't hesitate to suppress her. Actually, these gifts could turn against her. Other countries will be even more attentive if they learn that a 5-year-old girl has already awakened her tattoo."

"You finally get it, sweetie. We've more than added this information to the one we've already leaked.

We need to make sure the attempt comes before Drac wakes up. Under no circumstances, she should be chosen by him, that would make her almost untouchable!"

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