
The system loves trolling

Dan's P.O.V.

[System, thanks for thinking so far ahead, I thought you would troll me if given the chance.]-Dan thoughtfully said.

[Your welcome. Looks like you noticed the benefits of what you were doing. But most importantly...]-The system paused.

[Most importantly?? Did I miss out something important??]-Dan asked curiously.

[Most importantly, it would be funny if you didn't notice this and get surprised by the people attacking you. Then make wrong decisions due to panic and fear. Then fall into the pits of despair. That would be interesting to watch.]-The system said joyfully, like someone sharing their hobbies or passions.

[F*ck, it would be more interesting to watch me succeed so stop your thoughts right there! Tell me right now! Did you lie to me about the cause of those sensations? And where the hell is my reward for that mission, don't tell me you forget about it. Tell the truth or I will die to you before I meet the actual threats in this world.]-Dan replied angrily.

[*Cough* *Cough* The feeling of being watched is indeed from the source (angel) beside the paladin. But the ominous feeling comes from under Entropy. There is a formation built by the demigod of Dusk, designed to make sacrifice the entire city for his ascension. *Cough*It's my hobby troll the host! *Cough* The host is recommended to increase his tier as soon as possible.]- The system replied while faking coughs.

[You are not lying are you? Then what did you want me to do to the formation in the bathroom? I bet that you wanted me to break into the princess's bath, don't you? I am not doing an anime scene alright #@$%!! Give me my reward and compensation for lying!! And why the f*ck are you coughing? You don't even have a throat, if you had one I would have already shove your bullsh*t down that throat.]-Dan continued cursing.

[Affirmative, system is not lying, your system is an honest and righteous fella. The puppet would be given on a later date due to a processing error. A new mission would start with the delivery of the reward. As for the compensation, please read the terms and conditions. Well, I am speaking in your mind for a reason :)]-System replied brightly, adding a smiley face symbol.

[As expected as great system-sama falling back to system error as an excuse, honest and righteous my *ss. Where are the terms written and stop with that smiley face symbol, it's annoying seeing your shameless face in my head!]-Dan said with an annoyed expression.

[It doesn't exist thus I will be the one filling it up.]-System replied shamelessly.

Coming from the second floor of the castle was a blonde hair girl, it was the princess Allysium. She walked towards me and respectfully asked ignoring the light figure beside him, "Will you be joining us for dinner sir magician?"

"You can just call me Dan. I will be settling some problems in Entropy first and will be back by dinner time." Dan said politely, then proceed to leave the princess castle.

Well, I get to eat with a beauty later on, he thought while in a great mood.

Dan flew to the courtyard and cast an illusion spell making the courtyard seem to be in its original image without any changes. He then summoned an earth elemental. [From the depths of the earth, lies a being stagnant without change, it's power remains to be as powerful as usual, come forth Medium Earth Elemental Avatar.]

The ground in front of Dan moulded into a human figure. "Bring me under the princess's castle," Dan commanded.

With this single command, a path opened beneath the ground, Dan together with the earth and light avatar walked to the formation. The formation was extremely large, with over 30 meters in diameter. The formation was coloured in blood red, making it give out a creepy and chilling feeling. The light elemental beside Dan started to be agitated, twisting and bending its body ever since it saw the formation.

"What's wrong?" Dan asked concern about the light elemental.

Then it wrote [The formation is created using the dark element, which is the polar opposite the light. This causes my avatar to be unstable. Master, please allow me to stand outside the formation!]

"I see. The dark element in the formation might destroy your avatar if this continues. Can you destroy the formation?" Dan asked the light avatar.

[My master, that is impossible. Even if the dark elemental avatar is created, it would be powerless against this formation. It would only be able to alter it slightly and protect you from the effects of the formation. Only a divine being can destroy such a formation.] The light avatar wrote in the air.

"So I won't be able to save millions of lives unless I help the temples to the formation or I kill the Demigod of Dusk. However, it would be beneficial for me if everyone in the kingdom of Dusk dies. The benefits clearly outweigh the disadvantage in this situation... *sigh* I should just save them I guess... Looks like I am still affected by the social norms in my original world. Just this once... I am tempted to ignore them but a part of me wants to save them.

[The host is suggested to abandon his society norms to fully adapt to this world. Letting the god of Dusk plan succeed would be advantageous to you, allowing you to quicken your process to become a god.]-System replied to Dan's thoughts.

[As pragmatic as I may be, I am still unable to kill the innocents as I please right now. In the future, if the situation is chaotic enough I eventually will take action... especially if the benefits are large enough. However, once I get rid of the social norms, I will not be able to return...]-Dan said while in deep thoughts.

[The host should consider the benefits of doing so! This is a dog eats dog world, where the powerful can do as they please. If you are powerful enough you can play with the fate of others, watching places burst into chaos, watching them fall into the pits of despair. Specifically, you can troll others as you please, like how I can troll you.]-System replied without any emotion.

[Hahaha you sound like a devil trying to corrupt me, but it's not really a bad thing. Is it wrong to do what you want after all? Even on Earth, those who are 'powerful' decide what is right or wrong. As time passes in this world, the society norms woven into me will dissipate especially since I am only lightly affected by this as I have my own strong beliefs and thoughts.]-Dan replied to the system in a light tone.

[Anyways I am no saint, if I feel like doing something, I will do it. Besides watching the world burn seems interesting...]-Dan said while grinning to himself after some thought.

[Looks like host doesn't need my advice on this matter...]-System replied.

[No, I will have to thank you for bringing me into this wonderful world. Especially since magic exists, this brings countless possibilities as well as entertainment, hahaha...]-Dan replied with a laughter.

Trolling is fun!

Afternoonecreators' thoughts