
The mortal plane is my ally

Face with the constant, predictable blow of Dan, Asmer laughs as she effortlessly blocks them.

"That is certainly surprising. But it is not of any use. So what if I cannot read your attack. Your attack speed is still too slow. I do not understand. I am fighting you with full sincerity, and yet you're treating this as a joke?" Asmer giggled as she easily faced Dan's attack head-on.

[Let me take over.] Leora suggested.

Leora dashed in the direction of Asmer from the back. Thinking that this was a surprise attack, Asmer duck to the side. However, Leora didn't intend to attack Asmer in the first place.

Instead, Leora grabbed Dan's hand. Dan was 'absorbed' into Leora. Suddenly, Leora was exerting a force befitting of an origin god.

"So you're finally treating this seriously. [Time Magic: Acceleration]." Asmer's movements turned... supernatural. Her movements quickened in a way that Dan who was only observing could only see blurs.

From all possible direction, multiple afterimages of Asmer surrounded Leora and was ready to strike. No these aren't afterimages. All of these are real; Dan shook his head in amusement. Good good, Asmer, the more you alter the structure of time the harder the world will strike back.

There will always be a price to pay for playing with the laws of Alcanti.

What is worrying for me is if Leora is capable of withstanding such an onslaughter. But she seems to have realised something that I couldn't from the battle with Z'rax. Leora wouldn't have taken over if she couldn't handle this. I'm having so much fun. Let me see how you would deal with this.

To his amazement, Leora was able to react and even counter-attack. She skillfully manipulated her body to defend her body from Asmer's attack. It was beautiful, as their blows connect. Colourful sparks of lights spray upon the brown land.

Crater forms when the tiny sparks land onto the brown ravines. Each small sparks from the clash of two peaks of the world. I see Leora found out that she could only fully utilise the power of her former self if we fuse. So this is technically a battle of a mighty old god and one of the three followers of the Omnigod.

Even when the time was stopped to reduce the damage on the surrounding land, there was still this much damage. The ravine is completely destroyed. I wonder how long you can maintain this peak form of yours, Leora.

Dan wasn't wrong to be concerned because not long after, a voice rang in his head.

[This is too much, I cannot hold on much longer. My mana capacity is at its peak, the same when I was an old god or perhaps even higher. This chaos nature of yours is far too unpredictable and cannot be controlled.] Leora cried out.

[Just hold on a little longer, Asmer cannot go on for this long.] Dan answered with full confidence.

Dan wasn't wrong. After this sentence was muttered. Asmer pulled back at once.

"How? Even with multiple timelines, I cannot read you." Asmer was obviously shaken.

While afraid inside, Leora covered up her fear and continued her act. "I am the embodiment of Chaos. No matter how much time pass, chaos can never be fully understood."

"Something this unpredictable. I do not believe that you can hold on much longer too." The only reason why Asmer pulled back was to 'recharge'. Asmer cannot control time for long periods of time or she would face the backlash of Alcanti or the mortal plane. This wasn't a big issue, all Asmer needed to do was to release her control of time and then apply her authority of time again. This would reset the duration at which she could alter the passage of time again.

WHY?! I cannot release my control of time? Her relaxed and carefree appearence change into one of fear and distraught.

Since when was the time so tangled up? There is no way to unweave this within the duration. The mortal plane will strike me if this keeps up. I wanted to test the depths of his power, but I was the one who was tested instead...

Unfortunately, I do not like to step down without a fight. Taking into account that you were capable of keeping up with me and that you are not afraid of facing me head-on. And also that I cannot keep this up much longer, the only way for me to beat you is to strike with an overwhelming amount of force.

*clap* Asmer placed her hand together, and she muttered,

"[Time Arrow]" A silvery arrow formed once her hand separates. Let me see how you handle this. Whether your aloof nature was all an act or it is because you are so powerful. So powerful that you do not see me in your eyes.

[What now? The only way to survive this shot is to fuse our nature again. And use the backlash from the contradictory laws to block her blow. But then again, we would be forced into a coma.] Leora panics as she consults Dan.

[Let's switch.]

[But th-then.]

[It's fine. I got this.] Dan reassured Leora. The female figure of Leora morphed into the male figure of Dan. Dan was now in control.

"Oh? Not blocking?" Asmer eyes widened as she saw that Dan did not flinch. His arms were wide opened.

"Block? Why block when I can have someone else do it for me?" Dan seems to be resonating and harmonious with the environment. Asmer stood there bewildered. What's he doing? Camouflage with the surroundings? Perfect camouflage? But what is the use of that? What am I not seeing?

"O mighty will of the mortal plane. You come when I ask for you. Please punish the one playing with the laws. She cannot be allowed to continue with her treacherous deeds. Grant me your power, your protection, your might, and I will bring an end to her antics." When Dan finished his last word, he could feel the dense arrow approaching him. But then, there was another sensation. An invisible hand seemed to grab him and held him in its embrace. The Mortal Plane was crying out in happiness?

[You actually contacted the will of the mortal plane.] Leora commented.

[It's one of the perks of the nature of the order. What annoys me the most is the fact that this will could very well turn against me one day. Which is why the hero must die.] Dan watches as the silver arrow broke into pieces once it hits the impregnatable hand.

"So you weren't camouflaging. You were bringing yourself to the closest state to that of the Will of the Mortal Plane. Magnificent.

AHAHAHA, you won you won. It is unbelievable that I challenged you in the first place. I actually ended out being taught a lesson instead. Indeed this is truly a valuable lesson." Asmer stared directly at Dan with her eyes filled with craze.

"Do you not fear its overwhelming might?" Dan asked.

"It is exactly because I'm afraid that I am happy. This is a true pleasure. The pleasure of danger. I can feel my non-existent heart beating again.

I derive the same pleasure from destruction. Watching others in pain or watching an overwhelming force dominating others.

This is why I seek destruction. This is why I enjoy fighting. This is why others fear me.

Come, strike me, great Will of the Mortal Plane." Asmer welcomed the attack with opened arms.

An invisible hand could be felt releasing Dan. Then it curled into a fist and launched itself toward Asmer. Debris and dust filled the air after the single devastating blow. Soon the white smoke covering the area was blown away by Dan. And at the centre of the crater lies Asmer.

Feeling that time has once returned to its original state the Will of the Mortal Plane pulled back to its original state.

"How long are you going to lie in there?" Dan called out to Asmer.

"Not bad. That really dealt quite some damage. I can't get up like this. Hold on. [Timeline Switch]." Asmer struggled to get up. However, she activated an ability and her injuries vanished. "Now I'm brand new again."

"Are you not going to fight me again?" Dan turned his back to Asmer, which could be an indication that he was looking down on her.

"Spare me. I honestly do not know what is going through that head of yours. You managed to hide your true abilities from me. And even damage me at the same time. Who knows what else you are hiding?"

"You're pretty honest. So how about we watch a show on the battles of apostles?"

"Haha, let me see why you have so much confidence in these mortals you selected." Asmer accepted. "I wonder what are you going to do with this much land? Any fun secrets? You mustn't keep fun things from a friend." Asmer giggled as she pestered Dan.

"Don't worry I will tell you when I'm about to have fun care to join me in the future?"

"Sure, just treat this as me owing you a favour." And together, Asmer and Dan sat side by side on the edge of the crater chatting about their hobbies and waiting for the fight to start. Inside Dan's head, Leora sat there unhappily, pouting as she kicks the furniture in the room.

Will be giving Dan's followers some screen time.

Afternoonecreators' thoughts
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