
Change in faith

"How could we think of that? Leaving them to suffer to death?" Emma was maddened by the idea of abandoning those children, she clenched her fist tightly, causing her nails to cut into her palms. She had watched them grow and personally raised some of them, how could she just throw them aside when they met trouble? She was going to stay and confront the issue.

"Then what? Haven't we raised them for a long time? We should get to somewhat enjoy, not work a suicidal job!! We have already done enough!! Look at all the other orphanage under the god of Helm, most of them had already closed down. We are the only one left, and nobody respects the god of Helm anymore." The nun vented her accumulated stress on the other 3 nuns, she had enough especially after being pressured by those eyeing for her body.

Hearing what that nun had said, the 3 other nuns were extremely conflicted, revealing their conflicted expressions on their faces.

After some time a nun spoke in a soft tone to Emma, "Emma, we have already done so much for them... if we continue to work this job, we will end up getting our flowers plucked by that despicable man. If you want to save those kid at the cost of your purity then do it yourself, we will not accompany you." She had known Emma well, Emma wasn't one who would give up easily even with such a threat.

"Sisters..." Emma couldn't find any words to convince the 3 nuns to stay behind with her. They grew up together with her in this orphanage and yet they had given up on her after her insistence on continuing her ancestor's wishes. I hope you would be happy but my heart cannot bear to leave these children to suffer.

"Am I making the right choice here?" Emma said while she silently cried in the praying hall of the orphanage.

Teardrops could be heard in this silent room 2 trials of water flowed down her cheeks, Emma prayed earnestly to her god, please save the children from this situation my lord, my heart cannot bear to watch them suffer I am willing to pay any price for this wish. At this particular moment, a voice sounded in the empty praying hall.

"You seemed troubled, lost one... why don't you seek me and perhaps I may grant your wish for a price." The deep voice felt powerful, with a slight hint of divineness in which she did not notice.

A demon? She first thought, "Activate anti-demon formation! You will not contaminate the children with your filth, demon!!" Golden circles formed around the praying halls, giving off a holy air. How could a demon appear here? Did someone bring it in or was it attracted to the negative emotions caused by the current hopeless situation of the orphanage? Whichever the case, I must treat this seriously or the children might be harm by this evil being.

"Demon? Hahaha." A laughter echo in the hall after hearing her reply. "What's so funny? Leave at once!!" How could it still be here, the formation is already activated. It is designed to repel tier 12 demons. Unless it has a higher tier than tier 12 or the formation had weakened due to old age, even so, the demon should be affected by the formation.

"Calling a true god a demon, are you not afraid of divine retribution?" As the mysterious being said that, a divine aura appeared causing Emma to knelt down on the ground. "I have heard your prayers Emma, a follower of the god of Helm. You are truly devoted to him, aren't you? After all only a few would serve a dead god with their heart. So for what reason have you prayed so desperate and earnestly for?" It asked with a deep voice.

Realizing her mistakes, Emma bowed and apologized to the god. Sensing the divine energy, she had confirmed that she was speaking to a real god and not a demon. "Oh mighty lord, please forgive me for my impudence." She begged for forgiveness. "It's fine. Mortals never stop making mistake no matter how powerful they get. So why prayed so desperately and earnestly for?" It kindly took no offence to Emma's mistake.

"Oh unknown and magnanimous lord, I have encountered a dreadful problem that I am unable to solve alone. Recently, an evil noble had eyed for the children of this orphanage. I hope that you would take us under your wings and protect us from such harm. In exchange, I am willing to give my all to serve you and spread your magnificence to the world." She prayed devoutly to the god who may be able to solve her current problem.

Emma was willing to change her faith if it means protecting the children of her orphanage. See that there was no reply, she thought that the mysterious god was hesitating, thus she continued, "Great lord, I sincerely beg of you to take pity on these innocent children. I am willing to pay any price to serve you."

"Very well, your wish shall be granted for I am the lord of chaos and order." The mysterious being replied. Mana from the surroundings flowed into her body, forcing her to break through to become a higher tier being. She moaned in pain and happiness due to the existence of a new hope. A hope for her and the orphanage to survive in this cruel and merciless world.

Though the golden circles of light were gone, her heart felt peaceful as all her accumulated stress from the problems and worries earlier were gone. Though the relic from her ancestors was now gone, she felt that it was worth it, a worth of a mere relic cannot be greater than the reward of a future given to each child of the orphanage under a new god. Though the problem was not yet solved, she had faith in her new lord, the faith that her lord will guide her to success.

Hearing the final words of the mysterious god, she closed her eyes and fainted from the burden of forcefully injecting mana. To her, she believes that this was the Lord's blessing, to give her the power to protect his little followers. Outside the orphanage, lies the children lying quietly on the ground. Each of them similar to Emma fainted to this phenomenon.

Once they woke up they would surely be surprised by the gift the lord of chaos and order had given them.


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