

Running through the forest wounded and bleeding profusely but l have to keep on running no matter what, I'm all bathed in blood and sweat with a big chunk on left arm bitten off.

The forest is so dark and l can't properly see where I'm going but the wolves chasing can see me, talk about the blood that's leaving trail for them to catch me.


I am Lia Wilson, from Crescent moon pack. I'm both an omega and the pack's slave. I was adopted by the Wilson family at the age of five, my adoptive father was the Beta of the pack.

My life was perfect the first three years until l started getting bullied at school and the cause of that was my older brother Ryan and Shelby my sister who is the same age as me.

I endured in silence because l thought it would end. Ryan and Shelby weren't nice to me since the day l got adopted but I never said anything because our parents loved us equally.

Another year passed and the bulling never ended, suddenly my parents also started to treat me like a stranger after the priest said something about me to them.

I would get beaten and starved at home and school, everyone now saw me as a punching bag because my parents wouldn't do anything when l was hit at school.

My whole world turned upside down when l reached 15, l didn't shift like the others did. That made me criticized more than what they would do before, and the fact that l couldn't heal faster made me everyone's target. I was made the pack's slave and when l say no one cared l mean not even a single soul cared about me.

I was now eighteen, my brother was Jake sister's mate, Jake was Ryan's best friend and the alpha's son but now he was the alpha.

My sister was Jake's side chick, well that was complicated. There was a party at the packhouse and I was serving people food and drinks when a note was thrown at me.


Come at the backyard of the house in 5 minutes or else you know the consequences.


I read the note again, this was definitely Jake's handwriting. I know it because this isn't the first time getting threat notes from him and his friends which includes my brother.

I curled my fist in anger, what now do they want from me this time. Taking a deep breath l walked out of the packhouse even though my gut was telling me not to go but I have no choice but to obey even if l don't want to.

The backyard was dim and the forest there was dark. I looked around for someone but before l could turn l was hit by a massive force at my back, l rolled on the ground and hit the wall.

It was Ryan, Mike and Jake. Ryan had kicked me, l coughed blood and tried to stand up but Mike and Ryan held my wrists tightly like I'm some prisoner.

"What do you want from me!?" I said trying to pry my hands free but they were too strong and l was weak.

Jake laughed wickedly and after he finished laughing he frowned.

"How can the Moon goddess give me a slave for a mate. What was she thinking." Jake said, when l heard what he said my eyes widened, Jake is my mate?.

"No no this isn't true, you are lying to me!!" I shouted at them.

"You think I'm lying, l would wish the same too but sadly the moon goddess just had to make you my mate." He said and l could see the evil in his eyes.

'why why why, haven't l gone through enough already Moon goddess, haven't l endured in silence because l thought you would save me.' All these questions clouded my head, l mastered some courage to say this.

"I Lia Wilson from Crescent moon pack, Reject Ja....

I couldn't finish the rejection when l was met with a hard slap. I spit blood again and looked up at him, he slapped me, why? l know this was for the best by rejecting him.

"How dare you to reject me, you dared to reject an alpha!" Jake said and he slapped me again.

"Now you will see the consequences of what you tried to do!" He said and punched me in the face.

He started punching me and kicking me while l was standing there my hands held. I could feel the blood dripping from my face, nose and mouth.

He kicked me in the stomach and again coughed a mouthful of blood. I was feeling a bit dizzy from all the punches and kicks.

"I'm the alpha and l won't keep a weak thing in my slave, you are equivalent to a human maybe much more weaker than that." He said whipping his hand.

They left my hands and l dropped to the group. My whole body feels like I'm being ripped open.

"P....please don't kill me" I said in a low voice. Even breathing is hurting like hell.

"I Jake Valdez, Alpha of Crescent moon pack Reject Lia Wilson as my destined mate!" Jake said the words that l was hoping for.

I laughed, they all looked at me but l kept on laughing a laugh that was from sadness and hurt.

"What are you laughing at" Mike said.

"Let me tell you something, Jake." I said standing up dusting my rugged clothes.

"It's Alpha Jake, you dare call me by my name." He said with anger but I'm being courageous since I'm gonna die anyway so why not die after hurting his ego.

I whipped my mouth with the back of my hand.

"You know what Jake, you are a son of a b*tch and an assh*le that is afraid of being rejected by a girl, did my rejection hurt your ego." I said and laughed sarcastically.

"Shut up before l...

"Before what, huh. Kill me, yeah l know that." I cut his words short, l can see his veins bulging with anger.

It's now or never, l said this in my head before l sprinted to the forest, l know this is the baddest idea but what can l do. I heard bones cracking and l knew that I'm done for.

They are shifting, oh no. They can catch up to me in no time. The forest is dark and the branches are scratching me.

"Aaaahhh!!!" I screamed when Jake bit my left arm, now a chunk of meat is ripped off. I stand up from the ground and took a branch and hit him. I started running again so fast but not enough, I've never run so fast in my life like this.

So here we are, me running through the forest being chased by that lunatic. I saw Ryan and Mike catching up to me before they stopped. I looked at my front before l saw.....