4 beautiful


I couldn't think of any thing else so i picked her up and slung her over my shoulder. I mean she was being childish and i can help her.

I am about to say something when i hear her beautiful voice.

"Ok why in the heck am I in a car with you"

"Just shut up"

"Where are we going"

"To get groceries"

When we pull up to the grocery store i grab the list my mom gave me.

"Hey,wait a minute"

I look at her and wonder what she wants.

"Do you want to come with?"

"No just get hot cheetos and vitamin water ok"

"Ok sure"

When i go into the store I get food for Jamie and also Jackie my 1 year old sister. Once i finally get everything including what- wait i dont even know her name. I will have to ask her Later.

When I get into the car i hand her what she requested.

"Thank you"

"No problem"

"Where are we going now"

"Your house, where do you live i need to talk to your parents"

"So many things are wrong with what you just said"

"What do you mean"

" 1. I ran away 2. Dad left at five and moms the reason i ran away 3. Mom also the reason i am homeless and was about to kill myself but for some reason you ruined that"

"1. Stop saying i ruined your life, i saved it 2. We will just have to go to my house"

"No and no"

"Well you have no choice your in my car"

She turns away with a frustrated look on her face and i cant help but think how beautiful she is. Long dirty blonde hair, greyish blue eyes, not to mention she is so short its cute. Seriously shes like half my size. We soon arrive to my house and i go to open the dorr for her but she opens it before i get there. Oh my this will he fun.

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