Crushers, It's a team of people with different powers, Not super natural powers but powers they earned, I was also one of them, I used to live in a small village until I went to them and there I got to knew the world is in danger.
Have you ever though in your life as a kid that you had some cool superpowers, Well the answer is probably "Yes", Well living in a world with superpowers seems quite fake right, "It's not possible to get powers", It's true but will I am gonna change your point of view.
I am Amy, I used to live in a small town in UK, It was quite fun to live there, I had friends and I used to live with my dad. Well everytime I was with my friends everyone just talked about how cool it would be to have powers, This though of having powers was with me until I was 11 and got to know that powers aren't real. At first that broke my heart but I had to accept that, Or not. I really wanted Super powers but there was no way of getting them "It was Impossible" but that's what I thought. When I came into highschool I got to know that there is a team called "Crushers". Well they are a team of people with "Super powers" well I didn't believed it so I did more research on them, Appeartly they are a group of people who "earned" their superpowers, "Nah google is lying, I still don't believe in it" I kinda wanted it to be true. Well after some more research I was convinced they had powers, and that 10 year old me came back to myself, I wanted powers too, I wanted to be one of them, one of the powers I wanted which could be possible was psychokinesis, A ability to move objects with our brain. I believed it's possible, I worked hard but it was of no use. I searched on google, even it didn't knew. there was only one way left, I believed I did it, I imagined that I can do it and somehow I did it, Well when I picked up a rock I thought I oy did it in my brain but I actually did it. I wasent really good at it but practice makes it perfect.
I rushed to dad telling him to send me to City but he disagreed, he thought I was going mental thinking about having powers but when I showed it to dad, He was totally freaking out, His eyes and mouth fully opened and the look he is giving me scares me a bit. But he believed me now, I was just one step away from Joining Crushers now. I tried to contact them and they never replied, I still had a hope but even after 2 months nothing changed until one Windy day a big helicopter landed near our village, everyone was confused and I had no clue what's happening until a person comes running into our home and shouting on his highest tone while trying to breathe "I-its the Sythe from Crushers" I was freezed, I couldn't move neither did my dad, After 5 seconds of freezing that guy said "He is here to take you Amy", I was shocked completely shocked, I dident knew what to do at the moment, And Sythe enters and says looking at me "Hey Amy"
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