
Crush to Lover to Virgin Breaker (C.T.L.T.VB)

WARNING: MATURE CONTENT ! A young girl entering the world of high school where she meets new people and friends. Learn different things in life and encounter dangers of the world of high school. This place is filled with all the desires that one would love to have. She is faced with temptations. She finds herself falling in love with the enemy an intruder to her on kind. Now he owns her heart.

DaoistKtuRIO · Adolescente
Classificações insuficientes
13 Chs

Science Geek

Passed by the lurking figure into the classroom, everything was neatly yet new to her eyes. She sat right in front were she could see as she was only able to see from close but refuse to wear her prescription lenses. However, those who wore lenses were viewed as being smart or not liked by boys, so she would hide them in her bag and only wear them when her eyes would be a waterfall in winter, due to wirling wind.

The class begin everyone was given a chance to introduce themselves to the teacher and the rest of the class. Mr Flemington a science teacher who was very eager to teach others more about science. He taught loud as a roaring lion celebrating the feast for supper. The was a boy who sat infront next to Lashwentie he was very weird as he was quiet the rest of the class he would only speak when spoken too, furthermore he would write on his notebook when he finished the notes.

This boy was so mysterious as one could only see him in class and never be able to see him over the interval and afterschool. He appearrd to be a vampire, he was so allergic to the sun perhaps that is what most people assumed. Lashwentie never thought of it in that way as to her the boy was very interesting and she wanted to know more about him. Oeh his name was Nash weird right more or less like Mash potatoe, his name makes one starve.

The teacher taught the lesson and it was very interesting to some while boring to others especially those at the back of the classroom but they learnt something that is quite enough don't you think. The heart has 4 sides they were asked to tell and describe the heart, everyone starred at the teacher for a moment they were still bombarded with loads of information for the first day. He pointed onto Lashwentie she first hesitated to respond to the answer. Her eyes were widely opened clueless to what was taught. She looked upon everyone before she could stand infront and intepret the heart. The heart she was supposed to describe was beating faster than the cheetah right under her vest below the fat under the ribcage.

Her pupil contracted blocking her vision to see the people around her. She took the chalk and began to explain to the class, as she stood tall like a tree in winter with no leafs, the boy Nash was staring at her wuth a smerk in his face. She was not scared nor shy anymore it felt like she was the teacher confusing right. After she was done the class apploaded her not just for doing great but also for saving them from responding the answer because if she did not know everyone would be asked to do so.

"Look at her she is a science geek how did she know all of that perhaps she is one of the homeschoolers, how lucky she is" children chattering while looking at Lashwentie.

The bell rang after the lecture distributed the homework for the next day. They were so annoyed by all of this especially at the first day of school, perhaps that is how it feels like to be in high school very diffferent from primary. They took the work with anger right down their nostrils into their throat allowing them to shout in anger. The teacher is so not bothered by all of this.

Outside the classroom down the corridor everyone rushing to their next class. The children running while the seniors walking slowly and pushing the kids to the floor and laughing. They were different, carried themselves differently this was all a new thing. The floor which was shinny now was dirty from all the running and rushing. The banging of the lockers and chattering of the learners was too much to handle.

She jungled between the children while having difficulties in seeing, her eyes started to cry and she could not hold it anymore she ran faster reaching for her locker finally after all the misery she went through she has arrived. She placed all her books and took the other for Maths and went off to the next class. Lashwentie walking faster going towards the class on her way the she saw this figure again lurking from the corner closer to the bathroom. She looked closer and still could not see nothing just blue eyes she ran and got to class.

entered the class scared

"Lashwentie what is wrong, have you seen a ghost or something?"

"I wish I did not see a ghost Moe but it felt like it, I could not see properly but..."

" I see but did you not see perhaps something to see whether it is something or someone"

" I saw blue eyes and that was it only blue eyes, is it blue eyes or just blue buttons. I am not sure indeed. I felt my hair leaving my body it stood tall from my skin."

"You do no man let us go during the interval to see what is there".