
Crush to Lover to Virgin Breaker (C.T.L.T.VB)

WARNING: MATURE CONTENT ! A young girl entering the world of high school where she meets new people and friends. Learn different things in life and encounter dangers of the world of high school. This place is filled with all the desires that one would love to have. She is faced with temptations. She finds herself falling in love with the enemy an intruder to her on kind. Now he owns her heart.

DaoistKtuRIO · Adolescente
Classificações insuficientes
13 Chs


Their eyes locked together just as how she has always dreamt anout but now it is reslly happening right before her eyes.


"Someone must be seeing this moment as I wed him oeh look at this scene it is just like in kdrama I am living one wow 'oppa' how lovely would that sound to him if I say it no Lashwnetie don't say it now."

"How innocent she is look at her, her eyes are so big as if they would pop out is she crying no ways it can't be she will make my heart melt, not yet it is too soon to tell her that I like her let me win her first. Say something man don't be shy okay let us do this," Liu's thoughts

Oeh poor Moe she is there watching how they look at each other with lust and costly infatuation kids that is just puppy love it can't be true love it is way too early for all that especially in the 8th grade who does that. Earth came back to them as they realised they have been staring at each other for a while now. Through this incidence there was a guy who looked at Lashwentie all the time at school apary form Luyeng Lui he was in the 10th grade. Finally Luyeng broke the ice from all the awkward silence...

"Mmh hello sorry I didn't mean to ...emh... I... well are you okay did you fall oeh I forgot I was holding you the entire time in my arms (giggles). "

"Yes I am fine thanks I almost fell into this horrible place would have hurt myself."

"Okay can I maybe have you number so I can tell you how sorry am I for holding you."

" Okay would appreciate that"

Look at them exchanging numbers with smile all over their faces they were so happy but Moe on the other hand felt like a third wheel or perhaps an intruder.

Finally home they have both arrived she is so happy greeted her parents with warmth and love. Lashwnetie is a neat person always cleans herself before actually eating and doing her homework. She spents most of her time in her room doing something which no one knows is what. Even her mother tried to enter the room but found nothing that is suspicious. Could she be a good hider or perhaps knows how to do things secretly, no ways that is not possible I can not believe it at all.

"Ash how was school today?"

"It was fantastic mom"

"Oeh my daughter I am so glad, your dad will be late stil at work."

"Okay mom may I be excused I am off to sleep."

She left for her bed to sleep after such a long day it was lovely. She was so excited to see him again she waited for his text or call but nothing, so she slept with sadness.


The school was boring as usual to some children but interesting to Lashwentie and Moesha they were so excited for the holidays. Finally they can go and relax as they wait for the exams so that they can go to the next grade which is the 9th grade oeh how wonderful is that.

"Moe this year was so fast can't believe we are almost done with it we are only left with the exams it is in 2weeks we will pass it."

"It was fast in deed let us go and enjoy the holiday."

"Have you heard from the guy or is there no text at all Lashwentie?"

"Nothing at all did I give him the right number how could it be, I must have given him the wrong one. This can't be how can I talk to the love of my life."

"Mmmh here he comes perhaps he has a good explanation for that hush!!"

"Hey ladies I see you are well may I please have a word with Moesha?"

"Oeh oukei no problem I will wait for you," answered Lashwentie with a sad tone

"Oeh no don't wait for her we will take long don't worry."

Lashwentie quickly rushed home with sadness written all over her face. She began asking herself questions that she could not answer at all.

"Sorry Moesha for that but I really like you a lot and I wanted to telk you but I could not have the courage to do so. I asked for your friends number so that I can talk to you."

"No I don't like you at all sorry may I be excused now."

" If you could just tell me the reason I will leave you alone please, is it that your friend likes me and now you are scared to like me too?"

"Firstly my friend doesn't like you in that way and secondly I don't like you please leave me alone."

She stormed out in a hurry to tell her friend about this terrible news. Lashwentie must be grieving asking herself why would her talk to her privately or perhaps she thinks they are probably planning her a suprise wedding.

"Honey that guys is just boring, he is such a jerk I don't like him at all."

"What's the reason for that why what happened?"

"He confessed to me and said that I could not like him back because you like him."

"Oeh okay that is shocking I didn't expect that but anyways you can date him if you like him I will be fine."

"No I won't I never liked him."

The sun is out and the day has come for the exams it is the day everyone has been preparing for. The three birds are singing the songs of praise while rejoicing for Lashwentie because she is beautiful and has prepared so well for the exams. She walks with pride and joy and hopes to pass these exams, on herway to school she saw the headboy. She did not try to run away but instead she saluted him with happiness from her face. He was guilty and hesitated to wave back at her. After a minute she saw Moe and they entered the exam room.

Headmaster: "Students this day has come, I hope you have prepared yourselves well and that you will pass this. I hope to see you next year in the 9th grade no one shall fail as you were given enough time to prepare."

It has started and everyone started writing their souls out into the white paper hoping for good results, finally it is now all over. The sleepless nights and all the hardwork will be paid for at the end of this week when they receive their results. A guy passed by the exam room to the next door he looked so handsome with such beautiful brown eyes he was tall and very snow in complexion, he would look at Lashwentie and say nothing whenever he was with his friends when she passed by he would pause and stare at her. Song Yau a learner in Lashwentie's class noticed this boy behaviour when she was walking besides Lashwnetie and this guy starred at her and she immediately told Lashwentie about this, she noticed it as well but she circumvented this situation.

Week Later

The school is full with children waiting for their results and hoping that they have performed well enought to proceed to the next grade. Moesha and Lashwentie very excited that they did well apart from that guy who almost messed up their lives. Well my dear reader that is how it is to fancy a headboy when you are still in the 8th grade.

"We have made it we passed isn't that wonderful oeh wow I am really proud of you honey."

They walked back home with happiness on their faces, they are so excited. They stopped for a detourand bought ice cream. The day was so hot their skin were baked by the sun. The sweat fell from the skin it was terrible yet a wonderful day to them. People were sitting in couples some with their children celebrating the results of their children.

Now the holiday has begun buckle up the journey to happines has started. Pack all your clothes and go into the adventure where all of your desires will be fulfilled. Lashwentie is getting ready to departure to go to Seoul to her grandparents for the holiday, she looks so happy to go to her hometown a place filled with lovely people.

On her way to the airport she met Nash with a man and a woman besides him. He looked so happy but at ease to be held by this man. Lashwentie and her family came closer to the line to check in when she turned to look at this man surprisingly it was the headmaster of the school.

Lashwentie's thoughts....

"Wait how can it be that he is the farher of Nash I knew something was weird about this boy, can't wait to land and tell Moe about this oeh it's about to go down."