
To Deal with Devils


'Rough Welcoming'

"Religion isn't the cause of wars, it's the excuse…" - Jasper Fforde

[February 5th 1545 A.D. -05:35:06]

[Teyvat Mondstadt]

[Sgt Samuel 'Crusader' Templar]

[Left Hand Of God]

[In Action]


(Paimon 'Emergency Food') - "Aether you ok?! Paimon was certain you would be lunch for that dragon!"

(Aether 'Traveller') - "N-no, n-not really Paimon"

(Knight 'Outrider' Amber) - "Don't worry! I got you!"

This was happening as the blue haired figure appeared out of nowhere, like a ghost amongst the ashes, he welcomed himself into the conversation that took place between the group. How he had arrived, Samuel wasn't so sure but in any case this was a clear indication that this man… was dangerous.

The winds battled against the surfaces of the grounds around the walls of Mondstadt as the blue figure walked in a confident stride towards them. He was curious, of course but not of the two kids but of the supposed knight in front of him. The Crusaders eyes looming to him in cautiousness before Amber hurriedly ran up to him in panic.

(Knight 'Outrider' Amber) - "Kaeya! Thank the Anemo Archon Your here!"

[She replied in a hurried fashion as Samuel picked Aether up around the shoulders to assist him with the injury's sustained after such a dogfight. Amber quickly taking him as well as both]

(Knight 'Outrider' Amber) - "Look! We got to report back to Favonius Headquarters and-"

(???) - "Woah slow down Amber! You haven't even introduced these strangers."

[Samuel just glares at the young man for wasting valuable time for an injured man before he speaks to him via instructions.]

(Sgt Samuel 'Crusader' Templar) - "No time for introductions! The boy needs medical assistance now!

(Knight 'Outrider' Amber) - "We cannot gain access to our healer Barbara! she's too busy with those in the cathedral!"

(Sgt Samuel 'Crusader' Templar) - "Then lead us to the Favonius Headquarters now! Go!"

[The blue figure nods, slightly annoyed by the rude manner that had taken place but when you consider the fact they were in a mass scale situation he didn't have time to complain.]

Amber carry's Aether by the shoulder, the group quickly escorted themselves to the small like castle that was perched upon the third layer of Mondstadt. The flags waved violently, engraved with the insignia that Samuel assumed to be the logo of the Knights of Favonius. As they approached two of the guards that stood by the large spruce door approached them in a quick jog, both resembling faces of tiredness and cautiousness to the trio of travellers as one of them begins to talk directly to Amber as she quickly pushes one of them away.

(Knight of Favonius) - "Amber! Where were you! Grandmaster Jean needs to- Whoa!"

(Knight 'Outrider' Amber) - "Quickly! He needs medical attention now!"

(Knight of Favonius) - "R-right ma'am, just this way!"

They enter through the now open doors, the wind howled and moaned in the back as they finally entered shelter. The door itself closed behind them to reveal quite a luscious space inside, similar to a small mansion, the red velvet carpet was visibly quite fuzzy almost akin to the pelt of a bear. The checker floor glistened and gleamed with a slight hue from the chandler that dangled nice them. Paintings of battles and pottery that was filled to the brim with lush green was visible on and beside the wall, the brown spruce doors that was symmetrical on both sides with stairs towards that back that lead both ways that was situated at the middle.

However, this was no place to admire, quickly amber and the fellow knight rushed the injured Aether up the stairs, the poor boy was pale and visible signs of fractures and bruises were seen across his body. As both Paimon and Samuel tried to follow suite, the so called 'Captain' blocked Samuel's way with a hand in his chest.

(Cpt Kaeya '????' Alberich) - "Sorry old man, but Grandmaster Jean needs to speak with one of the three, you'll need to be escorted to her office."

[Samuel takes a glance at the man, his blue eye looking at him with conviction, he could only assume the eye layered beneath that eyepatch was looking at him the same.]

(Sgt Samuel 'Crusader' Templar) - *sigh* "Paimon, go with Amber to the infirmary so you can be by Aethers side."

(Paimon 'Emergency Food') - "Right but… what about you? P-Paimon understands that you need to talk to them, b-but-"

(Sgt Samuel 'Crusader' Templar) - "Don't worry about me kid just look after that boy, alright?"

(Paimon 'Emergency Food') - "Alright! Paimon shall! Amber- Hey! W-Wait for Paimon!"

[She quickly flew up the stairs to catch up with the injured Aether, Samuel gave a small sigh before turning to the man in question, his red eyes staring at the man before him as he spoke.]

(Sgt Samuel 'Crusader' Templar) - "Now then young man… go ahead, show me the way."



[February 5th 1545 A.D.]

[Teyvat Mondstadt]

[Acting Grandmaster Jean Gunnhilder]

[Knights of Favonius]

Two women were both talking in conversation with each other, a friendly chat so to say even with the serious context but into it. Both suited in more proper and higher class clothing, One symbolic of a witch with the colour scheme being purple of all colours and another that was fair and free in consideration for movement almost similar to a scout or a noblewomen attire. One suit situated with more green and piercing eyes aligned to more of a researcher or an observer and another with more blue, more serious eyes with blonde luscious hair that was wrapped into a ponytail behind her back.

The room was medium sized, quite comfortable for nobility standards and quite spacious towards the front of the desk that faced the door, its back turned against the large window that portrayed the harsh weather that battered against the glassy exterior. The large array of books that were messily placed along the shelf's of the three large bookshelf's that were positioned on an elevated floor that was adjacent to the other elevated floor, this time situated with a table and several chairs along with miscellaneous antiques that were scattered erratically. The pops of greenery brought a nice vibrant touch that complemented the warm light that shone above them from the golden chandelier.

The blonde women sat herself upon her desk chair, angled to meet the eyes of the supposed witch as they both conversed into a serious topic of conversation. The expression of the blonde women more stressed and anxiety induced then the more calmful manner of the purple witch.

(???) - "Jean, what's the hurry? I thought we agreed to meet them here."

(Jean '????' Gunnhilder) - "There have been sightings of Stormterror outside the city and the chaos that had consumed Mondstadt into a flurry of disarray. Once we meet, we must..."

(???) - "Relax. I'll lend a hand when the time comes."

(Jean '????' Gunnhilder) - "But Lisa I know your our Librarian and all! But we have to-!"

[A sudden knock interrupted the conversation that was partaking between the two lady's, Jean calls out for the person to come in as the Kaeya enters the room with a message as he adjusts himself by laying his back towards the wall as he speaks in a callous nature.]

(Cpt Kaeya '????' Alberich) - "Acting Grandmaster Jean, I've brought one of the three travellers here for questioning."

(Jean 'Acting Grandmaster' Gunnhilder) - *Ahem* "What about the other two Kaeya? I did ask for all of them."

(Cpt Kaeya '????' Alberich) - "Unfortunately one of the three is injured, the one who fought Stormterror is currently in our infirmary whilst the other is accompanying them, the third one is available to talk."

[The two grimace at the thought of an innocent life potentially being lost due to the state of weakness the Knights of Favonius are currently at this moment. This however gave way to another needed question that had to be answered, according to Lisa.]

(Librarian Lisa Minci) - "Who is the other traveller anyway? Sure there were three but from what is said on the papers here this traveller didn't really do much from what the reports say…" 

(Cpt Kaeya '????' Alberich) - "Actually, he assisted him with some form of advanced weaponry, some long musket with a telescope device on top that was able to shoot from quite a far distance against the dragon. To be honest, he is possibly more advanced than those Fatui…"

(Librarian Lisa Minci) - "Or he is a part of the Fatui organisation, possibly the organisation itself has advanced more in terms of technology..."

A sudden tension loomed over the heads of the three, the potential threat of one of the strangers having ties with the Fatui was almost starting to seep into the minds of the two women. Thankfully Kaeya quickly relived any form of evidence of Samuel being a part of such a cruel organisation with some words of his own.

(Cpt Kaeya '????' Alberich) - "Hold on now! I didn't see any insignia related to the Fatui, only some sort of cross symbol in his armour."

(Librarian Lisa Minci) - "So he's wearing armour… so a knight in shining armour then? But from where?"

(Cpt Kaeya '????' Alberich) - "Beats me ma'am, all I know is that he's waiting outside right now."

(Jean 'Acting Grandmaster' Gunnhilder) - "I see, very well bring him in then! We will decide and judge him here."

Kaeya obliged with a small nod of his head directed to the Acting Grandmaster before he slipped away through the crack of the door. Leaving the two figures to ponder in their own thoughts.

(Librarian Lisa Minci) - "Wonder who the shiny hunk of a man is? He's Surely getting me quite… excited~."

(Jean 'Acting Grandmaster' Gunnhilder) - "Lisa… please shut up."

[Tired of the antics the Librarian was pulling Jean put the palm of her hand into her face, pinching the bridge of her nose into the table as a sign of annoyance. Lisa only pouted at her superior for the gesture before both were again interrupted by Kaeya, one of the unknown travellers were coming.]

(Cpt Kaeya '????' Alberich) - "He's coming in ma'am now. Just to warn you, he is quite a…'intimidating' fellow."

(Jean 'Acting Grandmaster' Gunnhilder) - "Thank you for the warning, just send him in."

As soon as that was said, some small chat was heard behind the door, a gruff and more rougher voice was muffled behind the more relaxed and charming footsteps could be heard coming from beyond the door that separated the stranger to them, Jean gulped slowly at the fact of such a huge man that was to come. Of course the two were excited to meet one of the supposed hero's in saving Mondstadt for the time being, Lisa devilishly licked her lips at the thoughts of what a hunky and chewable body a man was to come through those doors.

The least they expected was a metal giant that only stared daggers towards them, the red dots that stared immensely at them as he looming man entered.


'Deals and Promises'

[February 5th 1545 A.D. -05:55:17]

[Teyvat Mondstadt]

[Sgt Samuel 'Crusader' Templar]

[Left Hand Of God]

[In Action]

Samuel entered the office and was greeted by two younger adult women who stared uncomfortably to him, of course he understood by now of the size of such a behemoth he was considered to be but the blonde one that sat behind her desk quickly diffused the sudden unease.

He needed to continue with the mission and possibly somehow 'disturb' the timeline of this world, not like he knew how as he wasn't even given any objectives and such even from Azrael. But all he had was a gut feeling, he needed to interrogate the supposed leader of these knights, he needed a large amount of information not only of the countries themselves but of the historical context of Teyvat itself. With this, he could gain a more better and more broader understanding with the mechanics and laws that are made for their respected countries.

(Jean 'Acting Grandmaster' Gunnhilder) - "W-welcome fellow wind born traveller, I am Acting Grandmaster Jean. And next to me is our Librarian, Lisa."

[Lisa quickly composed herself and returned to her usual demeanour. However, she was more cautious and more wary in her way of speech that was directed to the Crusader who cringed slightly at her... explicit speech.]

(Librarian Lisa Minci) - "Hello cutie~ pleasure to meet such a… thick boy~"

[His reaction was more of a grimaced cringe that was evident with his two red dot-like eyes but hey, he won't judge.]

(Jean 'Acting Grandmaster' Gunnhilder) - "And behind you our Cavalry Captain, Kaeya."

[A small smile is seen from the captain as he approaches the Knight from behind, Samuel turning to face the captain with a unreadable expression.]

(Cpt Kaeya 'Calvary' Alberich) - "We haven't gotten quite acquainted yet even though we meet earlier on…in a more perilous state."

[His smile only widens slightly as he uses his right gloved hand to from a handshake to the Crusader, who in turn accepted it after a brief moment of staring.]

"The names Kaeya, and yours?"

[Samuel clasped the hand of the captain as a introduction between both men, the grasp weirdly felt cold to the touch, almost freezing in a way. But when he saw his cryo vision it made sense on why.]

(Sgt Samuel 'Crusader' Templar) - "Crusader, just Crusader for now."

(Cpt Kaeya 'Calvary' Alberich) - "I see… quite a, 'special' name."

[He only grunted at the attempt of friendliness, replying after turning his head towards the Acting Grandmaster for questions and possibly, a deal.]

(Sgt Samuel 'Crusader' Templar) - "Hm, don't count on it, anyway I some questions that I want answers to and I believe that you'll be the one providing said answers, no?"

[Jean suddenly perked up to the crusader as she gladfully confirmed his question.]

(Jean 'Acting Grandmaster' Gunnhilder) - "Of course! What questions do you want answers for traveller?"

[He gave a small cough before quickly grabbing a chair beside table and moving it towards the middle of the room, sitting in a more hunched over position, the Acting Grandmaster faced towards him along with the other two participants to the conversation as he talked.]

(Sgt Samuel 'Crusader' Templar) - "I have noticed due to your weakened state that… their are no horses to potentially gather reinforcements or any form of transport for evacuations and such. Not to mention that it also seems that your current Grandmaster is, gone somewhere. That leading to my first question, why are you named the 'Acting Grandmaster' and not the 'Grandmaster'."

[Jean quickly explained in a clear voice with a surprising professional attitude, especially compared to how she was a couple minutes ago…]

(Jean 'Acting Grandmaster' Gunnhilder) - "Well dear knight, our previous or our still current Grandmaster, named Varka, has gone on an expedition along with eighty percent of the forces of the Knights. That along with all of our Calvary leaving me as the Acting Grandmaster our Calvary Captain, Kaeya without horses."

[Seemingly satisfied with the answer, Samuel relaxed himself a bit with his back more inline with the chair, he pondered on what he should say next, the heavy rain pattering against the windows as he adjusted himself forward to speak once again.]

"(Sgt Samuel 'Crusader' Templar) - Second question, what is the purpose of this meeting, to call not only me but to try and contact Aether and Paimon is one way to show that your somewhat 'interested' in us, correct?"

(Jean 'Acting Grandmaster' Gunnhilder) - "Well we want to make a deal of some sort with you and the traveller. Not like we all have a choice here especially with the power both you and the boy present."

[Samuel's eyes squint at that sentence, what did they mean by choice… he didn't like that, not a single bit. He quickly positioned himself in a more dominant and more powerful posture as he only stares the Grandmaster down with a glint of a glare to the women. His red dot-like eyes glowed a hue of bright red as he spoke slowly yet in a more bellowing and rising concern.]

(Sgt Samuel 'Crusader' Templar) - "Elaborate…now."

[The tension suddenly rose, hovering above their heads as the room got cold, Kaeya's expression from a more relaxed demeanour turned quickly into to more of a defensive and protective position as he held the hilt of his sword. Lisa's fingers snapped and crackled with electro as her eyes shortened to more of a wrinkled stare.]

(Jean 'Acting Grandmaster' Gunnhilder) - "W-Well first of all we require the assistance of the boy, o-of course you can help and that would be appreciated of course but mainly…"

[She gave a chesty cough before continuing with what she had to say to the Crusader, her resolve undeterred… slightly.]

(Jean 'Acting Grandmaster' Gunnhilder) - "We just need the traveller and the little girl to help us, of course we can appreciate the extra help young man, however…"

[The Crusader put a hand up to her, signalling for her to stop speaking as he questioned Jean on her assessment on him]

(Sgt Samuel 'Crusader' Templar) - "Are you?…Classifying me as, expendable?"

[Lisa quickly spoke in turn for her Grandmaster, a smooth slickly yet seductive voice is portrayed from the lips of Lisa as she attempts to soothe the arguments.]

(Librarian Lisa Minci) - "Of course not cutie~ We only are just saying that as we are only worried for you, especially for such a young man~"

[The Crusader turns to her, not impressed or amused by the attempt of seduction and cat-calling that was made, he questioned himself if this was the state of the Knights of Favonius to allow a sexually confused slut into the fray. How very unfortunate, not like he gave a shit to her anyway.]

(Sgt Samuel 'Crusader' Templar) - "Ma'am I am 45 I am not what you call, a 'young man' in every sense of the word."

[Lisa, who is slightly visibly embarrassed through her wide eyes awkwardly shuffled at that bombshell of a realisation before quickly coughing as if not to draw anymore attention.]

(Sgt Samuel 'Crusader' Templar) - "Now… with the next question, why the boy?"

[The Calvary Captain then spoke in turn of Lisa, a more fluent and more smug tone of voice emmiting from him]

(Cpt Kaeya 'Calvary' Alberich) - "From what I have seen he is able to handle himself in a fight, especially with the finesse he had when up against the dragon."

[he paused for a bit before smirking in a more humorous way as he spoke condescending manner]

"Of course, a foolish and stupid idea to attack the dragon-"

[Samuel quickly rebutted at the insulting demeanour that the captain was implying towards Aether with a simple explanation of his own. His perspective you could say but the Crusader wasn't having any form of insult to be thrown at the boy.]

(Sgt Samuel 'Crusader' Templar) - "He was forcibly lifted into the air by the dragon, and his so called 'finesse' was only instinctual survival which caused severe damage to his body and legs."

(Cpt Kaeya 'Calvary' Alberich) - "However, he is still of importance, the potential that he has is astronomical to even compare."

(Sgt Samuel 'Crusader' Templar) - "What makes you so sure Hm? The exploitation of someone powerful to only throw them into the dirt as soon as they falter?"

[The three flinch at those words slightly, Samuel was persistent and good at pulling the strings of each of the three. Both of the two women's expressions stagger as Jean stutters a quick retortion back, a smooth save for the conversation.]

(Jean 'Acting Grandmaster' Gunnhilder) - "N-No of course not, we are just surprised power that boy presents. I'm sure we can come to some agreement for this de-"

(Sgt Samuel 'Crusader' Templar) - "Stop."

The power behind that one singular word was evidently strong and loud. Samuel wasn't thing to accept any of this futile rebuttals between the lives of one to many, this was only a signature of cowardice and futility that was being presented to him here. Almost reminiscing on the desertion of some of the cowardly traitorous men he knew during the days of old warfare and cold rusted iron.

And yet these men and women were hiding behind the comfortability of papers and reports, drowning themselves out of touch from the struggles of man and the deaths of many a soldier of arms. He hated it… no. He fucking despised it.

The sacrifices many made to help build the foundations of a better future and one of right and wrong… 141… hell. He was starting to miss the old nostalgic days with them all be it quite PTSD inducing it was almost like a second family to him,

A Brotherhood…

And like hell he was going to lose more lives from the orders of higher status. He gripped his fist tightly for a while before relaxing the tension between the fingers and speaking outward to the Grandmaster who only smiled at him.

(Sgt Samuel 'Crusader' Templar) - "I will assist in this 'deal' you have, if it means the safety of this city and to two kids here…"

(Jean 'Acting Grandmaster' Gunnhilder) - "That's good to hear-"

(Sgt Samuel 'Crusader' Templar) - "But you will leave those kids alone, I shall go by myself to assist, they… they shall not..."

[A stunned silence filled the room, their mouths opened unconsciously agape of what had umuffled through the helm.]

(Jean/Kaeya/Lisa)- "W-WHAT?!"


All three stood agape of the words that were uttered from the mouth of the knight, they were baffled at the outrageous decision that was made by him, Jean slammed the palms of her hands into the desk, a fountain of papers and pens scattering across the ground as she desperately retorted for other ways. The two others only watched on with uncertainty at the situation unfolding now.

The two argued, one side on fantasy and noble heroics and one of the reality's and morality.

(Jean 'Acting Grandmaster' Gunnhilder) - "B-But the kid has the elemental power to fight one to one against the dragon?! Surely he'll accept this! It will be way to dangerous for you!"

(Sgt Samuel 'Crusader' Templar) - "He has no proper experience in swordsmanship and he just got his elemental power today! Not to mention he was just tossed up there and suddenly he was able to shoot balls of wind at a fucking dragon!"

(Librarian Lisa Minci) - "Yet the boy was able to go against it, his elemental power is possibly more powerful then any vision wielder not only in Mondstadt but across Teyvat."

(Sgt Samuel 'Crusader' Templar) - "He's just trying to find his sister from what he told me! Not become some nations weapon!"

(Jean 'Acting Grandmaster' Gunnhilder) - "He's an invaluable resource that can help this city and it's predicament! Youth doesn't matter if they lives of the innocent are at stake!"

(Sgt Samuel 'Crusader' Templar) - "Don't try to make him into some kind of object for you to use! He isn't your pawn on a chess board!"

(Cpt Kaeya 'Calvary' Alberich) - "Then what is he? From what we are seeing he's able to do miraculous thing not only for Mondstadt but for the entirety of Teyvat with the power he possesses!"

In a fit of rage and anger Samuel stood from the chair in the middle and stormed to the Captain, slamming his fists into the table near him as he leaned closer to Kaeya, a deafening shout echoed loudly from the room he was currently placed in. For them to think in such an irrational and such a pragmatic attitude to even consider endangering children was to far.

To fucking far.


A wave of fearful silence washed over the room as Samuel bellowed out a blow of rage at such desperate and foolish words that were being uttered to him. For them to even bother to negotiate for such things revealed an unbridled rage he had not felt in a while. Even when he was telling of this kids it was only for protecting them, this was no different.

His eyes priced through the three who only stood their agape with shock and fear. Kaeya gripping his sword instinctually his eyes more sharp yet more visibly dripping in a cold sweat that crystallised into ice that slid off the dark skin and that melted into the floor boards. Lisa holding some griamore that sparked violently with electro with a bead of sweat dripping down the goose bumped skin as he could audibly hear her heavy breathing, erratic and slow at the sudden outburst from the knight. And finally Jean just sat their. Unmoving.

She was petrified, her fingers now bone white as she tightly grasped the desk only staring towards the hooded helm that glared a menacing aura of fright that instinctually swallowed her saliva in fear.

They stood there for a while, unmoving as the Crusader was only left with his thoughts and thoughts alone…

He gave a deep sigh before putting a hand up to show no harm was to come… well not yet, if they choose correctly.

(Sgt Samuel 'Crusader' Templar) - *sigh* "So… I am, willing, to proposing a potential deal that could benefit all of us."

(Jean 'Acting Grandmaster' Gunnhilder) - "R-right then, p-please enlighten us."

[He quickly grabbed the chair behind him and positioned it more closer to Jeans desk as he sat down in front of her, hands clasped as if he were to say something more… beneficial.]

(Sgt Samuel 'Crusader' Templar) - "Good, now for the first part of the deal is pretty obvious."

[He leaned forward to Jean]

(Sgt Samuel 'Crusader' Templar) - "You will not use or attempt to control the boy or the girl either, however this shall be only temporary until he is properly trained. And what I mean by that is…"

[The three waited in anticipation on what he had to say.]

(Sgt Samuel 'Crusader' Templar) - "For him to partake in the Knights of Favonius training regime, is that good in your part?"

(Jean 'Acting Grandmaster' Gunnhilder) - "I believe it shall be done, Captain Kaeya shall train the boy with the tutelage, that some of the basic and more experience knights face."

(Sgt Samuel 'Crusader' Templar) - "Then that leads me to the second part of the deal, compensation and householding. At this current moment we are low in funds and of this so called currency called 'mora'. This and also the fact that we do not have a place to stay…"

(Librarian Lisa Minci) - "Do not worry, we shall give what you need…"

[he only nods to her m, accepting the answer she gave]

(Sgt Samuel 'Crusader' Templar) - "Good, with that being said I shall be your personal 'Errand Boy' for the time being and deal with your…problems."

[Samuel gave a look of questioning to Jean, asking for confirmation from her]

"Is that, suitable for you, ma'am?"

[she paused for a while, taking all the information in before uttering some words to him]

(Jean 'Acting Grandmaster' Gunnhilder) - "Very well, we shall accept your terms of the deal. Kaeya, please escort him out to the infirmary, me and Lisa shall discuss the plan of attack."

[Samuels eyes darken as he spoke in a more violent manner]

(Sgt Samuel 'Crusader' Templar) - "But, IF you harm the boy or even touch him in a way that the damage caused is severe, I swear I will -!"

[Jean only responds by easing a hand towards him as a signal of understanding, especially with the visible gulp that was seen from her]

(Jean 'Acting Grandmaster' Gunnhilder) - "Don't worry, we won't hurt the boy and the floating girl, nor require their assistance against the threat."

[with a satisfied grunt, he only had this to say.]

(Sgt Samuel 'Crusader' Templar) - "Then with that being said. Pleasure doing business to you… Jean."

[Kaeya opened the door as Samuel got up from his chair, he turned around, not even placing the chair back as he walked towards the exit. He leaves following suite was Kaeya who ultimately closed the door behind them, leaving the two in a more disturbed silence of what had transpired.]

(Librarian Lisa Minci) - "W-well that went very… sideways, wasn't it Jean?"

(Jean 'Acting Grandmaster' Gunnhilder) - *sigh* "It sure was…"

[She sighs deeply as she got up from her seat and positioned herself facing out the window, her hands behind her back as she stared outwards to the weather that hailed and blowed aggressively.]

(Librarian Lisa Minci) - "B-But real quick Jean! Are you certain about this? I trust you about this…but are we sure that this man can and will indeed help"

[A nervous Lisa said, only to see a more serious and more sour Jean to look back at the librarian.]

(Jean 'Acting Grandmaster' Gunnhilder) - "Not like we have much of a choice Lisa, the fate of the people of Mondstadt and this city is at the brink of destruction."

[She paused before continuing as she quickly looked out the window again and muttered a sort of prayer to herself before finally speaking, not even looking at Lisa once.]

(Jean 'Acting Grandmaster' Gunnhilder) - "We can only pray to Barbatos for we must lay our trust in this traveller..."





After the quite eventful moment their it was agreed, with further discussion to find and eliminate three temples that act as the source of the catastrophic weather that was happening.

However, this wasn't the thing that stuck in Samuel's mind as he went left from the office and up the stairs with Kaeya.

He had to check in with the boy… if he was ok…



Aether slowly awoke from the pained slumber that had took over him, only to discover he was laid in a white bed that followed along the colloms of many of said beds. The room was coloured a creamy-white colour that showed evidence of being painted over the red brick walls, it was a moderately sized room that was cosy yet more…medical… wait.

He slowly looked under the sheets to see several bandages and ointments that had been applied quite professionally into him, the pain was evidently less visible physically and he was able to freely move his arms and legs around with little to no resistance.

-/What the hell happened to me?/-

[The thought rang through his mind as he gave another look around his surroundings.]

He did notice however a whiteish pinkish lump that was seen on top of the blanket, the object resting on his stomach snored loudly as Aether perked his head over to see the floating mascot sleeping sound asleep. But in further inspection it was visible to see the dried tear marks that had flowed down her face…

Aether gave a sigh as she stroked Paimon's head to soothe her, unbeknownst to him he only succeeded in awakening the glutton as she slowly floated up whilst rubbing her eyes through the loud yawn.

She turned to face him, her eyes quickly widening with her face plastered with shock, the little bulbs of teardrops threaten to fall down her cheeks.

(Paimon 'Emergency Food') - "WAHH! AEEETHERRR!!!!"

She cried out his name as she dashed into his chest with a tight hug, a fountain of tears pouring down leaving only Aether to smile and hug her tightly whilst maintaining comfort to the little pixie. She babbled on and on each gaining a sob within each coherent sentence made as she attempted to calm down, Aether realised in this day alone.

Truly, he wasn't alone…



[February 5th 1545 A.D. -06:18:39]

[Teyvat Mondstadt]

[Sgt Samuel 'Crusader' Templar]

[Left Hand Of God]

[In Action]

The Crusader sat upon a chair next to the now healing Aether and the hungry Paimon as they slowly munched away on a ham sandwich given by one of the maids around the Favonius Headquarters. The kid sat upright upon his medical bed, a wet towel by the coffee table and a jug of of water followed by a glass was placed there besides the munching fairy. Samuel was grateful for his recovery but was still sceptical of his condition due to the multitude of bandages wrapped all over the poor boy.

(Sgt Samuel 'Crusader' Templar) - "You sure your ok boy? The wounds you sustained were, brutal at best."

[Aether slightly chuckled as he waved his hand around]

(Aether 'Traveller') - "Y-yeah I'll be fin- OW!"

[He tightly clasps the right hand side of his rib cage with visible pain dominating of him, The Crusader only looked on displeasure at the boy]

(Sgt Samuel 'Crusader' Templar) - "What did I say?"

[He sighed unhappily, pulling out his backpack as he quickly rummaged through and pulling out some medical tablets.]

(Aether 'Traveller') - "Um… what are those… pills?"

(Sgt Samuel 'Crusader' Templar) - "Paracetamol, will help numb the pain for a bit…"

(Sgt Samuel 'Crusader' Templar) - "Take it once per day with water, alright?"

[Aether looked at the pills, taking it slowly from the hands of Samuel he quickly pops one out and with a glass of water, drinks it whilst putting said tablet into his mouth before swallowing.]

(Paimon 'Emergency Food') - "Well at least Paimon is happy that Aethers alive!"

[The Crusader nodded his head in agreement, however he had other things to say]

(Sgt Samuel 'Crusader' Templar) - "Yeah well, I… got something to say to you kid."

[Aether and Paimon looked at Samuel in an confused expression as he spoke calmly and slowly]

(Sgt Samuel 'Crusader' Templar) - "Firstly, I got you into some tutelage for swordsmanship from Captain Kaeya, so you 'officially' apart of the knights in a way."

(Aether 'Traveller') - "And? What's the other?"

[The traveller questioned, and Samuel answered]

(Sgt Samuel 'Crusader' Templar) - "Well… they tried to enlist you to kill the dragon, of course I said no and an arguement ensued, resulting in me creating a… better deal then previously before."

(Aether 'Traveller') - "So… what is it?"

[Paimon swoops into the conversation, eager to know as well]

(Paimon 'Emergancy Food') - "Yeah! Paimon needs to know!"

[Samuel quickly borrowed the glass cup by Aether and drank it the water in small sips before the liquid got half way. He stopped drinking and placed the glass back before continuing, the reaction from Aether after can only be described as a wisp of anger]

(Sgt Samuel 'Crusader' Templar) - "We'll be compensated with some mora and a place to stay, but we have to help solve their… problems until we are 'able' to kill said dragon."

(Aether 'Traveller') - "What?! But what about my sister?! You said we will be looking for her?!

[He exclaimed with an angery and frustrated tone, the frustration of bargaining between the livelihood of others was something he disliked heavily.]

(Sgt Samuel 'Crusader' Templar) - "I did not have a choice neither did you, they have us in a bind. Especially since we are also being observed by most of the knights here 24/7."

(Paimon 'Emergancy Food') - "Then what do Aether and Paimon do?! Paimon dosent want to work for those guys!"

(Sgt Samuel 'Crusader' Templar) - Like I said we don't have a choice, well for now…


[The group turn to see Amber, who had just arrive back after doing a quick errand, gives a look of relieve as she shouts]

(Knight 'Outrider' Amber) - "Aether! Your alright!"

[She jogged hurriedly to him as she runs by his side and places a hand on Aether chest, her body language and expression betraying a singe of grief]

(Knight 'Outrider' Amber) - "Thank Barbatos your ok! I was really worried for you… I thought you'd…"

[small tears threaten to fall as Aether only looked to her in pity for her reaction, a small tinge of guilt for worrying such a lass]

(Aether 'Traveller') - "Amber…"

(Knight 'Outrider' Amber) - "Anyway… I heard that your going to be staying here from what Grnadmaster Jean said right?"

[Amber quickly attempted to lighten the mood, which of course succeeded by gaining a joke like reply from Aether]

(Aether 'Traveller') - Yeah… you could say that, hehe."

[Amber smiled happily, fully satisfied, as she approached next to Aether beside Paimon towards the opposite side of the bed]

(Knight 'Outrider' Amber) - "That's good to hear! Also before I forget you mister!"

[she turned around to face Samuel with an frustrated expression now portrayed on her face, Samuel could swear he could see steam emit from the massive forehead she had.]

"Why didn't you say that you could speak the first time Mr Crusader! I thought Aether said you were mute before we went to that Hilichrul campsite!"

(Sgt Samuel 'Crusader' Templar) - "I lied."

[As Samuel admitted, surprisingly, Amber attempted to speak in retaliation but had nothing to say, the only thing that had escaped her lips was a brief sigh]

(Knight 'Outrider' Amber) - I-… *sigh* right ok, not like I'm holding a grudge or anything for something so minor.

(Sgt Samuel 'Crusader' Templar) - "you'll be fine."

(Knight 'Outrider' Amber) - "Hey!"

[She pouted at the man before Paimon went to her for a short conversation, whislt this happened, Samuel stood up from the chair and grabbed his bag with him as he turned around to leave, walking towards the door to excuse himself out.]

(Sgt Samuel 'Crusader' Templar) - "Anyway, you should rest. I shall be doing their errands for a bit, ok boy?"

[displeased yet understanding he begrudgingly nods, just before Samuel turns to leave Aether tells thin this]

(Aether 'Traveller') - Y-Yeah, alright… but this conversation is far from finished.

[The Crusader only turned to him slightly as he nodded in agreement, only saying two words before he left.]

"I know."


Opertation: "Righteous Resolve"

[Februrary 5th 1545 A.D. -06:30:23]

[Teyvat Mondstadt]

[Sgt 'Crusader' Templar]

[Left Hand Of God]

[In Action]



How did you like it?

If you did! Give a review or a comment on what should happen and what I could do with plot of the story moving forward!

And if so, Hope you Enjoyed!

-CJ Artil

Another one down!

Siushshsjscreators' thoughts
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