
The Fight in Pink Lingerie

Olivia was too shocked to move from her place. This was the man that forged her image. This man made Romano cheat on her.

A small voice located near her medulla oblongata, her subconscious reminded her, "Cheating is done on one's free will."

Obliviously it was Romano's fault too, he cheated on her, but the man in front of her was a catalyst in the speeding process.

"Olivia..." the man interrupted her thoughts.

"You!" she said in an accusatory tone.

"Were you expecting someone else?"


"Oh here I thought this beautiful lingerie was for me.." he pushed her and got inside her home, facing the window in opposite direction.

"You...!!" Olivia kicked him hard on his shin, and he fell on the couch, holding his privates.

"Jesus Christ!"

"Yeah Christano, Jesus Christ!"

"That was very uncalled Olivia darling!"

"You dare call me that!" she grabbed the nearest thing to her, bottle and threw it towards him.

"Ouucchhh! "

Suddenly two bodyguards came in and held Olivia's hands.

"Tell your silly bodyguards to take their hand away from me or else the consequences will be worse!"

"Don't hit me then, besides you can't beat my men. They are stronger than you, ofcourse" he said with a smirk. He was enjoying her heated look, flushed cheeks and anger.

"Hope they remain conscious enough to save you from me." and with that, she twisted their arms and made a summer salt move. The bodyguards were in awe, gaping at the pink beauty in front of them. Taking advantage of this, she quickly charged over one bodyguard and twisted his hands, and then poked his eye with her index finger. He screamed in agony and fell to the floor.

Hearing his scream, the second bodyguard grabbed her tightly from behind. Being unable to move, she kicked his foot, and fell on her back, taking him along.. The bodyguard hit his head against the wooden table and became unconscious.

She flexed her arms a bit, and then turned towards Christano. His face was something to see, Olivia grinned at his expression. Utter disbelief, shock, mouth hanging open, sweat forming on his forehand.

He gulped nervously.

"I'm too shocked to say anything...." he finally said in awe.

"I can actually shock you...."

"I should not underestimate you! You have become a strong girl... a very strong girl.."

"Don't underestimate me. And I'm a woman, girls are those who you fuck around with." she said with narrowed eyes.

"Yes. Woman! " he said in a flabbergasted tone.

"Also I mean it when I said I can shock you with 500 volts or maybe 1000 for you.., if you don't speak .." she said in a low dangerous tone.

Slowly Christano stood up from his place. Olivia was casually leaning against the table, with her arms crossed over her chest, pushing her chest outward.

Seduction is the best weapon against men.

Christano licked his tongue. "You have definitely grown out into a very beautiful woman. Romano is a bastard, to loose you."

And just when he said that, Olivia's face turned emotion less...


Olivia getting ready for graduation. Just then the door bell rang. She hurried down, Romano had come early..

She opened the door and met with angry Romano. He was gritting his teeth, his fists were clenched tightly.

Before she could say anything, Romano showed her kissing pictures. She could not believe those pictures, also she never wore an offshoulder top. That picture was definitely edited.

But Romano soon, showed her the next video. The video were he had sex with Sandra.

Suddenly her breathing stopped, she looked at Romano with utter disbelief. She knew Romano was bad with his anger. But this was totally low and unexpected.

The moans, she heard ... The way he called Sandra's name.

He didn't stop even after the video. He called her, "You bitch. You cheated on me! You are such a gold digger, I should have believed Sandra. I wasted my time over you. I can't believe myself, I got a whore as a girlfriend. I'm so done over you trash!" he hissed and left her.

That day everything was ruined. Olivia, Susan, Samantha and Crystal didn't attend the graduation.

Even after Graduation, Susan and Crystal's life was made more miserable.


"Well that man never had a chance." she replied with a straight face.

"Look Olivia about that..." he sluttered.

"Please speak the truth. We will live in peace."

"Olivia, I'm truly sorry for what had happened. Please believe me I never forged the image. It was not me, it was Sandra who did that. I wasn't even aware of what happened between you and Romano, until he beat me to plump."

"Sandra..." she said in a low voice...

On the other side, Rain screamed, "That bitch"

"Not just you, she even teamed up Victoria -Watson's childhood friend, to get Crystal out of the picture."

"I thought she hated me the most, why Crystal?"

"She hates your gang. And she knows how much you all care for each other. If one of your member is hurt, you all will be more hurt, she knows that..."

"What else do you know Christano?" she said softly.

"Well, Sandra also made one of her minion sleep with Deandre. She purposely made sure Susan would see that..."

"WHAT???" she yelled on her lungs, all energy left her body.

Similarly on the other end, Rain screamed, "Holy fuck!"

"Susie.... Noo...." tears swelled up in her eyes.

Christano was just stunned. He hadn't expected her to cry for that.....

"Olivia, umm... "

"What else do you know?" her voice thick with emotion.

"Well, Lucas fiancee.... she spiked his drink to sleep with her. This was also Sandra's plotting.."

"That bitch" Olivia screamed loudly, trashing the nearest pot in the wall.

"I will fuckingly kill her!!" she vowed loudly.

"Calm down, Olivia. You are just angry... "

"No you don't know! Susie... " more sobs whacked her body.

"Susan? what happened to her?" Christano asked slowly...

She just shook her head. On the other end, Rain told her, "Tell him, the truth...."

"Susan never came back!!" Olivia said crying.


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